







汉语拼音:xīn tòng








  1. 心脏所在部位感觉疼痛。

    《淮南子·人间训》:“ 恭王 欲復战,使人召司马 子反 , 子反 辞以心痛。”《晋书·顾恺之传》:“尝悦一邻女,挑之弗从,乃图其形於壁,以棘针钉其心,女遂患心痛。 愷之 因致其情,女从之,遂密去针而愈。”《水浒传》第二回:“ 王进 道:‘实不相瞒太公説,老母鞍马劳倦,昨夜心痛病发。’”

  2. 爱惜;怜惜;可惜。

    刘大白 《再造》诗:“一瓣的花,翩翩的飞了。司春的神,不觉心痛道:不听命的花瓣儿,你破坏了我底完全了!” 茅盾 《子夜》四:“ 曾沧海 捧起另一枝烟枪,滋滋--地抽烟,一面在心痛那枝断成两半的象牙老枪。”

  3. 极其伤心。

    许地山 《东野先生》:“最使我心痛的是我底行为证明了他们底话,说:有资产的人们是不会革命的。”



  1. There was smoke coming from her father's chimney, but seeing the inside of the cottage made her heart ache.


  2. He's really like my son or something; just by looking at him I would forget a lot of things that used to be a pain down in my heart.


  3. It was so painful to see how weak she had become in just a few months.


  4. The color of my eyes, " said the little girl, with a smile that promised heartache to drow males in years to come. "


  5. See it out of hand if the air petals, filled with a baffling heartache again this shaky world.


  6. He was rather cold when he said goodbye, and I was surprised to notice that I felt a little hurt.


  7. Really, a man quietly listening, I do not know how sometimes heartbreaking, and then the tears began to flood.


  8. Do not know after so many years, will not be raised, in the mysterious, think you do not know then you think again, will be heartache.


  9. Waits for you to wait till me to be grieved, my mood who will understand.


  1. 心痛的花费

    At the Cost of Pain.

  2. 心痛的感觉

    The painful feeling in heart.

  3. 让我很心痛

    to love you.

  4. 死血心痛, 蓄血心痛

    epigastric pain with blood stasis

  5. 思念你直到心痛

    Thinking of you till it hurts

  6. 这很让人心痛

    and that hurts.

  7. 寒厥心痛, 冷心痛, 冷气心痛

    cold precordial pain

  8. 心痛五脏六腑相关论

    Heartache Related to Internal Organs

  9. 看见它而感到心痛

    be afflicted at seeing it

  10. 历经许多次的心痛

    Been through lot of heartache

  11. 我深知我与心痛有份。

    I have my share of heartaches.

  12. 看见了总使我心痛

    I know a heartache when I see one

  13. 这种心痛 就像。哦 不

    This heartburn, it's like it. oh, no.

  14. 你知道心痛的滋味嘛?

    Do you know why the taste of heartache?

  15. 谁能不断的隐瞒心痛

    Nobody can disguise the heartbreak constantly.

  16. 难民的苦难使她心痛。

    The suffering of the refugees makes her heart sore.

  17. 等候是一切心痛的根源。

    Expectation is the root of all heartache.

  18. 我爱你, 爱得忧伤, 爱得心痛。

    Frankie Laine Rose, Rose I love you with an aching heart.

  19. 恩, 我不悲伤, 不难过, 不心痛。

    TU, I am not sad, not sad, not distraught.

  20. 期待是所有心痛的根源。

    Expectation is the source of the whole heartbreak.

  21. 忽然心痛的无法再压抑。

    Suddenly heartache is unable to constrain anymore.

  22. 我为错过的岁月感到心痛

    I was heartbreak for the mistaken years

  23. 玫瑰我爱你, 爱得忧伤, 爱得心痛。

    Rose, Rose I love you with an aching heart.

  24. 但是我为什么只感觉到心痛?

    But why do I feel heartache only?

  25. 听到母亲咳嗽我一阵心痛。

    I can hear mother coughing. That cough does something to me.

  26. 但我有神来分担我的心痛。

    I have my share of heartaches.

  27. 最心痛得是你离开了我。

    What to deplore greatly most is you left me.

  28. 最心痛的是你离开了我。

    What to deplore greatly most is you left me.

  29. 治疗心痛最好的OTC药物是什么?

    What’s the best OTC medication for heartburn?

  30. 看着你俩争执,我很心痛。

    It pains me to see the two of you at odds.


  1. 问:心痛拼音怎么拼?心痛的读音是什么?心痛翻译成英文是什么?

    答:心痛的读音是,心痛翻译成英文是 cardialgia

  2. 问:心痛定拼音怎么拼?心痛定的读音是什么?心痛定翻译成英文是什么?

    答:心痛定的读音是,心痛定翻译成英文是 nifepine

  3. 问:心痛的拼音怎么拼?心痛的的读音是什么?心痛的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:心痛的的读音是,心痛的翻译成英文是 distraught

  4. 问:心痛风拼音怎么拼?心痛风的读音是什么?心痛风翻译成英文是什么?

    答:心痛风的读音是,心痛风翻译成英文是 cardiagra



“心痛”是个多义词,它可以指心痛(陈洁仪音乐专辑), 心痛(王杰粤语版歌曲), 心痛(陈洁仪演唱歌曲), 心痛(病症), 心痛(汉语词语), 心痛(王杰国语版歌曲)。