


1. 含 [hán]含 [hán]衔在嘴里,不吐出也不咽下:~一口水。~漱剂。~英咀(jǔ)华(喻反复琢磨体味文章的妙处)。~饴弄孙(含着糖逗小孙子,形容老年人的乐趣)。藏在里面,包容在里面:包~。~义。~量。~苞。~蕴。~混。~垢纳污(指……


感到耻辱:~耻。~辱。~恶。难为情,害臊:害~。~惭。~臊(sào )。~愧。含~。~赧(因害臊而红了脸的样子)。~怯。~涩。使难为情:~人。你别~我。进献:“~玉芝以疗饥”。同“馐”。……



汉语拼音:hán xiū








  1. 面带害羞的神情。

    汉 班婕妤 《捣素赋》:“弱态含羞,妖风靡丽。” 唐 温庭筠 《女冠子》词:“遮语迴轻扇,含羞下绣幃。”《红楼梦》第十四回:“那抱愧被打之人含羞去了,这才知道 凤姐 利害。” 老舍 《青蛙骑手》:“只有你,提起新郎就含羞带愧!”



  1. You said you were a little shy, I said me too, and I liked shy boy. it was so good at the beginning.


  2. In no intention of walking, I found a very special flower called "mimosa. "


  3. It turned out that the stem petiole in Mimosa, a liquid storage pocket, it looks like the fuel tank of the hydraulic drive.


  4. The lawn area where we have Several mimosa, as different, has aroused my curiosity, so I am particularly looking at it carefully.


  5. SUITORS keep knocking on the door of Iraq's oil ministry but the people inside are still coyly loth to say "come in" .


  6. I've never been more anxious to keep space and time open. . . for Sunday morning Mimosas or a last-minute adventure.


  7. He was so timid that he never played with other children, and he lived much by himself.


  8. If you are a beautiful girl, faces the prospect, I was that passionate trippingly man.


  9. " I then also small, do not know what " mimosa.


  1. 她含羞带笑。

    She flushed with smiles.

  2. 这是种含羞草。

    This is one, Mimosa pudica.

  3. 满面含羞的表情

    a shamefaced expression

  4. 含羞草花,美酒,皮革。

    Mimosa Flower, Port Wine, Leather.

  5. 它们可能比较含羞。

    They can be pretty shy.

  6. 我有几分一盆含羞草。

    I kind of a basin of mimosa.

  7. 有时含羞, 飞蛾般易受惊吓。

    Sometimes shy and skitterish a moth.

  8. 空气中弥漫着含羞草的芬芳。

    The air was filled with the sweetness of mimosa.

  9. 触摸会辨别出哪一颗是含羞草。

    peonies can be blighted by the laying on of a finger.

  10. 回家时我买了一盆漂亮的含羞草。

    I bought a home a beautiful bowl of mimosa.

  11. 含羞草的刺扎了人的皮肤会有毒吗?

    Is the skin that the thorn of sensitive plant plunged into a person poisonous

  12. 因为我那时候还小,不懂得什么叫含羞草。

    I then also small, do not know what mimosa.

  13. 含羞草叶子的敏感性不会因生长而变化。

    The sensitiveness of mimosa leaves does not depend on a change of growth.

  14. 含羞草叶子的敏感性不会因生长而变化。

    The sensitiveness of mimosa leaves does not depend on a change of growth.

  15. 哦,真真是一绿的山姑啊,含羞欲滴!

    Oh, Zhenzhen, a Green Mountain Kou ah, Hanxiu to drop!

  16. 暗卡其色含羞草黄奶油色象牙色米黄色亮黄亮金菊黄

    Dark Khaki Mimosa Cream Ivory Beige Light Yellow Light Goldenrod Yellow

  17. 开有含羞草状的向上的花的热带树林或灌木的属。

    genus of tropical trees or shrubs with flowers in mimosiform heads.

  18. 其选择性名称在某些分类系统中属于含羞草科

    alternative name used in some classification systems for the family Mimosaceae

  19. 紧接着我便知道,那是外面含羞树的气息。

    The next minute I knew it was coming from the mimosa tree outside.

  20. 游客经过弧桥庵和含羞泉就可到达谦逊瀑。

    Tourists may go to Qianxun Falls via the Hook Bridge Nunnery and the Shy Spring.

  21. 还像温暖春日里那一丝绿,含羞吐翠,又娇又嫩。

    Also like the warm touch of spring green where it faces the prospect of Tucui also Jiao tender again.

  22. 如果你一个含羞美丽的姑娘, 我就是那多情的翩翩男子。

    If you are a beautiful girl, faces the prospect, I was that passionate trippingly man.

  23. 接着教堂从一丛绿树中含羞似地探出头来。

    The church then peeped out modestly from a clump of trees.

  24. 上课时,他总是一言不发,安静地像一个含羞的小姑娘。

    During class, he would never say a word, quietly like a shy girl.

  25. 含羞的郁金香舒展开她的花瓣, 在地上铺上一层炫丽的色彩。

    The selfconscious tulip unfolded her petals and carpeted the ground with gaudy colour.

  26. 四种化学物质处理对无刺含羞草种子发芽率的影响

    Effects of Treatments with four Chemicals on Seed Germination of Mimosa invisa Mast. Var. Inemis Benth


  1. 问:含羞拼音怎么拼?含羞的读音是什么?含羞翻译成英文是什么?

    答:含羞的读音是hánxiū,含羞翻译成英文是 shy; with a shy look; bashfully

  2. 问:含羞草拼音怎么拼?含羞草的读音是什么?含羞草翻译成英文是什么?

    答:含羞草的读音是hánxiūcǎo,含羞草翻译成英文是 Mimosa pudica

  3. 问:含羞云实拼音怎么拼?含羞云实的读音是什么?含羞云实翻译成英文是什么?

    答:含羞云实的读音是hánxiūyúnshí,含羞云实翻译成英文是 Caesalpinia mimosoides

  4. 问:含羞樱花拼音怎么拼?含羞樱花的读音是什么?含羞樱花翻译成英文是什么?

    答:含羞樱花的读音是hánxiūyīnghuā,含羞樱花翻译成英文是 Korean Hill Cherry; Prunus verecunda

  5. 问:含羞草属拼音怎么拼?含羞草属的读音是什么?含羞草属翻译成英文是什么?

    答:含羞草属的读音是hánxiūcǎo shǔ,含羞草属翻译成英文是 Mimosa

  6. 问:含羞草族拼音怎么拼?含羞草族的读音是什么?含羞草族翻译成英文是什么?

    答:含羞草族的读音是hánxiūcǎo zú,含羞草族翻译成英文是 Mirnoseae

  7. 问:含羞草碱拼音怎么拼?含羞草碱的读音是什么?含羞草碱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:含羞草碱的读音是,含羞草碱翻译成英文是 mimosine

  8. 问:含羞草科拼音怎么拼?含羞草科的读音是什么?含羞草科翻译成英文是什么?

    答:含羞草科的读音是hánxiūcǎo kē,含羞草科翻译成英文是 Mimosaceae

  9. 问:含羞草素拼音怎么拼?含羞草素的读音是什么?含羞草素翻译成英文是什么?

    答:含羞草素的读音是hán xiū cǎo sù,含羞草素翻译成英文是 mimosine; leucenol

  10. 问:含羞草亚科拼音怎么拼?含羞草亚科的读音是什么?含羞草亚科翻译成英文是什么?

    答:含羞草亚科的读音是hánxiūcǎoyàkē,含羞草亚科翻译成英文是 Mimosoideae

  11. 问:含羞草决明拼音怎么拼?含羞草决明的读音是什么?含羞草决明翻译成英文是什么?

    答:含羞草决明的读音是hánxiūcǎojuémíng,含羞草决明翻译成英文是 Cassia mimosoides

  12. 问:含羞草氨酸拼音怎么拼?含羞草氨酸的读音是什么?含羞草氨酸翻译成英文是什么?

    答:含羞草氨酸的读音是hán xiū cǎo ān suān,含羞草氨酸翻译成英文是 leucenol



hán xiū 脸上带着害羞的神情:~不语;~而去。 汉 班婕妤 《捣素赋》:“弱态含羞,妖风靡丽。” 唐 温庭筠 《女冠子》词:“遮语回轻扇,含羞下绣帏。”《东周列国志》第二回 :“褒妃含羞忍痛,回入台中。已知是太子替母亲出气,双行流泪。”《红楼梦》第十四回:“那抱愧被打之人含羞去了,这才知道凤姐利害。” 老舍 《青蛙骑手》:“只有你,提起新郎就含羞带愧!”