


相接:~日。~夜。~年。~亘(接连不断)。~襟(姐妹的丈夫之间的亲戚关系)。~载。~缀。~理。烽火~天。~篇累(lěi )牍。带,加上:~带。~坐(一个人犯法,他的家属、亲族、邻居连带受处罚)。就是,既使,甚至于:~我都不信。联合:外~东吴……





汉语拼音:lián wǎng








  1. 犹连纲。用以串联物体的绳子。

    《文选·张衡<南都赋>》:“朱帷连网,曜野映云。” 张铣 注:“纲,连帷之绳姣好也。”

  2. 连绵不绝。参见“ 连纲 ”。

  3. 见“ 连纲 ”。



  1. Indeed, UNIX (the kernel, et al. ) is often chosen specifically for its networking applications.


  2. The way to configure networking in HP-UX is fairly straightforward, though I did find it a bit cumbersome at times.


  3. Every fiber-optic cable used for networking consists of two glass fibers encased in separate sheaths.


  4. And, in the process, I've found what I would consider to be the best, quickest, and easiest ways to manage AIX networking.


  5. The simplicity with which AIX allows you to configure networking is very clear.


  6. According to India's Business Standard newspaper, each worker's image will then captured by an Ethernet camera and stored in a database.


  7. Even worse was that my MODEM was not supported - this meant no internet.


  8. We began with an introduction to the Generic Connection Framework, the foundation for creating networked applications in MIDP.


  9. My computer has not been connected to the internet yet though I once intended to do so.


  1. 最佳线下连网游戏

    Best Offline Multiplayer Game JUS

  2. 串行设备连网服务器

    ethernet proxy for serial devices

  3. 我们已经使用手机连网

    And we're seeing that already with, say, phones.

  4. 三角连网的栈点空间法

    A Stack Method of Linking Triangle Net

  5. 以及其它无线连网标准。

    And other wireless networking standards.

  6. 将该储存装置连接至该连网装置。

    Connecting the storage device to the networking device.

  7. 本发明的实施例涉及计算机连网的领域。

    Embodiments of the invention relate to the field of computer networking.

  8. 这个想法就是让你可以在任何地方连网。

    The idea here is for you to be able to connect anywhere.

  9. 但内部网上的所有东西都是能被连网的。

    But then, everything on intranets can be networked.

  10. 步骤13中,将该储存装置连接至第一连网装置。

    In step13, the storage device is connected to the first networking device.

  11. 电影院可以通过电脑连网获得新电影的拷贝。

    Theaters will be able to receive copies of new movies by linking computers.

  12. 本发明还可以用于包括其它家庭连网应用的其它应用中。

    It might also be used in other applications, including other home networking applications.

  13. 取得该另一连网装置的网络配置信息,存入该储存装置。

    Obtaining a network configuration information of the another networking device and storing the network configuration information into the storage device.

  14. 销售网络形成了全国布网,网连一片的销售与服务格局。

    Sales network fabric to form a national network, network sales and service with a pattern.

  15. 连发网头花,大量款式,可按设计订制。

    Hair net with bow in multiple styles. Customs design acceptable.

  16. 移动话务网管系统中直连网元方案的实现

    Realization of direct connecting NE project in mobile traffic network management system

  17. 互连网自由已经成为许多寻求自由国家的新诉求。

    Internet freedom has become the new rallying cry in many countries for those seeking political freedom.

  18. 本站所有小游戏均来自互连网,版权归作者所有。

    All games on 9 haowan. cn are copyrighted or trademarked by their respective owners or authors.

  19. 服务质量是互连网应用需求和发展得双重产物。

    Quality of Service is the outcome of both Internet application requirement and technology development.

  20. 服务质量是互连网应用需求和发展的双重产物。

    Quality of Service is the outcome of both Internet application requirement and technology development.

  21. 不久你们在这周围打911,就会连上通灵助手网了。

    Pretty soon when you dial 911 around here,you re going to get the Psychic Friends Network.

  22. 就像是法律在虚拟世界中比在互连网中更有力度。

    It's likely the law is more enforceable in virtual worlds than the Internet in general.

  23. 本文作者有幸参与了大连网通公司的软交换网的建设改造。

    This article author fortunately participated in the new customer service system construction.

  24. 之间通过另外两个快速以太网接口互连。

    Interconnect the VLANs via the two additional FastEthernet interfaces.

  25. 演员合作网的可重复连线模型

    Repeatable Linked Model for Actor Collaboration Network

  26. 渔夫们常常把渔网挂在岬上 平铺开与其它网连结在一起

    And the fishermen would tie a net off the headland, string it out along the other net.

  27. 世界互连网上的漫天谎言

    The World Wide Web of Lies

  28. 现在得大连网通办公大楼建于1929年, 为当时得邮政大楼。

    This CNC Office Building was built in 1929 when Dalian wasIt was as the post office.

  29. 现在的大连网通办公大楼建于1929年,为当时的邮政大楼。

    This CNC Office Building was built in 1929 when Dalian wasIt was as the post office.

  30. 如果我们可以建造一个比较稳定的连网方式该多好?

    What if we could have connectivity with less friction?


  1. 问:连网拼音怎么拼?连网的读音是什么?连网翻译成英文是什么?

    答:连网的读音是lián wǎng,连网翻译成英文是 joint network

  2. 问:连网服务器网间连接服务器拼音怎么拼?连网服务器网间连接服务器的读音是什么?连网服务器网间连接服务器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:连网服务器网间连接服务器的读音是lián wǎng fú wù qì wǎng jiān lián jiē fú wù qì,连网服务器网间连接服务器翻译成英文是 gateway server