




1. 助 [zhù]2. 助 [chú]助 [zhù]帮助协同,辅佐:辅~。帮~。~手。~人为乐。~桀为虐。拔苗~长(zhǎng )。爱莫能~。相传为殷代的租赋制度。助 [chú]古同“锄”,除去。……



汉语拼音:zhī zhù






  1. 支援,帮助。

    沙汀 《催粮》:“他的襟兄虽然没有给他以如实的支助,但却给了一个暗示:他也只有等着坐禁闭室了。”



  1. Could be so far behind and not enough cash to help, who can stop you from being free spirited or happy?

  2. In fact, while users in the United States are supporting plenty of unsavory characters, they aren't likely to be in Afghanistan.

  3. The newsweekly is supported by the Bank-administered Decentralization Support Facility.

  4. The next day, when it was time to go collect alms food from the supporter of the monastery, the village monk rang the temple gong.

  5. I expect tens of millions of dollars of new private and corporate funding to support athlete training in India during the next five years.

  6. World Refugee Day is a moment to remember all those affected, and a time to intensify our support.

  7. Likewise , the Delegation considered that technical assistance should be principally supported by the regular budget of the Organization .

  8. " The other replied, " Yes, I was given lunch by the supporter of this monastery. He also invited me to take shelter here.

  9. The central bank may well have been right to keep the support secret, lest panic swamp the system.


  1. 宣传和方案支助

    advocacy and programme support

  2. 对特别计划机制的支助

    ASEALRIAL Support for the Mechanisms of the Special Plan.

  3. 支助费用和规费总额

    Total support costs and fees.

  4. 人们向政府请求某些支助。

    The people came to appeal for some help from the government.

  5. 双边和多边支助仍然十分重要。

    Bilateral and multilateral support remains vital.

  6. 加强和改组人事管理和支助处

    Strengthening and restructuring the Personnel Management and Support Service

  7. 联合王国提供了重要的后勤支助。

    The United Kingdom provided important logistical support.

  8. 国际间官方支助之输出信用协议

    International Arrangement on Officially Supported Export Credits

  9. 这些活动将需要由补充基金支助。

    These activities would require support from the supplementary fund.

  10. 世卫组织提供了技术和后勤支助。

    WHO provided technical and logistic support.

  11. 支助防治疟疾和肺结核的有效措施。

    Supporting effective prevention and treatment measures for malaria and tuberculosis.

  12. 谁会支助你的学业以及支付你的学费的?

    Who will support your study and pay the tuition fee?

  13. 我们强调,捐助者支助必须与政治无关。

    Donor support, we stress, must be apolitical.

  14. 供应支助汇总报告已改期到2006年进行。

    A summary report on supply assistance has been rescheduled to2006.

  15. 这会便利分享资源和后勤支助资产。

    This would facilitate the sharing of resources and logistic support assets.

  16. 国际支助还应该考虑到医治的需要。

    International support should also take into account the need for treatment.

  17. 联合国国际支助和核查委员会认捐会议。

    United Nations Pledging Conference for the international support and verification commission.

  18. 这一初具雏形的机构需要得到支助。

    This fledgling organization needs support.

  19. 支助预算表2汇总了主要的增减领域。

    The main areas of increases and decreases are summarized in table2 of the support budget.

  20. 支助预算表2汇总了主要得增减领域。

    The main areas of increases and decreases are summarized in table2 of the support budget.

  21. 外勤支助部和管理事务部不接受建议3。

    The Department of Field Support and the Department of Management did not accept recommendation3.

  22. 目前美国政府支助其改组和行动费用。

    Currently, the United States Government is supporting the restructuring and operating costs.

  23. 该培训班得到了意大利政府的财政支助。

    The training course received financial support from the Government of Italy.

  24. 不过,支助的概念可能与同谋的概念部分相符。

    However, the notion of support may correspond in part to that of complicity.

  25. 一个原因是,不清楚何谓实质性支助。

    One reason is a lack of clarity in what constitutes substantive support.

  26. 第1步界定和剥离支助预算的固定费用。

    Step1 Define and isolate fixed costs in the support budget.

  27. 第1步界定和剥离支助预算得固定费用。

    Step1 Define and isolate fixed costs in the support budget.

  28. 救灾和难民服务,其中包括家庭团聚和支助。

    Disaster relief and refugee services that encompass family reunification and support.

  29. 在这一紧要关头,我们必须加强我们的支助。

    At this crucial juncture, we must all intensify our support.

  30. 支助上诉科所需的调查能力有所减少。

    A reduced investigative capacity would be required to support the Appeals Section.

