




1. 发 [fā]2. 发 [fà]发 [fā]交付,送出:分~。~放。~行(批发)。放,射:~射。百~百中。焕~。表达,阐述:~表。~凡(陈述某一学科或一本书的要旨)。阐~。散开,分散:~散。开展,张大,扩大:~展。~扬。打开,揭露:~现……



汉语拼音:méng fā









  1. 发芽。

    叶圣陶 《从西安到兰州》:“麦苗萌发了,这里那里一方方的嫩绿的绒毯。”

  2. 开始产生。

    明 方孝孺 《省庵记》:“吾於言也省其或违乎理,於行也省其或戾於义,念虑之萌发也省其或汩於私而沦於欲。” 峻青 《火把赞》:“看到这霍霍燃烧着抖动着的火把的时候,我的心里总是情不自禁的萌发起一种特别激动的感情。”



  1. He was not a man to feel any strong moral indignation even on account of trespasses against himself.


  2. Scirpus pumilus had no reaction to any factor or combination and its seed germination rate was all zero.


  3. Pick up the autumn leaves the already woods, is only possible in the next spring-signature germination.


  4. This account of the wonderful land beyond the Rocky Mountains gave him idea to move there.


  5. Suddenly he had a strong desire to visit Memphis. Wasn't it by the river?


  6. Dormancy in hard seeds benefits spatiotemporal distribution of seed germination and is of great significance for preserving germplasm.


  7. The cross is a revelation to our dull senses of the pain that from its very inception sin has brought to the heart of God.


  8. Birds dispersal the seeds and enlarging the population of S. pohuashanensis has no relationship with seed germination promotion effects.


  9. It has now been definitely established that the experiences of this cat led to the idea of quick-frozen people.


  1. 试管内萌发

    germination in the test tube.

  2. 提早春茶萌发

    Improving spring tea sprouting

  3. 玫瑰萌发新枝。

    The rose sprouted buds.

  4. 芽在春天萌发。

    Buds sprout in the spring.

  5. 花粉不能萌发

    One case is that pollens cannot germinate on the stigma, e. G. Sunflower.

  6. 大雨后新芽萌发。

    The young shoots are now in full flush after a heavy shower.

  7. 在水里萌发生长

    germinating and growing in water

  8. 原来是幼芽在萌发。

    It is the germination process.

  9. 分辨孢子发生与萌发。

    Distinguish between sporogenesis and germination.

  10. 四月嫩草萌发。

    April brought the first flush of grass.

  11. 春风一刮,芽儿萌发。

    Spring breeze, sprout germinate.

  12. 细叶百合的种子萌发

    Seed Germination of Lilium pumilum

  13. 光照对种子萌发无影响。

    The illumination has no effect on the seed germination.

  14. 他们意识到萌发中的危机。

    They were aware of a budding crisis.

  15. 萌发孔均为三孔沟。

    Pollen aperture is tricolporate.

  16. 火龙果种子萌发特性研究

    Study on Germination Characteristics of Pitaya Seeds

  17. 听着,梅尔,朱莉青春萌发。

    Look, Mayer, Julie has discovered sex.

  18. 火龙果种子萌发特性初探

    Preliminary Study on Germination Characteristics of Hylocereus undatus Seed

  19. 萌发了多少对春的许诺?

    The number of pairs of spring germination promise?

  20. 茶树修剪后又萌发新枝。

    The tea plants sprouted new buds after the pruning.

  21. 花粉粒在柱头上直接萌发

    Pollen grains germinate directly on the stigma

  22. 琼花种子萌发特性的研究

    Study on the Germination of Viburnum macrocephalum Seeds

  23. 光照对孢子萌发影响不大。

    And the conidia germination was not affected by light.

  24. 萌发孔类型均为三孔沟型。

    Their tremata are all threebore sulcus type.

  25. 超声波促进黑皮冬瓜种子萌发

    Supersonic Promote Sprout of Black Gourd Seed

  26. 理化处理促进冬瓜种子萌发

    Physical and Chemical Treatment Promote Wax Gourd Seed Germination

  27. 轮叶沙参种子萌发的研究

    Study on Germination of Adnophora Seed

  28. 阿月浑子种子萌发的研究

    A Study on the Germination of Pistacia vera Seeds

  29. 茶树修剪后又萌发了新枝。

    The tea plants sprouted new buds after the pruning.

  30. 播种三天后菌丝萌发状况。

    After sows seeds three days the condition of the sprout hypha.


  1. 问:萌发拼音怎么拼?萌发的读音是什么?萌发翻译成英文是什么?

    答:萌发的读音是méngfā,萌发翻译成英文是 sprout; come into being

  2. 问:萌发势拼音怎么拼?萌发势的读音是什么?萌发势翻译成英文是什么?

    答:萌发势的读音是méng fā shì,萌发势翻译成英文是 vigor

  3. 问:萌发孔拼音怎么拼?萌发孔的读音是什么?萌发孔翻译成英文是什么?

    答:萌发孔的读音是méng fā kǒng,萌发孔翻译成英文是 exit, germination aperture

  4. 问:萌发口器拼音怎么拼?萌发口器的读音是什么?萌发口器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:萌发口器的读音是méng fā kǒu qì,萌发口器翻译成英文是 germinal aperture

  5. 问:萌发蛋白拼音怎么拼?萌发蛋白的读音是什么?萌发蛋白翻译成英文是什么?

    答:萌发蛋白的读音是méng fā dàn bái,萌发蛋白翻译成英文是 germin

  6. 问:萌发抑制物拼音怎么拼?萌发抑制物的读音是什么?萌发抑制物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:萌发抑制物的读音是méng fā yì zhì wù,萌发抑制物翻译成英文是 germination inhibitor

  7. 问:萌发分生孢子拼音怎么拼?萌发分生孢子的读音是什么?萌发分生孢子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:萌发分生孢子的读音是méngfā fēnshēng bāozǐ,萌发分生孢子翻译成英文是 germination by repetition

  8. 问:萌发抑制作用拼音怎么拼?萌发抑制作用的读音是什么?萌发抑制作用翻译成英文是什么?

    答:萌发抑制作用的读音是méng fā yì zhì zuò yòng,萌发抑制作用翻译成英文是 germination inhibition

  9. 问:萌发抑制因子拼音怎么拼?萌发抑制因子的读音是什么?萌发抑制因子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:萌发抑制因子的读音是méng fā yì zhì yīn zǐ,萌发抑制因子翻译成英文是 germination inhibitor

  10. 问:萌发蛋白样蛋白拼音怎么拼?萌发蛋白样蛋白的读音是什么?萌发蛋白样蛋白翻译成英文是什么?

    答:萌发蛋白样蛋白的读音是méng fā dàn bái yàng dàn bái,萌发蛋白样蛋白翻译成英文是 germin-like protein


