







汉语拼音:zhì cheng







  1. 极忠诚;极真诚。

    《管子·幼官》:“用利至诚,则敌不校。” 汉 袁康 《越绝书·外传计倪》:“愿君王公选於众,精鍊左右,非君子至诚之士,无与居家,使邪僻之气,无渐以生。” 宋 王安石 《上皇帝万言书》:“夫约之以礼,裁之以法,天下所以服从无抵冒者,又非独其禁严而治察之所能致也。盖亦以吾至诚恳惻之心,力行而为之倡。”

  2. 古儒家指道德修养的最高境界。

    《礼记·中庸》:“唯天下至诚,为能经纶天下之大经,立天下之大本,知天地之化育。” 朱熹 集注:“至诚之道,非至圣不能知;至圣之德,非至诚不能为。”

  3. 极其真挚诚恳的心意。

    《汉书·刘向传》:“其言多痛切,发於至诚。”《后汉书·窦融传》:“ 融 小心,久不自安,数辞让爵位,因侍中 金迁 口达至诚。”



  1. Our experienced and well-trained staff, professional service, and a strong sense of responsibility have established our fame in the field.


  2. A truly virtuous person acts out of wholehearted sincerity and never asks whether his deeds will bring him any advantage or not.


  3. He has been a simple honest person who has always treated everyone with friendliness and sincerity .


  4. Her fervent prayers touched the heart of Buddha and so he appeared to grant her wish.


  5. love is pure, love is not the content, the dross, Love is the supreme good sincere, love the scope, there can be no desires!


  6. As the vehicle for the world to know Heaven, He has the eternal virtue with him, [enabling people to] return to the infinite.


  7. Humble heart I used to write with a sincere heart to pay homage. My high school, I have no regrets youth.


  8. What a difficult task it is to write a note on such an occasion. You and your family have my sincere thoughts of love and condolence.


  9. To create a beautiful home, a green earth and the contribution of each of a sincere heart.


  1. 至诚的朋友

    a sincere friend.

  2. 故至诚无息。

    Hence to entire sincerity there belongs ceaselessness.

  3. 谨以至诚宣誓

    solemnly and sincerely declare.

  4. 她们所说所做的一切的确出于至诚。

    They really meant everything they said and did.

  5. 在他冷酷的外表下有一颗至诚的心。

    Underneath his cool appearance, here exists a hot Listent.

  6. 他心地至诚而严守纪律,瞧不起空头政治家。

    In his rigorously honest and orderly mind he probably had contempt for mere politicians.

  7. 我至诚地祝贺你与约翰生了个儿子。

    Accept my sincere congratulations to you and dear John upon the arrival of a son.

  8. 至至诚欢迎浏览黄尧网站, 感谢您得扣应。

    Welcome to this website and thank you for dropping in.

  9. 至至诚欢迎浏览黄尧网站,感谢您的扣应。

    Welcome to this website and thank you for dropping in.

  10. 双喜临门,福航至诚,本标识典雅美观,意味深长。

    Double Happiness, Fu Hang sincerity, the logo and elegant beauty, meaning.

  11. 他是个至真至诚的好哥们儿, 就这么简单。

    Hes just a thoroughly good fella, its as simple as that.

  12. 你所命定的法度,是凭公义和至诚。

    Thy testimonies that thou hast commanded are righteous and very faithful.

  13. 至善至诚, 超越梦想, 是先锋人永无止境得追求。

    Goodness and honesty, realize the dream, That is the everlasting pursuit.

  14. 至善至诚,超越梦想,是先锋人永无止境的追求。

    Goodness and honesty, realize the dream, That is the everlasting pursuit.

  15. 阿尔巴托夫装着一片至诚,但是他在撒谎。

    Arbatov lied with the utmost sincerity.

  16. 请您填写以下信息,以便我们为您提供至诚的服务!

    Plese fill in the following information, Serving you sincerely is our ever target!

  17. 其结交朋友忠信至诚由此可见一斑,深得时人称道。

    Its loyal and sincere friends is evident from this, when people won praise.

  18. 至诚服务产业化龙头企业积极支持湖北新农村建设

    Serving truly Industrial Core Enterprises and Supporting Actively Construction of New Rural Area in Hubei Province

  19. 巴迈隆集团追求至诚、至善、至美的三至原则。

    It pursues three principles of high sincerity, high quality, high beauty.

  20. 她的至诚, 感动了佛心, 于是现身遂其所愿。

    Her fervent prayers touched the heart of Buddha and so he appeared to grant her wish.

  21. 这么一片至诚, 雷茜儿小姐看了, 决不会无动于衷。

    Such devotion as this, you may say, could never fail of producing the right effect on miss rachel!

  22. 他是个老老实实的人,以友爱和至诚对待每个人?

    He has been a simple honest person who has always treated everyone with friendliness and sincerity.

  23. 请您填写以下信息, 以便我们为您提供至诚得服务!

    Plese fill in the following information, Serving you sincerely is our ever target!

  24. 用至诚心来办理他们得后事, 每逢祭日, 应至诚纪念。

    Hold the memorial ceremony and commemorate their anniversaries with our utmost sincerity.

  25. 用至诚心来办理他们的后事, 每逢祭日, 应至诚纪念。

    Hold the memorial ceremony and commemorate their anniversaries with our utmost sincerity.

  26. 我可以设法让你跟我姑妈讲和。她对你可是一片至诚。

    I will make your peace with my aunt. She is quite devoted to you.

  27. 如此至诚至爱,流诸笔端,自然幻化出艺术之美和盎然之生气。

    Loved so sincere, streaming from the front end brush, natural, turned into the art scene in the United States and the angry.

  28. 我至诚地恭喜您们。并祝您们两位将来有更多的幸福岁月。

    My sincere congratulations and my best wishes to you both for many happy years ahead.


  1. 问:至诚拼音怎么拼?至诚的读音是什么?至诚翻译成英文是什么?

    答:至诚的读音是zhìchéng,至诚翻译成英文是 sincere; straightforward; complete sincerity...



至诚 zhì chéng

【释义】事物的极端状态(忠心耿耿)。 (1).极忠诚;极真诚。《管子·幼官》:“用利至诚,则敌不校。” 汉·袁康《越绝书·外传计倪》:“愿君王公选於众,精鍊左右,非君子至诚之士,无与居家,使邪僻之气,无渐以生。” 宋·王安石《上皇帝万言书》:“夫约之以礼,裁之以法,天下所以服从无抵冒者,又非独其禁严而治察之所能致也。盖亦以吾至诚恳恻之心,力行而为之倡。” (2).古儒家指道德修养的最高境界。《礼记·中庸》:“唯天下至诚,为能经纶天下之大经,立天下之大本,知天地之化育。” 朱熹集注:“至诚之道,非至圣不能知;至圣之德,非至诚不能为。” (3).极其真挚诚恳的心意。《汉书·刘向传》:“其言多痛切,发於至诚。”《后汉书·窦融传》:“ 融小心,久不自安,数辞让爵位,因侍中金迁口达至诚。”