


人或事物的称谓:~字。~氏。~姓。~义。~分(fèn )。~堂。~落孙山。~存实亡。起名字:“秦氏有好女,自~为罗敷”。做某事时用来作依据的称号:这些人以“办学”为~,行骗钱之实。叫出,说出:不可~状。声誉:~誉。~声。~优(a.出名的,优……





汉语拼音:míng yōu






  1. 旧时称著名的演员。

    清 李渔 《闲情偶寄·演习·变调》:“可惜当世贵人,家畜名优数辈,不得一詼谐弄笔之人。” 田汉 《名优之死》第一幕:“ 刘振声 ,一代名优。”



  1. Quanxing was one of the first eight national baijiu brands to be awarded accolades by Beijing.


  2. "A famous classic elegant enterprises, Yuan Shu-yin extensive peer precedent, " Ya-tomorrow is an azure blue sky, is an ideal When the sky.


  3. Assistant: It's a quality name brand. And it's the latest fashion this year. How much do you like it to be?


  4. Grand County donkey is well-known local specialties, commonly known as "sky dragon meat, underground donkey" are delicacies .


  5. "The exchange of state-of-the-art technologies between Imperial Tobacco and KT&G will bring more premium cigarettes here, " he said.


  6. Productions are superior, obtain high reputation. Due to developed equipment and exquisite craft ship, productions have changed constantly.


  7. Together readers and judges will choose a dozen finalists, the top five ideas, and a winner.


  8. Newport, Lorillard's menthol-flavored premium cigarette, is the second-largest brand in the industry and is the top selling menthol brand.


  9. "Baishan" brand viscose staple for the country silver products, chemical fiber pulp Famous as the province.


  1. 名优产品大联展

    Large joint exhibition of famous and fine products

  2. 我是一名优等生。

    I am a straight A student.

  3. 这是青岛名优产品。

    This is a Qingdao local specialty.

  4. 山西名优干果的现状与发展

    The Current Situation and Development of Shanxi Famous and High Quality Dry Fruit

  5. 欢迎您订购本地名优产品!

    You are welcome to order local famous quality products!

  6. 名优绿茶常温保鲜技术初步研究

    A preliminary study on storage of famous green teas at normal atmospheric temperature

  7. 我想是的。我是一名优等生。

    I think so. I am a straight A student.

  8. 谈名优卷烟的包装装潢设计

    On the Packaging Design of Famous Brand and High Quality Cigarettes

  9. 他在我校是一名优等生。

    He is an A student in our school.

  10. 税法实际上可以有利于名优烟草公司。

    And tax laws can actually work in favor of premium tobacco companies.

  11. 制茶工艺对名优绿茶香气品质的影响

    Effect of Processing Technology on the Aroma of Chinese Famous Green Teas

  12. 机制造形名优工夫红茶的研制初报

    Report on machinery manufacture of famous congou black tea

  13. 不同加工方法对名优绿茶香气成分差异性的研究

    A study on formation of flavor in famous green tea

  14. 湖南三个茶树主栽良种名优绿茶加工工艺研究

    Research on the Processing Technology of Three Green Tea Cultivats in Hunan.

  15. 因此,开发名优茶是振兴闽北茶叶的突破口。

    Accordingly, developing an actor tea is the breach that revitalizes Fujian north tea.

  16. 产品结构逐步优化, 名优茶生产有大的突破。

    Product structure is optimized stage by stage, the actors or actress tea production has big breakthrough.

  17. 水产养殖业,培育了元鱼、青虾、河蟹等名优水产品。

    Aquaculture, fostered Yuan Yu, freshwater shrimp, crab and other famous aquatic products.

  18. 这种名优品牌占英美烟草公司利润的大约三分之一。

    Such brands account for about a third of BAT's profit.

  19. 密封垫片荣获第二届科技新产品和名优产品博览会金奖。

    Gasket won the second session of new IT products and BrandName Expo Gold Award.

  20. 名优特产青裸,油菜籽,藏族服饰和马鞍,马笼头等闻名遐迩。

    Highquality products Green naked, rapeseed, and Tibetan clothing and saddle, halter and other famous horses.

  21. 压条是一种传统的繁殖方法, 适用保存与发展名优品种。

    Layering is a traditional breeding methods for the preservation and development of quality varieties.

  22. 对如何提高名优烟的包装装潢设计水平谈了一些具体方法。

    Here some concrete methods are mentioned of how to raise the level of the packaging design.

  23. 另有国内各种名优剪板机, 折弯机, 冲床, 液压机等机床出售。

    Another domestic famous cutting plate machine, bending machines, presses, hydraulic and other machines for sale.

  24. 庙会期间, 举行名优产品大联展, 吃穿用玩样样俱全, 欢迎惠顾。

    During the temple fair, we are holding a large joint exhiBition of famous and fine products in all varieties for eating, dressing, using and playing. We welcome your patronage.


  1. 问:名优拼音怎么拼?名优的读音是什么?名优翻译成英文是什么?

    答:名优的读音是míngyōu,名优翻译成英文是 famous actor or actress; famous quality