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《明史·冯琦传》:“先正其盗墓之罪,而后没墓中之藏。” 郭沫若 《驳<说儒>》:“他们甚而至于做强盗,做劫冢盗墓一类的勾当。” 老舍 《四世同堂》十五:“大哥!我来告诉你一声,城外头近来可很不安静!偷坟盗墓的很多。”
Police said the treasures were stolen and smuggled by gang members from Hubei to traders and collectors across the country.
警方称,湖北盗墓团伙将这些文物倒卖给全国各地的商人和收藏爱好者。China is a large place in which archaeologists commonly use armed guards to protect sites from looters.
中国地域宽广,通常考古学家要借助武警来阻止盗墓者。your expedition is at the center of a storm of controversy over salvage rights, and even ethics. Media are calling you a grave robber.
你的这种探测行为一起了极大的争论,比如打捞权问题,甚至道德问题。媒体把你称为一个盗墓者are the words of a gravedigger in "Hamlet, " one of the more famous cemetery workers of all time. But not the most.
这是来自《哈姆雷特》里盗墓者的话,其中一个一直以来是非常著名的墓地工作者之一,但他并不是最出名的。I saw this as a great story not only for the Chinese audience, but potentially for a western audience as well.
我觉得,《盗墓笔记》不仅仅对于中国读者来说是一部伟大的作品,它也有潜力被西方读者所认可。According to Tomb upon complaint, the boy did not figure money, according to drug women fans upon complaint, the girl is reluctant.
要按盗墓论罪,小伙子并没有图财,要按药迷女子论罪,姑娘又是情愿的。It is two grave robbers looking for a jade stone with a famous inscription that has been sought by generations of grave robbers.
原来是两个盗墓贼,在找一块刻有著名碑文的玉石,世代的盗墓贼都在寻这东西。BE carelessly fallen off while before stealing treasures in tomb a person to turn over a corpse outlying?
难道是以前的盗墓人翻动尸体时不小心掉落在外的?Yes, Christopher Nolan (who's said to have spent a decade writing the screenplay for "Inception" ), trots out this debunked old brain myth.