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1. 泥 [ní]2. 泥 [nì]泥 [ní]土和水合成的东西:~巴。~垢。~浆。~煤。~淖(泥污的洼地)。~泞。~洼。像泥的东西:枣~。山药~。印~(盖图章用的印色)。蒜~。泥 [nì]涂抹:~墙。~缝儿(fèngr )。固执,死板:拘……
汉语拼音:ní bā
A few friends of mine and I were playing some mud on the wet ground of our garden. . . I used a piece of mud to shape a little girl.
我和几个小伙伴在楼下的花圃里玩泥巴。我用了一块泥巴做了一个小女孩。He looked down. In the full moon's pale light he could make out dried mud on the base of the chair legs.
他低下头,在苍白的月光照耀下,他可以辨认出椅子腿上沾满了风干的泥巴。I was on my back in a couple of inches of mud, grasping him with all my strength, one hand around his throat.
我仰面朝上,身体压进几英寸深的泥巴中,死命抓住他,一只手掐住他脖子。His room looks like a piece of mud. You are not easy to find the door if you don't look carefully.
他的屋子好像一块大泥巴,如果不仔细看,还不容易找到门呢。I noticed that our Hungarian driver-brother had mud all the way up his legs, but he did not seem to mind.
我注意到负责开车的师兄双脚沾满了泥巴,但他似乎毫不在意。The pottery after ising with the mud(glue soil) model to dry in the air burns out with the fire of, is the crystallize of mire and fire.
陶器是用泥巴(粘土)成型晾干后,用火烧出来的,是泥与火的结晶。As the child delights in his mud pie, so the adult enjoys building things, especially things of his own design.
如同小孩在玩泥巴时感到愉快一样,成年人喜欢创建事物,特别是自己进行设计。He began to pull the mud away with his hands.
他开始用手把泥巴挖走。We suggest a nightly bath or mud bath following dinner to help trigger the detoxification of the body for the continued ascension.