


1. 着 [zhuó]2. 着 [zháo]3. 着 [zhāo]4. 着 [zhe]着 [zhuó]穿(衣):穿~。穿红~绿。~装。接触,挨上:~陆。附~。不~边际。使接触别的事物,使附在别的物体上:~眼。~笔。~色。~墨。~力。~想。~……


1. 抹 [mǒ]2. 抹 [mò]3. 抹 [mā]抹 [mǒ]涂:涂~。~粉(喻美化或掩饰)。~黑(喻丑化)。~子(瓦工用来抹灰泥的器具。亦称“抹刀”)。揩,擦:~拭。哭天~泪。除去,勾掉,不计在内:~煞。轻微的痕迹:“林梢一~青如画”……



汉语拼音:zhe mǒ






  1. 折磨;捉弄。

    元 王仲元 《普天乐·春日多雨》曲:“炉烟飘,怨气浮,襟袖溼,啼痕污。无限凄凉来著抹,瘦身躯怎生存活。”



  1. Always like wandering in the crowd I don't like to speak, as if the heart has an indelible scar.


  2. Can we try to erase all the pain


  1. 她抹着厚厚的粉。

    She wore thick powder.

  2. 抹着额头的汗珠, 我就想

    Mopping the beads of sweat from my forehead I think of

  3. 抹着额头得汗珠,我就想

    Mopping the beads of sweat from my forehead I think of.

  4. 她来的时候一边哭着,一边用纸巾抹着眼泪。

    She arrived weeping, dabbing her eyes with a tissue.

  5. 大排长龙虔诚等待的脸庞上抹着颜料。

    The faithful wait in long lines, their faces daubed with paint.

  6. 我抹着额上得冷汗, 不禁轻松地笑了。

    Wiping the cold sweat from my forehead, I relaxed and laughed.

  7. 我抹着额上的冷汗, 不禁轻松地笑了。

    Wiping the cold sweat from my forehead, I relaxed and laughed.

  8. 没管祥子听见了没有, 她抹着泪跑出去。

    Without caring whether he had heard or not, she ran out wiping her tears.

  9. 额头上嵌着贵橄榄石, 胸膛上抹着没药和肉桂。

    On its forehead was a chrysolite, and its breasts were smeared with myrrh and cinnamon.

  10. 他们的脸上原该膏着天上的喜乐油,可是却抹着泪珠。

    Tears mar their faces when they might anoint them with celestial oil.

  11. 哦,呸!他们胆敢说满月肮脏么,只因它的脸上抹着墨汁

    O, fie! Would they dare to call the full moon dirty because it has smudged its face with ink.

  12. 嘴唇上的确是抹着点胭脂,使虎妞也带出些媚气。

    There was actually rouge on her lips, which made her a bit more attractive too.

  13. 我们?利萨重复道,带着一抹浅笑。

    We? Lisa repeated with the barest hint of a smile.

  14. 我穿着紫色连衫裤和高跟鞋,脸上抹着厚厚的化妆品。

    I was wearing a purple jumpsuit, high heeled shoes, and lots of makeup.

  15. 红宝石般的色泽泛着一抹石榴红。

    Ruby red color with garnet hues.

  16. 可爱的宝石红色,透着一抹紫罗兰的优雅光晕。

    Lovely ruby red colour, hints of violet, intense colour.

  17. 并且我的下意识却向往着一块抹上汁的肉。

    And my subconscious is yearning for a piece of juicy meat.

  18. 但在种种光环下, 仍隐藏着几道抹不掉的阴影。

    However, there are still some shadows hidden in all these aureoles that cannot be erased.

  19. 月亮已经升起,露出一张长脸对着东边,背后浮着一抹淡云。

    The moon had already come forward with her long face toward the east and a fleece of clouds behind.

  20. 他触摸着它,抹去了上面的一层尘土。

    He touched his image, wiping away a layer of dust.

  21. 她对着镜子往脸上抹粉。

    She powdered her face in her mirror.

  22. 她对着镜子往脸上抹粉。

    She powdered her face in her mirror.

  23. 初现的一抹晚霞斜映着花园。

    The early sunset was slanting across the park.

  24. 你该试着抹除那次事故的记忆。

    You should try to sponge out the memory of the accident.

  25. 泼出的牛奶用不着抹掉,因为猫会把它舔掉的。

    Dont mop up the spilt milk, because the cat will lick it up.

  26. 她抹了一把脸,很响地抽着鼻子。

    She wiped her face and sniffed loudly.

  27. 拿着这朱砂,将它抹在她的额上。

    Take this vermilion and put it on her forehead.

  28. 人群中有人一边抹去泪水,一边跟着唱起来。

    In the crowd, some people sang along, wiping away tears.

  29. 因为急着去见她的朋友,她把口红抹偏了。

    She put her lipstick on askew as she rushed to meet her friend.

  30. 他肩膀上落着头皮屑,脑袋瓜儿该抹抹油啦。

    Dandruff on his shoulders. Scalp wants oiling.