


1. 重 [zhòng]2. 重 [chóng]重 [zhòng]分(fèn)量较大,与“轻”相对:~负。~荷。~量(liàng )。~力。举~。负~。程度深:~色。~病。~望。~创。价格高:~价收买。数量多:~金聘请。眉毛~。~兵。主要,……


1. 读 [dú]2. 读 [dòu]读 [dú]依照文字念:~数。~经。~书。宣~。朗~。范~。看书,阅览:阅~。速~。默~。~者。求学:走~。字的念法:~音。~破。读 [dòu]旧指文章里一句中间念起来要稍稍停顿的地方:句~。……



汉语拼音:chóng dú







  1. 把一个词或词组里的某个音节,或语句里某几个音节读得重些,强些。

  2. 再读,重新阅读。

    宋 陈造 《谢朱宰借船》诗:“相过重读《借船帖》,我自卢胡君絶倒。” 丁玲 《我所认识的瞿秋白同志》:“最近,我又重读了《多馀的话》。”



  1. Rereading this in the morning. What was he trying to tell me? Of course: it's a book!


  2. A classic is a book which with each rereading offers as much of a sense of discovery as the first reading.


  3. I did not particularly relish the long train journey and had brought along a dozen magazines to read and reread.


  4. But today, re-reading the passages in his lectures, it is impossible not to see that he himself was the unnamed hero.


  5. Tyrion had finished them all by their third day at sea. Then, for lack of any other books, he started reading them again.


  6. Inevitably, while reading and rereading and going over this little booklet, my thoughts are led to the question of happiness.


  7. I enjoyed both parts of the book, but would like to read the book again in a few months time.


  8. When was the last time you spent an hour mulling the world out a window, or rereading a favourite book?


  9. If you stress every word equally, then your listener will have to listen very carefully and try to guess the main point of your message.


  1. 强音,重读

    an acute accent.

  2. 非重读音节

    unstressed syllable

  3. 重读人称代词

    Personal pronoun with strong accent

  4. 句子中的重读。

    Main stress in the Sentences.

  5. 单词中的重读。

    Main Stress in the Single Word.

  6. 重读否定命题

    A Reconsideration of the Negative Proposition

  7. 短元音不重读。

    Short vowels are unstressed.

  8. 短元音不重读。

    Short vowels are unstressed.

  9. 重读第一个音节

    stress the first syllable

  10. 他总重读代词。

    He always put the stress on the pronoun.

  11. 他总重读代词。

    He always put the stress on the pronoun.

  12. 二, 句子中的重读

    Main stress in the Sentences

  13. 一, 单词中的重读

    Main Stress in the Single Word

  14. 代词通常不重读。

    Pronouns are not usually emphasized.

  15. 第一音节应重读。

    The first syllable should be accented.

  16. 代名词通常不重读。

    Pronouns are not usually emphasized

  17. 重读音节影响词义

    How syllable stress affect meaning of word

  18. 第一音节应当重读。

    The first syllable should be accented.

  19. 重读第二个音节。

    Stress the second syllable.

  20. 非重音无重音或重读

    Lack of accent or stress.

  21. 我应该重读哪个词?

    Which word should I emphasize ?

  22. 请重读第一个音节。

    Please accent the first syllable.

  23. 重读音节要读清楚。

    Read the stressed syllable distinctly.

  24. 早上得时候重读这个。

    Rereading this in the morning.

  25. 早上的时候重读这个。

    Rereading this in the morning.

  26. 反身动词通常须重读。

    The reflexive verb is usually stressed.

  27. 重读重读或以重音读出

    To pronounce with a stress or an accent.

  28. 清音是不重读的音节。

    an atonic syllable carries no stress.

  29. 也避免重读文字和空间。

    Also avoid accented letters and spaces.

  30. 属于或关于重音或重读的。

    Of or pertaining to accent or stress.


  1. 问:重读拼音怎么拼?重读的读音是什么?重读翻译成英文是什么?

    答:重读的读音是zhòngdú,重读翻译成英文是 stress

  2. 问:重读症拼音怎么拼?重读症的读音是什么?重读症翻译成英文是什么?

    答:重读症的读音是chóng dú zhèng,重读症翻译成英文是 catalexia

  3. 问:重读的拼音怎么拼?重读的的读音是什么?重读的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:重读的的读音是chóng dú de,重读的翻译成英文是 accented

  4. 问:重读搏动拼音怎么拼?重读搏动的读音是什么?重读搏动翻译成英文是什么?

    答:重读搏动的读音是zhòngdú bódòng,重读搏动翻译成英文是 stressed pulse

  5. 问:重读音节前的音节拼音怎么拼?重读音节前的音节的读音是什么?重读音节前的音节翻译成英文是什么?

    答:重读音节前的音节的读音是zhòngdúyīnjiéqián de yīnjié,重读音节前的音节翻译成英文是 pretonic syllable

  6. 问:重读音节后的音节拼音怎么拼?重读音节后的音节的读音是什么?重读音节后的音节翻译成英文是什么?

    答:重读音节后的音节的读音是zhòngdúyīnjiéhòu de yīnjié,重读音节后的音节翻译成英文是 post-tonic syllable