


1. 着 [zhuó]2. 着 [zháo]3. 着 [zhāo]4. 着 [zhe]着 [zhuó]穿(衣):穿~。穿红~绿。~装。接触,挨上:~陆。附~。不~边际。使接触别的事物,使附在别的物体上:~眼。~笔。~色。~墨。~力。~想。~……





汉语拼音:zhe jīng






  1. 受惊;吃惊。

    《二刻拍案惊奇》卷九:“只怕着了这惊,不肯再来了,如何是好?”《平山冷燕》第三回:“旨意一下,早有人报到 山显仁 府中来。 山显仁 着惊道:‘ 竇国一 为何参我?’”



  1. "Madame Olenska! --Oh, don't, Ellen, " he cried, starting up and bending over her.


  2. The one novel stroke is theappearanceof three scary-looking, good-hearted abominable snowman.


  1. 马被响声惊着了而无法控制。

    The noise frightened the horse and it got out of control.

  2. 她们天真的面庞露着又惊又喜的神气。

    Their innocent faces were two delighted surprises.

  3. 当他听说帐单是多少钱时, 他直挺挺地坐着, 惊呆了。

    When he heard how much his bill was, he sat bolt upright with surprise.

  4. 看到福特先生仰面躺着我大吃一惊。

    I was struck all of heap to see Mr Ford lying on his back.

  5. 我得心吓得惊跳着。

    My heart was jumping with fear.

  6. 我的心吓得惊跳着。

    My heart was jumping with fear.

  7. 他从椅子上惊跳着醒来。

    He awoke with a jump from his chair.

  8. 他从椅子上惊跳着醒来。

    He awoke with a jump from his chair.

  9. 汤姆坚持要付这顿饭钱,可拿到帐单一看,竟张着大嘴惊呆了。

    Tom insisted on paying for the meal, but his jaw dropped when he saw the bill.

  10. 但是难以想象, 那种飞行器也太危险了, 让人看着都胆颤心惊。

    But imagine, the kind of aircraft is also too dangerous, people are looking at traumatise.

  11. 马受了惊,拖着马车狂奔起来。

    The horse took fright and ran away with the carriage.

  12. 学着面对猝死而不惊。

    To brave enough face dying without shock.

  13. 沙柳瞅着这奇异的景象惊呆了。

    The girl was stunned by what she saw.

  14. 我们都吃了一惊, 盯着地板上得他, 开始担心起来。

    We were shocked and a bit worried and we looked at the ground where he landed.

  15. 我们都吃了一惊, 盯着地板上的他, 开始担心起来。

    We were shocked and a bit worried and we looked at the ground where he landed.

  16. 年轻的渔夫一惊,望着她。她却笑起来,露出一口白牙。

    The young Fisherman started and looked at her, and she showed her white teeth and laughed.

  17. 葛朗台太太笔直得站着,象一头受惊得小鹿。

    Madame Grandet started up like a frightened deer.

  18. 她盯着他, 看上去又惊又喜。你怎么知道的?

    She stared at him, looking both surprised and displeased.'How do you know?

  19. 其他人屏住呼吸,直盯盯看着他的动作,惊得目瞪口呆。

    In a deep silence and immovable the others watched him dumbfounded.

  20. 他吃了一惊,斜眼瞟着我。

    He was surprised and squinted at me.

  21. 对这没有预料到的友好表示,艾舍斯特吃了一惊,他咕哝着说。

    Surprised by this unexpected friendliness, Ashurst murmured.

  22. 我惊呆了,摸着一张椅子坐下。

    Struck dumb, I groped for a chair.

  23. 他惊得果呆地望着,这时突然听到一声尖叫。

    He was watching, dumbfounded, when suddenly he heard a scream.

  24. 看门人惊呆了,喘着粗气摇摇晃晃地走下楼梯。

    The janitor staggered down the stairway, stunned and gasping.

  25. 她惊呆了, 直瞪着他。

    She stared at him, frozen with shock.

  26. 她惊呆了,直瞪着他。

    She stared at him, frozen with shock.

  27. 我看着这张图片,大吃一惊。

    I look at this picture and it freaks me out.

  28. 我瞪着这头麋鹿, 又惊又怕。

    I stared at the elk, shocked and horrified.

  29. 根本用不着大惊不怪的。

    No cause for alarming at all.

  30. 我发现房子着了火,这使我大吃一惊。

    To my no small astonishment, I found the house on fire.