


1. 大 [dà]2. 大 [dài]3. 大 [tài]大 [dà]指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量超过一般或超过所比较的对象,与“小”相对:~厅。~政。~气候。夜郎自~。~腹便便。指大小的对比:这间房有那间两个~。规模广,程度深,性……


1. 有 [yǒu]2. 有 [yòu]有 [yǒu]存在:~关。~方(得法)。~案可稽。~备无患。~目共睹。表示所属:他~一本书。表示发生、出现:~病。情况~变化。表示估量或比较:水~一丈多深。表示大、多:~学问。用在某些动词前面表示客气……


1. 裨 [bì]2. 裨 [pí]裨 [bì]增添,补助:大有~益。~补。裨 [pí]古代的次等礼服。副,偏,小:~将。偏~。……





汉语拼音:dà yǒu bì yì






  • 【解释】:裨益:益处、好处。形容益处很大。
  • 【出自】:《北齐书·唐邕传》:“比及武平之末,府藏渐虚,邕度支取金,大有裨益。”
  • 【示例】:其间卓然自得者,于圣经贤传,~。


  1. and is helpful when trying to understand people, when trying to blend in , it is absolutely indispensable.


  2. I'm not sure how much that will help, but I am betting it will help quite a bit.


  3. This helped hone Martin's own understanding of folding, which had been a hobby of his for years.


  4. Supplements can be very helpful when you are trying to bulk up your body.


  5. Pet understanding of the skills of its decision to understand, and the intrepid pet skills can be of great benefit to the players fighting.


  6. The gaoler's daughter saw that the topic was doing him as much good as the tea, as indeed it was, and encouraged him to go on.


  7. However, it might be helpful to see some of the major tasks that you could include in your own plan.


  8. The removal of the barrier between performance and post-production was just as helpful for the actors.


  9. But Peel's career is a fine example of the benefits that accrue from allowing politicians a genuine change of heart.


  1. 鼓励我笑靥于你我大有裨益。

    The dimples of encouragement are good for me and you.

  2. 这些营养物对美发皆大有裨益。

    These nurture all have profit greatly to beautifying hair.

  3. 古人的智慧对文明总是大有裨益。

    Wisdom of the ancients always served civilisation well.

  4. 您的建议对我公司的发展大有裨益。

    Your recommendation will be of great benefit to the development of our company.

  5. 我觉得改变一下会对你大有裨益的。

    I think a change would do you good.

  6. 我觉得改变一下会对你大有裨益的。

    I think a change would do you good.

  7. 这将会对我的博物馆事物大有裨益。

    This will be a great boon to my museum business.

  8. 他们的知识对解决悬而未决的问题大有裨益。

    Their knowledge is a great aid and advantage in conquering unsolved problems.

  9. 因此,成长性思维模式对培养毅力大有裨益。

    So growth mindset is a great idea for building grit.

  10. 这些对于学习者交际能力的培养大有裨益。

    All this is supposed to be helpful in training learners communicative competence.

  11. 寻根溯源, 对于走近黄宾虹, 无疑大有裨益。

    Inquiring deeply into the things will be useful for us to approach Huang BinHong.

  12. 如果想增强你的身体, 营养补充品大有裨益。

    Supplements can be very helpful when you are trying to bulk up your body.

  13. 这种隐晦的互动对于和谐的夫妻生活大有裨益。

    This kind interact obscurely to live to have profit greatly to harmonious husband and wife.

  14. 这样的代码对将来的重用和测试都是大有裨益的。

    The result will be more reusable in the future and will be easier to test.

  15. 另一个对全面学习大有裨益的就是追溯或复习。

    Another technique that works well with holistic learning is retracing.

  16. 因此, 学习土著语言对认识环境与环保工作大有裨益。

    Studying indigenous languages therefore benefits environmental understanding and conservation efforts.

  17. 此版卜辞对了解商末征伐人方情况大有裨益。

    This Boci contributes a lot to understanding the situation of conscripting Renfang during the end of Shang Dynasty.

  18. 并且在你试图要听明白别人说的话时大有裨益。

    and is helpful when trying to understand people, when trying to blend in, it is absolutely indispensable.

  19. 每日锻炼身体是明智的,这会对你的健康大有裨益。

    Daily exercise is advisable and good for your health.

  20. 每日锻炼身体是明智的,这会对你的健康大有裨益。

    Daily exercise is advisable and good for your health.

  21. 但是他觉得他的服务能够对建立消费者信任大有裨益。

    But he believes his service can be useful to build customers'confidence.

  22. 了解广告英语的语言特点对于认识劝说功能大有裨益。

    By analyzing its linguistic characteristics, we may have a general idea of how this evocative function is realized.

  23. 而对曹颖惠来说,与艾康尼斯的合作也大有裨益。

    And for Cao Yinghui, and Palmer nice cooperation will be of great advantage.

  24. 遵循他的建议对于企业架构师和管理层来说都大有裨益。

    Following his advice can make life easier for both enterprise architects and management.

  25. 将那两个人的论述联属在一起对比着研究,对我们大有裨益。

    Studying the two person's narration by contrasting them is very helpful.

  26. 将那两个人的论述联属在一起对比着研究,对我们大有裨益。

    Studying the two person's narration by contrasting them is very helpful.

  27. 个案研究法作为一种教学方法,对促进教育学科的发展都是大有裨益的。

    The use of case studies holds great promise as a pedagogical technique for teaching science.



大有:大有, 许多的。裨益:益处、好处。形容某件事让人益处很大。