


液体移动:~水。~汗。~血。~泪。~程。~泻。~质。~水不腐。汗~浃背。随波逐~(随着波浪起伏,跟着流水漂荡,喻没有主见,随着潮流走)。像水那样流动不定:~转(zhuǎn )。~通。~寇。~浪。~离。~散。~失。~沙。~露。~萤。传播:~言……


讲,说:~说。~喻。~道。~欢。~情。~必有中(zhòng )(一说就说到点子上)。说的话:~论。~辞(亦作“言词”)。语~。~语。~简意赅。汉语的字:五~诗。七~绝句。洋洋万~。语助词,无义:~归于好。“~告师氏,~告~归”。姓。……



汉语拼音:liú yán








  1. 散布没有根据的话。

    《书·金縢》:“ 武王 既丧, 管叔 及其羣弟乃流言於国。”《三国演义》第六五回:“﹝ 杨松 ﹞遂使人流言云:‘ 马超 意欲夺 四川 ,自为 蜀 主,与父报仇,不肯臣於 汉中 。’” 景耀月 《古诗》:“黄鸟汝如知,九寓正流言。”

  2. 没有根据的话。多指背后议论、诬蔑或挑拨的话。

    《诗·大雅·荡》:“流言以对,寇攘式内。” 朱熹 集传:“流言,浮浪不根之言也。”《警世通言·拗相公饮恨半山堂》:“有庶兄 管叔 、 蔡叔 将谋不轨,心忌 周公 ,反布散流言,説 周公 欺侮幼主,不久篡位。” 丁玲 《在医院中》五:“ 陆萍 像害了病似的几天没有出来,而医院里的流言却四处飞。”

  3. 众人流传的话。

    《礼记·儒行》:“过言不再,流言不极。” 孔颖达 疏:“若闻流传之言,不穷其根本所从出处也。”《后汉书·马援传》:“ 隗嚣 与 援 共卧起,问以东方流言乃京师得失。”



  1. Amid all the rumor, speculation and nonsense, only you know for certain what you think and feel.


  2. It was rumoured that the marriage was an attempt to normalise his image.


  3. Alan Smith has reiterated his desire to remain at Old Trafford despite speculation linking him with a move away from United.


  4. Proof of this can be determined by dropping a baby tooth into a glass of it, then going back the next morning to find most of it eaten away.


  5. Sure, we're going through a sticky spell but we'll try to get a few wins and pull ourselves out of it.


  6. The other school sees gossip more as a hostile endeavor by individuals selfishly trying to advance their own interests.


  7. Raymond: What the heck is going on here? How could we be so completely in the dark about these rumors until now?


  8. Snopes sets the record straight on which high-circulation tales are myths and which are actually (sort of) true.


  9. It was a rumour that appeared out of nowhere a while ago leading many to believe this piece of news.


  1. 暗中的流言

    backstairs gossip.

  2. 流言传播迅速

    Gossip tends to circulate quickly.

  3. 流言止于智者。

    Rumours find no credence with a wise man.

  4. 探查流言的来源

    scout around for some gossip.

  5. 流言变成了现实。

    The rumours hardened into fact.

  6. 他老是散播流言。

    Hes always hawking gossip about.

  7. 我听到的流言

    And the only rumor I've heard.

  8. 那么流言就只是噪音

    then the rest is just noise.

  9. 我以为只是流言而已

    which I figured was just a rumor.

  10. 逃卜出流言的流年。

    Cannot escape the rumor fleeting time.

  11. 城中满是流言,什么流言?

    The city is awash with rumours. Rumours of what?

  12. 有流言说你讨厌我。

    There was a rumor, you know, that you hated me.

  13. 流言常和谎话并行。

    Gossiping and lying go together.

  14. 整个好莱坞顿时流言四起。

    Hollywood soon became rife with rumors.

  15. 流言粗鄙下流或造谣中伤的流言

    Racy or scandalous gossip.

  16. 她对这流言信以为真。

    She accepted the rumour as true.

  17. 流言起初是在莫斯科传播。

    Stories circulated first in Moscow.

  18. 误会把流言带到大街小巷。

    Misunderstanding brings lies to town.

  19. 爱传播流言或秘密的人

    Hat is meant to be secret

  20. 澄清流言事实还是网络谎话?

    Rumor Detectives True Story or Online Hoax

  21. 我不想散布错误的流言。

    I don't wanna spread false rumors.

  22. 流言,尤使我耳不忍闻。

    Even more, I could not bear to hear these rumours.

  23. 六个虚拟的流言的小部分。

    Six little pretend pieces of gossip.

  24. 流言终归是流言, 不久就会平息。

    Rumours are rumours. It will soon blow over.

  25. 媒体的流言也帮了大忙。

    And the media buzz has so far helped his daily practice.

  26. 一桩蛮有趣的流言满天飞。

    A piece of juicy gossip is going the rounds.

  27. 流言, 诽谤恶意的或诽谤性的闲话

    Malicious or scandalous gossip.

  28. 他们谈论着一些诙谐的流言。

    They passed jocular rumors.

  29. 散布流言的人将受到谴责。

    People who circulate false news are to be blamed.

  30. 我拒绝相信这些恶意的流言!

    I refuse to believe these scandalous rumors!


  1. 问:流言拼音怎么拼?流言的读音是什么?流言翻译成英文是什么?

    答:流言的读音是liúyán,流言翻译成英文是 gossip

  2. 问:流言飞语拼音怎么拼?流言飞语的读音是什么?流言飞语翻译成英文是什么?

    答:流言飞语的读音是liúyánfēiyǔ,流言飞语翻译成英文是 unfounded rumours / rumors

  3. 问:流言蜚语拼音怎么拼?流言蜚语的读音是什么?流言蜚语翻译成英文是什么?

    答:流言蜚语的读音是liúyánfēiyǔ,流言蜚语翻译成英文是 Rumor; scandal

  4. 问:流言终结者拼音怎么拼?流言终结者的读音是什么?流言终结者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:流言终结者的读音是Liúyán Zhōngjiézhě,流言终结者翻译成英文是 MythBusters


流言,汉语词汇。拼音:liú yán指广为流传或无根据来源的说法。语出《礼记·儒行》:“久不相见,闻流言不信。”