


1. 中 [zhōng]2. 中 [zhòng]中 [zhōng]和四方、上下或两端距离同等的地位:~心。当(dàng)~。~原。~华。在一定范围内,里面:暗~。房~。~饱。性质或等级在两端之间的:~辍(中途停止进行)。~等。~流砥柱。表示……


1. 射 [shè]2. 射 [yè]3. 射 [yì]射 [shè]放箭:~箭。后羿~日。用推力或弹力送出子弹等:~击。扫~。发~。~程。~手。气体或液体等受到压力迅速流出:喷~。注~。放出光、热、电波等:~电。辐~。~线。照~。反~。有……



汉语拼音:zhōng shè







  1. 亦称“ 中射士 ”。古官名。宫廷中的侍卫官。

    《战国策·楚策四》:“有献不死之药於 荆王 者,謁者操以入。中射之士问曰:‘可食乎?’”《韩非子·十过》:“中射士諫曰:‘合诸侯,不可无礼。’” 陈奇猷 集释引 孙诒让 曰:“中射者,射人之给事宫内者,犹涓人之在内者谓之中涓,庶子之在内者谓之中庶子矣。”一説,侍御的近臣。 于省吾 《双剑誃诸子新证·韩非一》:“ 吴北江 先生谓‘射’乃‘榭’之借字。”参见“ 中谢 ”。



  1. The actor sits inside the device, and a light source, mounted on an arm, is moved around his face over the course of a minute.


  2. Their raft drawn into a fast stream and with ever increasing speed they are shot out of a volcano in southern Italy.


  3. A business card or playing card shoots out of a wallet, spins , and hovers up into the magician's hand like magic!


  4. Rays of sunlight coming from a certain point in the sky. Also known as "God's rays. "


  5. Powered and controlled by your PC, this comedy cannon will blast its squishy ammo up to 10ft amidst a cacophony of circus music.


  6. the little wainscotted back parlour was lighted by a sky-light, like a cabin.


  7. The sun shot through a break in the clouds.


  8. This millipede shoots cyanide from its mouth. It is a spiny and toxic millipede aptly named for its bright pink color.


  9. As they worked on the street corner, a Daewoo car sped by and sprayed the walls with automatic gunfire. Nobody was injured.


  1. 水从孔中射出。

    Water spewed out of the hole.

  2. 子弹从枪中射出。

    The bullet was expelled from the gun.

  3. 他被从炮口中射出。

    He was shot from a cannon.

  4. 他被从炮口中射出。

    He was shot from a cannon.

  5. 排气管中射出了火星。

    The exhaust pipe shot sparks.

  6. 忿火从阿二的眼睛中射出来。

    Ah Erh's eyes blazed with anger.

  7. 火药爆炸时, 子弹从枪中射出。

    When the gunpowder exploded, the bullet was expelled from the gun.

  8. 火药一爆炸, 子弹就从枪中射出。

    When the gunpowder exploded, the bullet was expelled from the gun

  9. 你看见浓雾中射出的一道光线吗?

    Do you see a beam of light coming through the thick fog

  10. 一道神秘的光像是从古堡中射出的。

    An uncanny light seemed to be coming from the castle.

  11. 射出,射突然射出或排泄,尤指在性高潮中射

    To eject or discharge abruptly, especially to discharge in orgasm.

  12. 隧道通风中射流风机的调压作用分析

    Regulating action and analysis of jet fans in the longitudinal ventilation of vehicle tunnel

  13. 炮弹从一尊大炮中射出的一个球状抛射物

    A round projectile fired from a cannon.

  14. 救火水管中射出的水很快就把火扑灭了。

    The jet of water from the hose soon put out the fire.

  15. 救火水管中射出得水很快就把火扑灭了。

    The jet of water from the hose soon put out the fire.

  16. 放射性是原子从核中射出粒子或辐射得现象。

    Radioactivity is the ejection of particles or radiation from the nucleus.

  17. 放射性是原子从核中射出粒子或辐射的现象。

    Radioactivity is the ejection of particles or radiation from the nucleus.

  18. 从炼油厂燃烧的球形储油罐中射出一股浓浓的黑烟。

    The refinery fire sent a plume of thick black smoke from blazing spherical storage tanks.

  19. 一固体球状物或尖形射弹,如从大炮中射出的炮弹

    a solid spherical or pointed projectile,such as one shot from a cannon

  20. 蛇眼闪烁着,就像在放电,从阴影中射出可怕得光。

    Its eyes were shining as if electrified, sending fearful light through the shadows.

  21. 蛇眼闪烁着,就像在放电,从阴影中射出可怕的光。

    Its eyes were shining as if electrified, sending fearful light through the shadows.

  22. 我们在上半场比赛中射进的三个球可以使我们稳操胜券。

    The three goals we scored in the first half give us a useful cushion against defeat.

  23. 点射由于扣动扳机而从自动武器中射出的一定数量的子弹

    The number of bullets fired from an automatic weapon by one pull of the trigger.