如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
1. 填 [tián]2. 填 [zhèn]填 [tián]把空缺的地方塞满或补满:~塞。~补。~充。~空(kòng )。义愤~膺。在空白表格上按项目写:~表。~词。形容声音巨大:~然。填 [zhèn]古同“镇”,使安定。……
汉语拼音:huí tián
The surface eluvium can be used as natural foundation support layer of the low-story building or as filling of hollows.
地表残积土可作为一般低层建筑的天然地基持力层,而且可作为低洼地带的回填土料;This byproduct is land filled, burned, used as fertilizer or mixed with compost to produce a viable soil amendment.
这些副产品常被用于土地回填,焚烧,用作肥料或混合其他用来做成可利用的土壤修正产品。The frequency with which the store checks to determine whether any backfill time-outs have expired.
存储为了确定是否有任何回填超时已到期而进行检查的频率。Build up around the house. Check for backfill soil settling near the house and fill it up where needed.
房屋周围。看看房子附近是否有回填土沉降的想象,需要的话,把它填平。If the selected server does not respond to the backfill request, the store marks that server as down and repeats the selection process.
如果选定的服务器未对回填请求做出响应,存储会将该服务器标记为down,并重复选择过程。Two sorts of backfills , bentonite and cement boned sand, have been tested in the laboratory for the system by unstable state method.
采用非稳态法对膨润土、水泥+砂两类回填材料进行了室内实验;For more information about backfill time-outs, see the default time-outs used for backfill requests table earlier in this topic.
有关回填超时的详细信息,请参阅本主题前面提到的用于回填请求表的默认超时。It has been shown that bentonite is not suitable for backfilled material lonely, and should be mixed with cement in unsaturated state.
试验结果表明,膨润土不适合单独用于回填材料,需与水泥配合并推荐使用非饱和态。The backfill array stores this information for a specified length of time (called the backfill time- out ) .