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汉语拼音:kǒu qín
中国 古代乐器名。其制作材料及构造,各书记载不尽相同。
《清通典·乐四》:“口琴,以铁为之,一柄两股,中间设一簧,簧端点以蜡珠,衔股鼓簧以成音。” 清 袁枚 《新齐谐·口琴》:“ 崖州 人能含细竹,装絃其上,以手拉之上下,如弹胡琴状,其声幽咽,号曰口琴。” 清 阮葵生 《茶馀客话》卷十三:“口琴,製如铁钳。贯铁繫其中,衔齿牙间,以指拨丝成声,宛转顿挫,有筝琶韵。”
丁玲 《入伍》:“上边俱乐部里传出来断断续续的口琴声,是谁在那里反复的练习着一个短曲。”
Soon the harmonica was her favorite instrument and, out of all the music she heard at home, she seemed to really be able to feel the blues.
从此,口琴成了她最喜欢的乐器,在家里听的音乐中,她对布鲁斯情有独钟。You grew up with a mom who played blues harmonica for a living. What was that like?
你的母亲以吹奏布鲁斯口琴为业。你在这样的环境中成长,感觉如何?If he is told that this (referring to the above examples) is the best the harmonica can produce, you can imagine what his opinion will be.
如果他被告知这(指上述的例子)是口琴所能做到的最好的了,你可以想象他的意见会是怎样的。While this does not indicate your harp is ruined, often people do ruin their harps trying to solve this problem .
然而这不意味着你的口琴报废了。人们经常把他们的竖琴做报废处理,来尝试解决这个问题。Someone is trying to make music somewhere with a pair of wooden spoons on an oil drum with cello, boom box, harmonica, voice.
有人试着用一双木匙打击油鼓,伴着大提琴、轰鸣的音箱、口琴和人声,在某处演奏音乐。The lessons here assume you know nothing about harmonica. Choose a harmonica in the store and just begin with it.
至于口琴嘛,你可以看一下草堂作坊里的几种口琴,都很适合初学者。The most common vibrato on the harmonica is the hand vibrato which, however, is not a real vibrato in the true sense of the word.
口琴中运用最广泛,最为典型的莫属手振音了,然而这并非真正意义上的振音。Reads me a little story. . . -Put him to sleep, put him to bed? -I shake the spit out of his harmonica. -Ooh! Ooh!
给我读一个小故事…-让他睡觉,好让他上床睡觉?-我把他的口琴中的口水甩出来。-哦!哦!The beginning lessons assume that you have no experience with the harmonica or with music. Just start with the early lessons.