











汉语拼音:qiān rén suǒ zhǐ








  • 【解释】:千人:众人,许多人;指:指责。为众人所拇,。
  • 【出自】:《汉书·王嘉传》:“千人所指,无病而死。”
  • 【语法】:主谓式;作谓语;含贬义


  1. na.
  2. be subjected to the censure of everybody

  1. 一般人所指的马头角是宋皇台道,木厂街及马头角道一带。

    It was a cape in Kowloon and opposite to the Sacred Hill at Ma Tau Chung.

  2. 解除被魔杖所指的任何人的武装。

    Expelliarmus! Disarms whoever the wand is aimed at.

  3. 则该人可向审裁处申请作出本条所指的命令。

    May apply to the Tribunal for an order under this section.

  4. 希特勒的党卫军按医生所指的方向把被监禁的人推过去。

    SS guards shoved each prisoner in the direction the doctor had indicated.

  5. 许多人无家可归,据我们所知,有数千人。

    A lot of people have been displaced, thousands we know of.

  6. 英雄是指你所崇拜的人。

    Hero means someone you admire.

  7. 前项所称同一人,指同一自然人或同一法人。

    Same person in the preceding paragraph means a same natural person or same juristic person.

  8. 指为保单持有人所持单位得价值而预留得储备金。

    The reserve set aside for the value of the units held for policy holders.

  9. 指为保单持有人所持单位的价值而预留的储备金。

    The reserve set aside for the value of the units held for policy holders.

  10. 没有诉讼人这个概念, 你所说可能是指诉讼参与人。

    Not litigant person this concept, you are said the likelihood is to show lawsuit participates in a person.

  11. 在日常生活中所讲的个性,主要是指一个人的性格。

    The personality that referred to in daily life mainly is a person's character.

  12. 我们不能原谅那些千夫所指的罪人。

    We shouldn't forgive those who are universally condemned.

  13. 爱,指的是信任我所爱的人。

    Love means trusting the person I love.

  14. 尤指人在开始阶段所采用的计谋,策略,手法

    a maneuver,stratagem,or ploy,especially one used at an initial stage

  15. 爱,指的是理解我所爱的人。

    Love means identifying with the person I love.

  16. 策略尤指人在开始阶段所采用的计谋,策略,手法

    A maneuver, stratagem, or ploy, especially one used at an initial stage.

  17. 注人称代名词的格所指的是人称代名词在句子中的功能。

    Remark Cases refer to the function of a personal pronoun in a sentence.

  18. 软技能指的是我们每个人所特有的品质或才能。

    Soft skills are the personal character traits or qualities each of us has.

  19. 喻体所指不同性别的人时,喻体能动性会产生差异。

    When vehicles point to persons of different sexes, vehicle capabilities can cause difference.

  20. 公款出国旅游, 因徐文艾事件再次成了千夫所指。

    Public funds for travel abroad, Xu Ai incident has once again become a public outcry.

  21. 一时间, 乙醇成了千夫所指的导致粮食危机的缘故之一。

    For a time, ethanol has become universal condemnation that led to one of the reasons the food crisis.

  22. 爱,指的是我和我所爱的人能从中获取成长的力量。

    Love means growth for both myself and the person I love.

  23. 一千天使中, 若有一个作传话的与神同在, 指示人所当行的事。

    And his soul comes near to the underworld, and his life to the angels of death.

  24. 私奔指女的不顾阻拦投奔所爱的人或一块逃跑。

    In ancient China, elopement mainly referred to the act of running away with one's beloved.

  25. 这是我们各国领导人2000年所通过的千年发展目标的远景。

    This is the vision of the Millennium Development Goals, adopted by our leaders in2000.

  26. 这是我们各国领导人2000年所通过得千年发展目标得远景。

    This is the vision of the Millennium Development Goals, adopted by our leaders in2000.

  27. 用于指被他们从中出现的语言所称呼的人的代词或动词。

    pronouns and verbs used to refer to the person addressed by the language in which they occur.

  28. 将版权所授予的权利销售或指派给其他人的权利

    The right to sell or assign any of the rights granted by copyright to others

  29. 流浪汉不像有些人那样被成千上万桩愁事所折磨。

    Tramps are free from the thousands of anxieties which afflict other people.

  30. 还有过去几年死于警察扣留所的数千名大马人。

    And what about the thousands of Malaysians that have died in police custody in the last couple of years.


