







汉语拼音:chāo lù








  1. Do you think I could pay for my scroll scribing XP costs with a well-told tale of a drug- addled past of some sort?


  2. Transcribing documents, officially or privately, was an important way for then states to spread information.


  3. Mr Lear, 77, a retired engineer, spotted the image when it was reproduced last week as part of a nostalgia item in a local newspaper.


  4. Erin, meanwhile, notably pulls a case-breaking court order out of her hat.


  5. "What she meant was that my collaboration would be limited to translate her words and transcribe them, " said Pascale Dozite.


  6. These scribing could turn out only a few hand-lettered books in a lifetime of tedium.


  7. The account of the trial was transcribed from the stenographer 's shorthand notes.


  8. Consulting, transcribing or duplicating the materials registered with the registration departments shall be permitted.


  9. Earlier, in a post about active listening, I mentioned how it can help to transcribe and summarize parts of a listening assignment.


  1. 我抄录了几首诗歌。

    I copied out several poems.

  2. 这篇文章很值得抄录下来。

    This passage is well worth copying out.

  3. 他喜欢这首诗,抄录了一份。

    He loved the poem, so he copied it down.

  4. 这些答复抄录在本报告附件一。

    The replies are reproduced in annex I to the present report.

  5. 把这段文章完全照原样抄录下来。

    Copy this passage exactly as it stands.

  6. 这段引文是从报上抄录来的。

    This quotation is taken from a newspaper article.

  7. 这段引文是从报上抄录来得。

    This quotation is taken from a newspaper article.

  8. 本文中未予抄录,全文见。号文件。

    Not reproduced in the present document, for the text, see document.

  9. 采访谈话先录了音,然后再抄录出来。

    The interview was recorded and then transcribed.

  10. 我可以抄录一下外币现金的兑换率吗?

    May I copy the list of foreign currency conversion rate?

  11. 最后案文应在会议报告中抄录。

    The final text would be reproduced in the report of the Conference.

  12. 我开始听磁带和抄录少许他们的部分。

    I began listening to the tapes and transcribing bits and pieces of them.

  13. 萨金特用长而颤巍巍得笔画抄录了数据。

    In long shaky strokes Sargent copied the data.

  14. 萨金特用长而颤巍巍的笔画抄录了数据。

    In long shaky strokes Sargent copied the data.

  15. 有关这件事的准确条文, 也一并抄录附寄。

    The precise words of the clause that refers to this matter are enclosed.

  16. 这是刊登在我们的第一抄录活输送。

    This was published in our first transcriptions of live channelling.

  17. 这是刊登在我们得第一抄录活输送。

    This was published in our first transcriptions of live channelling.

  18. 老师要孩子们把历史书上的注释抄录下来。

    The teacher asked the children to copy out notes from their history book.

  19. 老师要孩子们把历史书上得注释抄录下来。

    The teacher asked the children to copy out notes from their history book.

  20. 抄录和记忆句型与惯用语时,要用单数第一人称。

    Use I when you record or memorize sentences or words.

  21. 这篇报告是从记录本中逐字逐句抄录下来的。

    This report was read off word for word from the minute book.

  22. 这篇报告是从记录本中逐字逐句抄录下来得。

    This report was read off word for word from the minute book.

  23. 某些国家立法还抄录有关的国际法律文书的规定。

    Some national legislation also included the provisions of the relevant international legal instruments.

  24. 从别的报纸上抄录文章,润色加工后再重新发表。

    Copying articles from other papers and repeating them with embellishments.

  25. 非常准确地抄录一个文件这篇文章很值得抄录下来。

    Copy a document with high fidelity This passage is well worth copying out.

  26. 她酷爱这位诗人,以致将他的诗集全抄录下来。

    She loved the poet so much that she copied out his whole collection of poetry.

  27. 他想要把那些下层社会份子的对话完全抄录下来。

    He wanted to transcribe completely the conversation of the lowlifes.

  28. 这篇审判的报道是从速记员的笔记中抄录而来的。

    The account of the trial was transcribed from the stenographer s shorthand notes.

  29. 请把他勾乙的这段文字抄录下来,以备后用。

    Please copy the passage that he has ticked and keep it for future reference.

  30. 下面我抄录了馆内收藏员关于这些炮的纪录。

    I have reproduced the Curatorial records for both of the guns below.


  1. 问:抄录拼音怎么拼?抄录的读音是什么?抄录翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抄录的读音是chāolù,抄录翻译成英文是 make a copy

  2. 问:抄录手稿体拼音怎么拼?抄录手稿体的读音是什么?抄录手稿体翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抄录手稿体的读音是chāo lù shǒu gǎo tǐ,抄录手稿体翻译成英文是 book hand




【拼音】chāolù ㄔㄠ ㄌㄨˋ

