


1. 涨 [zhǎng]2. 涨 [zhàng]涨 [zhǎng]水量增加,水面高起来:~潮。~落。~水。河水暴~。价格提高:~价。~钱。物价飞~。涨 [zhàng]体积增大:豆子泡~了。他~红了脸。多出来:~出十块钱。……


1. 价 [jià]2. 价 [jiè]价 [jià]商品所值的钱数:~钱。~格。涨~。调~。待~而沽。商品之间相互比较和交换的基础:~值。代~。化学名词:“原子~”。价 [jiè]旧时称派遣传递东西或传达事情的人:“走~驰书来诣”。……



汉语拼音:zhǎng jià








  1. 提高价格。

    《二十年目睹之怪现状》第十九回:“ 伯衡 便道:‘府上的田非但没有贬价,还在那里涨价呢!’” 茅盾 《送考》:“上学期,初中学费,二十元;这暑假里,忽然大家涨价了!有的三十,有的四十。”



  1. In this era of what all price, I passed was delighted to see that air did not increase, but is more and more material.


  2. Analysts are beginning to ask, as they have of oil and metals, whether higher prices are here to stay.


  3. While some of these costs can be passed on to customers, many companies have been unable to increase their own prices.


  4. One of them explains: "If you were happy to pay 37 rupees for a plate of bhelpuri, do you think you'd even notice an increase? "


  5. Higher food prices are 'like a tax, taking consumer money away from spending on other things, ' he said.


  6. Chinese mills had been expecting a price rise of at least 65 per cent, in line with that agreed with Brazilian miner Vale this year.


  7. "We're just so happy with them, " she says. "It seems everything's going up in price around here, at least oil and electricity are. "


  8. The National Reform and Development Commission announced it had rejected a request for a price hike from four major cooking oil companies.


  9. Consumer price tends to lead to the quality of suspected price rise is likely to be a consumer boycott.


  1. 棉花涨价。

    The price of cotton improves.

  2. 棉织品涨价

    advance on cottons.

  3. 适度的涨价

    moderate price increases

  4. 煤气涨价了。

    Gas rose in price.

  5. 面包涨价了。

    The loaf has risen in price.

  6. 小麦涨价了。

    There is an advance in wheat.

  7. 服装涨价了。

    Clothing has inflated in price.

  8. 香烟在涨价。

    Cigarettes are going up in price.

  9. 建材大幅涨价

    Hike of Construction Material.

  10. 为什么涨价了?

    Why did the price go up?

  11. 汽油涨价了。

    Petrol has increased in price or the price of petrol has increased.

  12. 一切都涨价了。

    Everything is getting dearer.

  13. 原物料涨价了。

    Raw material has inflated in price.

  14. 举出涨价理由。

    Give the reason for the price increase.

  15. 香烟又要涨价。

    The price of cigarettes is set to rise again.

  16. 最近汽车已涨价。

    Cars have been marked up recently.

  17. 粮食涨价引发的思考

    On the Recent Rise in Food Prices

  18. 人们通常不喜欢涨价。

    The people don't usually accept price hikes.

  19. 糖每磅涨价10美分。

    Sugar has risen ten cents a pound.

  20. 那些货物当时正在涨价。

    Those goods were then looking up.

  21. 最近各种肉类涨价了。

    The prices for all kinds of meat shot up again recently!

  22. 百货涨价, 只有薪水照旧。

    Everything went up except salaries.

  23. 气没涨价, 税涨了。

    The gas is the same, but the taxes have gone up.

  24. 气没涨价,税涨了。

    The gas is the same, but the taxes have gone up.

  25. 这几天苹果涨价了。

    Apples are costing more these days.

  26. 产品涨价的四种风险

    Four risks of product markup

  27. 解放前日用品天天涨价。

    In preliberation days the daily necessities were marked up every day.

  28. 你对邮资涨价怎么看

    A What do you think about the increase in postage

  29. 今年的稻种又涨价了。

    The price of rice seeds is rising again this year.

  30. 今年的稻种又涨价了。

    The price of rice seeds is rising again this year.


  1. 问:涨价拼音怎么拼?涨价的读音是什么?涨价翻译成英文是什么?

    答:涨价的读音是zhǎngjià,涨价翻译成英文是 raise a price

  2. 问:涨价应急准备金拼音怎么拼?涨价应急准备金的读音是什么?涨价应急准备金翻译成英文是什么?

    答:涨价应急准备金的读音是zhǎng jià yìng jí zhǔn bèi jīn,涨价应急准备金翻译成英文是 price contingency


