







汉语拼音:tiáo zhou






  1. 见“ 笤箒 ”。



  1. "Where the broom does not reach" , he said, "the dust will not vanish of itself. "


  2. To clear (a path or space) with or as if with a broom.


  3. The broom behind the door is quite new.


  4. The witch jumped on her broom and flew off into the night.


  5. not Broom's bohemian egghead air guitarist, but another kind of vernacular, another kind of celebration and another kind of music.


  6. Natant player controls directional thrash to fluctuation with hands or feet, just like like sweeping the floor with conditional broom.


  7. We also caressed him with broom first, and then with my hands.


  8. The broom tactic had worked for my neighbor David Boren when he ran for governor of Oklahoma in 1974.


  9. When I saw Isa, my first impression was her thinness. Her legs looked like baseball bats and her arms like broomsticks.


  1. 高粱苗笤帚

    broom made of kaoliang straw

  2. 笤帚在门后。

    The broom is behind the door.

  3. 笤帚很新啊。

    The broom behind the door is quite new.

  4. 笤帚苗纤维

    whisk broom fiber.

  5. 笤帚在门后面吗?

    Is the broom behind the door

  6. 制作扫地用的笤帚

    making brushes for cleaning floors

  7. 我已经忘记笤帚了。

    I had forgotten about the whisks.

  8. 清扫用或似乎用笤帚清扫

    To clear with or as if with a broom.

  9. 好。把笤帚拿给我。

    Yes. Give me a broom, please.

  10. 拿起笤帚去清扫某人的房子。

    Take a broom and clean someone's house.

  11. 气得她用笤帚把儿打我。

    So she got angry and tried to beat me with a broom.

  12. 女巫跳上笤帚, 飞进了夜色中。

    The witch jumped on her broom and flew off into the night.

  13. 女巫跳上笤帚,飞进了夜色中。

    The witch jumped on her broom and flew off into the night.

  14. 用或似乎用笤帚或刷子所做的清除。

    A clearing out or removal with or as if with a broom or brush.

  15. 新笤帚扫得干净, 新官上任三把火。

    A new broom sweeps clean.

  16. 打扫用或似乎用笤帚或刷子清扫或清除表面。

    To clean or clear a surface with or as if with a broom or brush.

  17. 笤帚不到,他说,灰尘不会自己跑掉。

    Where the broom does not reach, he said, the dust will not vanish of itself.

  18. 打扫用或似乎用笤帚或刷子所做的清除。

    A clearing out or removal with or as if with a broom or brush.

  19. 依旧先用笤帚抚摸他,再渐渐过渡到用手抚摸他。

    We also caressed him with broom first, and then with my hands.

  20. 她根本用不着老女巫的笤帚就能飞行!

    She needs no old woman's broomstick to fly withal!

  21. 说完,她又拿起了笤帚和铲子,继续工作。

    Finished, she picked up a broom and shovel, to continue working.

  22. 相信大家都知道什么是笤帚,笤帚的作用是用来扫地。

    Everyone knows what broom is, it's something you use to clean up the floor.

  23. 我正在跟你讲话呢,你能放下笤帚听我说话吗?

    I'm talking to you; could you please put down that broom and listen to me?

  24. 一种新型增强纤维笤帚苗纤维的开发研究初探

    Preliminary study on whisk broom fiber as a new type of plant fibers

  25. 他们使用小笤帚刷掉钻在作品缝隙中的雪屑。

    They use small brooms to brush off snow caught in tiny holes.

  26. 新笤帚扫得更干净,但是旧笤帚知道每个角落

    A new broom sweeps clean, but the old brush knows all the corners

  27. 进屋,把笤帚放在原处,他想往起收拾铺盖。

    Returning indoors, he replaced the broom and decided to roll up his bedding.

  28. 掸帚一种小的短柄笤帚, 尤指专用于掸扫衣服的小笤帚

    A small shorthandled broom used especially to brush clothes.

  29. 艾米丽用笤帚扫起那粒花生米, 打开纱门, 把它扫了出去。

    Emily shoved the broom at the peanut and opened the screen door to sweep the nut outside.

  30. 我打翻了烟灰缸,所以我们需要个笤帚把那儿的脏东西清理一下。

    We need a broom to clean up the mess left when I knocked over the ashtray.


  1. 问:笤帚拼音怎么拼?笤帚的读音是什么?笤帚翻译成英文是什么?

    答:笤帚的读音是tiáozhou,笤帚翻译成英文是 broom



tiáo zhou是人们日常用来扫除杂物的工具.绝大多数用高粱糜子作成。相当于扫把。