







汉语拼音:pò què






  1. 击退。

    《新唐书·罗艺传》:“ 艺 捍寇,数破却之,勇常冠军,为诸将忌畏。”




  1. 眼看就要破纪录却功亏一篑,她只能失望地离开。

    She went away disappointed after getting tantalisingly close to breaking the record.

  2. 车夫单衣已破,他却汗珠儿颗颗往下堕。

    The puller of clothing is tattered, yet beads of sweat fall from him.

  3. 假的东西只是七彩的泡影,光艳而又美丽,却一触即破。

    Leave only colorful thing goes up in smoke, Guangyan beautiful, but broken touch.

  4. 为什么我的网总是会破, 而你的却没事呢

    Why my net always can be defeated, and your don't have a thing however

  5. 他的谎言被我揭破了,但他却一点也不羞愧。

    I exposed his lies, but he seemed not be ashamed at all.

  6. 他的谎言被我揭破了,但他却一点也不羞愧。

    I exposed his lies, but he seemed not be ashamed at all.

  7. 我去滑雪却重重地摔破了后脑勺。去医院看我是否有脑震荡

    Went snowboarding and fell hard on the back of my head. Going to the hospital to see if I have a concussion.

  8. 有一天她得羊水破了, 不过幼犬却迟迟生不出来。

    Then one day her amniotic fluid broke but her puppies refused to come out and she was not moving or breathing very well.

  9. 有一天她的羊水破了,不过幼犬却迟迟生不出来。

    Then one day her amniotic fluid broke but her puppies refused to come out and she was not moving or breathing very well.

  10. 你要知道每个刺青背后的故事,却又不能说破它。

    You should understand every story behind the tattoo, but never present it.

  11. 我能听会说,却只能骑一辆破自行车

    I can hear and see perfect all I got is an old bike.

  12. 破酒瓶在地板上,瓶盖却在桌上。

    There was a broken soldier on the floor, and a cap on the table.

  13. 他却破口骂起医生来,声音很轻,但却很当真。

    He broke in cursing the doctor, in a feeble voice, but heartily.

  14. 但是他却破口骂起医生来,气若游丝,却很动火。

    but he broke in cursing the doctor, in a feeble voice, but heartily.

  15. 尔弗雷德。诺贝尔父破, 但尔弗雷德却万富翁。

    Nobel's father had gone under, he became a millionaire.

  16. 他戳破泡泡,迅速的坠落,却轻轻缓缓的落在白云上。

    He poked a hole in the bubble, falling quickly onto the clouds.

  17. 一句伤害人的话, 能将人心刺破, 一句智慧良言, 却能唤醒人心。

    A slur thrusts into peoples heart, while wise words can awaken people.

  18. 因为当他们破了, 是不会发出任何声响的, 但却异常的痛苦。

    Because when they break, it does not make any sound but pains a lot.

  19. 最终蝴蝶破茧而出, 它拍动着翅膀但是却总是不能飞起来。

    The butterfly was freed, emerged from the cocoon, and fluttered about but could not fly.

  20. 辛巴以富商的身份到傅家保护董永,却被公主和小七识破。

    He sends Xinba to Fu Residence to protect Dong Yong secretly.

  21. 他不用手纸,却要一壶水和一块破布。

    No, he calls for a pitcher of water and a rag.

  22. 他病的那么严重,他却只想只他那点破钱

    He's really sick, and all he cares about is his stupid money.

  23. 然而, 拿破仑却在1805年打败了俄罗斯和奥地利。

    However, Napoleon went on to defeat Russia and Austria in 1805.

  24. 然而首先破门的却是弱势下的西班牙人。

    However, it is the first to break the Spaniard vulnerable.

  25. 我捡起那本旧书,但书却在我手中破散了。

    I picked up the old book and it just came apart in my hands.

  26. 虽然这家餐馆看起来破破烂烂的, 但是食物却很棒。

    This restaurant looks like a dive but it has great food.

  27. 来年又来年。却未曾等到一个破啼的夏至。终年不至的夏至。

    Year in year out, no specialties appeared in the Summer Solstice, the neverSolstice.

  28. 拿破仑的这一设想,虽被人们所鄙弃,却被上帝采纳了。

    This idea of Napoleon, disdained by men, had been taken back by God.

  29. 拿破仑计划击溃那两支列队待战的部队,却最终失利。

    Napoleon ultimately failed in his plan to defeat the two armies arrayed against him.

  30. 但就在进攻似有起色时, 谢联却被客队攻破球门。

    But on the offensive like recovery, grateful to the attack by the visitors goal.

