




1. 过 [guò]2. 过 [guo]3. 过 [guō]过 [guò]从这儿到那儿,从此时到彼时:~江。~账。~程。~渡。~从(交往)。经~。经过某种处理方法:~秤。~磅。~目。超出:~于。~度(dù)。~甚。~奖(谦辞)。~量(lià……



汉语拼音:gǎn guò






  1. Over a third of over-fifties say they have sex between one and three times a week.


  2. The sheepdog rounded up the sheep and drove them through the gate.


  3. overhaul, refit, overhaul and refit, recondition, remanufacture, rebuild, pass, overtake Lektion zwei froh adj.


  4. He gained success overnight when his City of Fantasy book hit Beijing's book stores, having sold more than 1. 5 million copies.


  5. And as they overtook and passed me, they cut themselves off from me.


  6. For their study, Wang and his colleagues used data on more than 12, 000 workers in a U. S. health study begun in 1992.


  7. Among the world's population of those who are over 100 years old, 85 percent are women, according to the New England Centenarian Study.


  8. you have to arrive in time before it is to late


  1. 检修。超车超车。超过。赶过。

    overhaul, refit, overhaul and refit, recondition, remanufacture, rebuild, pass, overtake Lektion zwei froh adj.

  2. 我不得不快走才能赶过你。

    I had to walk very fast to overtake you.

  3. 不要松劲, 他们很快就赶过你了。

    Don't let down! They'll surpass you soon.

  4. 牧羊犬把羊撵到了一起, 把它们赶过栅门。

    The sheepdog rounded up the sheep and drove them through the gate.

  5. 假如我们再有五十年,六十年,就完全应该赶过它。

    Given fifty or sixty years, we certainly ought to overtake the United States.

  6. 虽然他开始时划得很好, 但最后我还是赶过了他。

    Though he had a good start, I rowed him down at last.

  7. 不管因生意关系去了什么地方,他总要赶回家过感恩节。

    No matter where his business took him, he always managed to be home for Thanksgiving.

  8. 那个百万富翁还曾因为没钱付房租而被人赶出去过。

    That millionaire has even been tossed out of the house for no money to pay for the rent.

  9. 他转过拐角去赶巴士。

    He whirled round the corner to catch the bus.

  10. 他转过拐角去赶巴士。

    He whirled round the corner to catch the bus.

  11. 我睡过头, 差点赶不上期末考, 吓死我了!

    I overslepted and almost missed my final. Scary!

  12. 我希望我不要睡过头, 我要赶第一趟班机。

    I hope I do not oversleep. I've simply got to catch the first flight out.

  13. 我希望我不要睡过了。我要赶去纽约的第一班航班。

    D It brings about changes in our lifestyle.

  14. 山势大家吃过午饭,就匆匆赶去渡口,从那里渡过金沙江。

    The mountain we had lunch on the ferry hastily rush, and from there through Jinsha River.

  15. 阿哥赶马过山来

    My Lover Rides A Horse Over The Hills

  16. 她赶着牛群穿过荒野。

    She drove the herd of cattle through the wilderness.

  17. 他匆匆吃过午饭,便赶往车站。

    He dispatched his lunch and hurried to the station.

  18. 爱炫爱酷赶时尚的你怎么能错过呢!

    Features translucent case and colorful band, 3 hand movement, and unidirectional timing bezel.

  19. 如果我错过了这班火车,就赶乘下一班。

    If I miss this train I'll catch the next one.

  20. 过了一会儿,他们已然搭上飞机赶往南方了。

    A few moments later they were airborne and winging their way south.

  21. 没过多久,外来移民就把当地人赶出了家园。

    The indigenous population was soon displaced by the settlers.

  22. 我打卡下班,飞车穿过凋零的小镇往家赶。

    I clock out, race home through our wincing little town.

  23. 年轻人转过身子, 拎着两个皮箱, 匆匆赶了回来。

    The young man turned around and hurried back with his two bags.

  24. 嗯,很高兴你赶来了,我可不希望你错过机会。

    Well, I'm glad you could make it. I didn't want you to miss out.

  25. 噢,不!我又睡过头了!我迟到了!赶不上打盹的时间了。

    Oh no! I over slept! I'm late! For my nap.

  26. 我请过你的门徒把鬼赶出去,他们却是不能。

    He foams at the mouth, gnashes his teeth and becomes rigid.

  27. 噢!不!我又睡过头了!我又要迟到了!赶不上打盹的时间了。

    Oh no! I overslept! Im late! For my nap.

  28. 大多数赶尸人从来没在葛洛托这样的地方呆过。

    Most corpse handlers never get to work a place like Grotto.

  29. 自从他们把我从教堂赶出来我就再也没唱过歌了。

    I stopped singing the day they kicked me out of the church choir.

  30. 年轻人转过身子, 拎着两个沉甸甸的皮箱, 匆匆赶了回来。

    The young man turned around and hurried back with his two age of gold bags.


  1. 问:赶过拼音怎么拼?赶过的读音是什么?赶过翻译成英文是什么?

    答:赶过的读音是,赶过翻译成英文是 outpace