


1. 通 [tōng]通 [tōng]没有阻碍,可以穿过,能够达到:~风。~天。~气。~宵。~行。~过。~衢。贯~。四~八达。曲径~幽。懂得,彻底明了:~晓。~彻。~今博古。~情达理。传达:~令。~讯。~报。~告。~知。~缉。~谍。往来交接……





汉语拼音:tōng shùn








  1. 文章没有逻辑或语法上的毛病。

    清 张德彝 《随使法国记·使事记》:“《华语便读》一书,其字句妥协,文理通顺,洵为学华语者入门之捷径也。” 孙犁 《秀露集·关于编辑和投稿》:“偶有删节,要使上下文通顺,使作者心服。”



  1. You might argue that these sentences are somewhat unnatural; certainly, the do not represent the everyday core meaning of the word "man" .


  2. Never thought of becoming a poet, for neither I can spell nor write well; but I have things to tell and I wish you could hear them all.


  3. Party B guarantees the fluency, accuracy of the translation while trying to make the wording thereof elegant.


  4. Indeed, only heavy campaigning had kept him from meeting the United States' new ambassador to Ecuador, who arrived in August.


  5. Web site in a design, the smooth, the result is reasonable and keep the word is along the road.


  6. Faithful and fluent, as the standard translation, is a matter of two aspects, is a unified whole, interdependent and indivisible.


  7. He did not translate accurately and smoothly.


  8. the way in which the canker of doubt about the credibility of religious doctrine ate away at him.


  9. If I am not very fluent in this self-description to help change the way I look good, thank you!


  1. 句子不通顺。

    The sentence doesn't read smoothly.

  2. 译述的忠实与通顺

    Faithfulness and Fluency in Interpretation

  3. 它本该是通顺的。

    It's supposed to be clear.

  4. 这个句子不通顺。

    The sentence does not read smoothly.

  5. 她的信读起来总是很通顺的。

    Her letters always read well.

  6. 年轻人会说通顺的英语是必要的。

    Necessary, young people can speak good english.

  7. 首先这使得原文清楚简洁,表达通顺。

    The first consideration, make it clear, simple and unambiguous.

  8. 她造不出一句语法通顺的句子。

    She is incapable of constructing a grammatical sentence.

  9. 梳理通顺,自然晾干,晾干后即可恢复原状。

    Comb clear and coherent, natural air, after air can restorable.

  10. 网页内容要精心制作,文本语意通顺正确。

    The content should be well written and semantically correct.

  11. 将假发架在木托上, 梳理通顺。

    Hold hairpiece wearing in the palm in wood, comb clear and coherent.

  12. 这篇文章修改后读起来通顺而优美。

    Thanks to all of the polish, the essay reads fluently and elegantly.

  13. 这篇文章修改后读起来通顺而优美。

    Thanks to all of the polish, the essay reads fluently and elegantly.

  14. 她能讲德语,也会说不通顺的英语。

    She spoke in German and in broken English.

  15. 这段话改了以后读起来就通顺多了。

    After changing this paragraph it reads a lot more smoothly.

  16. 试析影响译文的忠实与通顺的几个因素

    ON the Influencing Factors to a Faithful and Fluent Translation

  17. 这同一原则也可使文章写得更通顺。

    The same principle may make for smoother writing.

  18. 仔细学习课文,必须能把课文译成通顺的汉语。

    Study the text carefully and be sure that you are able to translate it into idiomatic Chinese.

  19. 这次我们将讨论呼吸和气息流畅通顺的问题。

    This will pertain to breathing and maintaining an open airway.

  20. 乙方保证译文通顺、准确,并努力做到文字优美。

    Party B guarantees the fluency, accuracy of the translation while trying to make the wording thereof elegant.

  21. 你得找到每幅图的发声 整个排列秩序意义通顺

    You have to figure out the sounds of each of these pictures such that the entire sequence makes sense.

  22. 非通顺的译文突显出源语和译语文化和语言的差异。

    Unfluent translation presents differences between languages and cultures.

  23. 你们要做的就是调换单词的位置以使句子意义通顺。

    Your task is to interchange words so that the sentence makes sense.

  24. 而衔接对源语文本和译语文本的通顺都起到重要作用。

    Cohesion plays an important role in the expressiveness of both the SLT and TLT.

  25. 老师把学生作文中重复的词句删去,使其简明通顺。

    The teacher scored out the redundant words from the students'composition, to make it concise and readable.

  26. 楼上三个也太不通顺了, 都是电脑翻译的吧?呵呵。不厚道。

    The output is the last step in computer operation.

  27. 如果你忘了做日报表,有关信息流不通顺的大问题来了。

    If you forgot your daily report, big complains according to information flow came.

  28. 如果你将这几个字调换一下顺序, 句子读起来会更通顺一些。

    If you switch the words over, the sentence reads smoother.


  1. 问:通顺拼音怎么拼?通顺的读音是什么?通顺翻译成英文是什么?

    答:通顺的读音是tōngshùn,通顺翻译成英文是 coherent; polish




【读音】tōng shùn


【出处】清·张德彝 《随使法国记·使事记》:“《华语便读》一书,其字句妥协,文理通顺,洵为学华语者入门之捷径也。”

【示例】孙犁 《秀露集·关于编辑和投稿》:“偶有删节,要使上下文通顺,使作者心服。”