


1. 六 [liù]2. 六 [lù]六 [liù]数名,五加一(在钞票或单据上常用大写“陆”代):~书(古时分析汉字形、音、义而归纳出来的六种造字法)。~甲。~艺(a.古时指“礼”、“乐”、“射”、“御”、“书”、“数”六种技艺;b.六经……





汉语拼音:liù děng







  1. 六个等级。(1)谓爵位有六级。

    《孟子·万章下》:“君一位,卿一位,大夫一位,上士一位,中士一位,下士一位,凡六等。”(2)谓国君任用官吏分六等级。 汉 贾谊 《新书·官人》:“王者官人有六等:一曰师,二曰友,三曰大臣,四曰左右,五曰侍御,六曰廝役。”(3)谓人之品行有善、信、美、大、圣、神六等。《孟子·尽心下》“ 乐正子 二之中四之下也” 汉 赵岐 注:“人有是六等, 乐正子 能善能信,在二者之中、四者之下也。”

  2. 指圭上所画的色彩为六行。

    《礼记·杂记下》:“《赞大行》曰:圭,公九寸,侯、伯七寸,子、男五寸。博三寸,厚半寸,剡上左右各寸半,玉也,藻三采六等。” 孔颖达 疏:“三采,朱、白、苍也。六等,六行也。谓画上三色,每色为二行,是三采六等。”



  1. The departures are thinning Goldman's ranks of senior bankers with star power in a crucial growth market for investment banking.


  1. 她把蛋糕分成六等份。

    She divided the cake into six equal slices.

  2. 我们亦可把屏幕划分为四等分 六等分等等。

    We may also divide the screen into quarters, sixths, and so on.

  3. 星就其光度而分,可分为一等星、六等星等等。

    Stars are classified by brilliance as of the first, sixth, etc. magnitude.

  4. 六等分窗孔球笼式保持架结构主参数的设计计算

    Design and Calculation of Structual Main Parameters of Six Equal Divided Window Rezpa Cage

  5. 或者我们等六月再开工

    Or we could wait till June.

  6. 还没有,还要再等六个月。

    Not yet. It will another six months.

  7. 美国等六个国家投了反对票。

    The United States was one of the six countries that voted against the resolution.

  8. 马克在六楼等。

    Mark is waiting for the lift on the sixth floor.

  9. 平均要等六至八年才有肾脏可供移植

    Had to wait six to eight years on average for an organ to become available

  10. 她在楼下六楼等你。

    She's downstairs, on six.

  11. 贵州葫芦科、桔梗科等六个科药用植物资源的研究

    Studies on the medicinal plant resources of cucurbitaceae, campanulaceae and other families in Guizhou

  12. 他正在六号房等你。

    He's waiting for you in room six.

  13. 我六点等你吃晚饭。

    I'll expect you for supper at six o'clock.

  14. 对乙酰氨基酚等六组分含量的岭回归法测定

    Determination of Six Components Including Acetaminophen by Ridge Regression Spectrophotometry

  15. 在三个州有六个病人等着这个女人的器官。

    Six patients in three states are waiting for organs.

  16. 你为什么不等到六周以后再问我一遍呢?

    Why don't you ask me again six weeks from now ?

  17. 如果你还没雇用建筑承包商,不妨等到六月再雇。

    If you have not hired contractors yet, wait until June.

  18. 我已经等了六个钟头了,然而你还叫我要耐心点。

    I have waited six hours yet you still counsel patience.

  19. 上个月我参加了汉语水平考试,但得等到六月份才能有结果。

    I took the HSK examination last month, but I'll have to wait till June to get the actual results.

  20. 有六个人在汽车站等车。

    Six people were waiting at the bus stop.

  21. 前者有六个这类职等的员额,后者只有一个。

    While the former has six posts at these levels, the latter has only one post.

  22. 六月,英日等帝国主义在上海和其他地方继续进行屠杀。

    In June, the British imperialist and Japanese imperialist went on slaughtering in Shanghai and other places.

  23. 这些方案执行期间的长度为从几天到六个月不等。

    The duration of the programmes varies from a couple of days to six months.

  24. 我在等六路车。

    I am waiting for number six.

  25. 我们等了足有六个钟头。

    We waited a good six hours.

  26. 语句等六十多种不同的语言元素。

    Statement over sixty different language elements.

  27. 湖北武当山太极湖索道等六条索道。

    Hubei Wudang Mountain Tai Chi and other six Lake cableway cableway.

  28. 预售项目的退房, 退订情况将在网上公示等六项。

    Presale items return a house, rescind, six will be online publicity.

  29. 在古代六艺是指礼、乐、射、御、书、数等六种技能。

    The six arts in ancient China meant rites, music, archery, charioteering, reading and writing, and arithmetic.

  30. 等下,来了六个外伤病人,我却要留下

    Wait, with a halfdozen crash victims coming into the pit?