







汉语拼音:zhù zú








  1. 停步;停留。

    明 宋讷 《壬子秋过故宫》诗:“北塞君臣方驻足,中华将帅已离心。”《东周列国志》第七二回:“﹝ 伍员 ﹞行过 陈国 ,知 陈 非驻足之处,復东行数日,将近 昭关 。” 鲁迅 《三闲集·我和<语丝>的始终》:“倘一驻足,也许就可以听到 疑古玄同 先生的又快又响的谈吐。”

  2. 立足。

    徐珂 《清稗类钞·战事·骆文忠擒石达开》:“且敌马纵横, 长江 以东,我辈实无驻足地。”



  1. He stood for a few moments, then went up to Shamil and kissed his large white hand with long fingers.


  2. Go shopping and stop and admire his admiration of what he calls you to see.


  3. Hermione also took a trip to France with her parents during one summer holiday, which included at least a stop in Dijon (OP20).


  4. It was an old, beautiful Victorian style house painted in a light blue paint with white trim, any other time I might have admired it.


  5. But people so rarely stop to take a look, they just keep moving. It's a shame really, there's so much to see.


  6. Like many management books, "Behind the Cloud" contains plenty of the sort of jargon that turns off admirers of great literature.


  7. Keep that in mind the next time you stop at Starbucks. Your cup of joe is actually taking more than $150 out of your retirement fund.


  8. I decided ten minutes was more than enough, but I paused just inside the theater doors to be sure.


  9. It was a peaceful moment, a time to pause and reflect on the beauty of landscape, and my place in life.


  1. 他驻足倾听。

    He stopped to listen.

  2. 雪夜林边小驻足。

    Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening.

  3. 我们特意驻足欣赏风景。

    We took time to stop and admire the view.

  4. 为赞美和感恩而驻足。

    Pause for praise and thanksgiving.

  5. 别驻足,梦想要不停追逐。

    Chase for the dream and no stay.

  6. 那个使我驻足的橱窗里,

    The thing inside of the window makes me halt

  7. 那个使我驻足得橱窗里,

    The thing inside of the window makes me halt

  8. 驻足峰顶, 太行雄姿尽收眼底。

    Stop peak, Taihang panoramic view of majestic appearance.

  9. 我满心狂喜在黄昏中驻足。

    I stop in ecstasy before the twilight.

  10. 她驻足凝神欣赏这片景色。

    She stood feasting her eyes on the view.

  11. 驻足处,新绿浅浅,丝柳柔柔。

    Stop office, the new green shallow, wire Liu brings tears.

  12. 我们没有时间来驻足和凝视。

    We have no time to stand and stare.

  13. 火车在一旁驻足, 减缓了速度。

    Has it come speeding down the train.

  14. 驻足,却可使他奔跑向前。

    Stand still, yet we will make him run.

  15. 尔后, 他在光线里驻足不前。

    Then he stood in the light.

  16. 因为它驻足, 只为花香扑鼻

    Because they stop to smell the flowers

  17. 他停车驻足的营地已人满为患。

    The campgrounds he stopped at were filled with people.

  18. 让在我们匆忙的生活中驻足。

    In our hurried lives, let us pause.

  19. 在一巨大的橡树下驻足片刻

    Paused for a while under the huge oak tree.

  20. 穿和服的女人在驻足期盼什么?

    The woman wearing a kimono stood in what look forward to?

  21. 因为生命不会倒转,也不会驻足昨日。

    For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.

  22. 时间会为三十岁得女人驻足。

    Time tide always still for a woman of thirty.

  23. 时间会为三十岁的女人驻足。

    Time tide always still for a woman of thirty.

  24. 神奇的万神殿当场让我驻足。

    The amazing Pantheon has stopped me in my tracks.

  25. 亲爱的,人们可能会驻足看着我们?

    Ooh, love, people may stop and stare.

  26. 驻足夏日,叹花枝别离,江南多烟雨。

    Stop to summer, with branches parting, Jiangnan much rain.

  27. 他驻足良久,微笑地看着这一幕。

    He halted to watch these for a while with a smile on his face.

  28. 路上发生了车祸,行者纷纷驻足观看。

    A road accident had happened. Pedestrians all stopped to watch the scene.

  29. 我和我的爱人曾驻足在河边的原野上。

    In the field by the river my love and I did stand.

  30. 但若你依稀记得, 驻足片刻, 想一想我。

    But if you can still remember, stop and think of me.


  1. 问:驻足拼音怎么拼?驻足的读音是什么?驻足翻译成英文是什么?

    答:驻足的读音是zhùzú,驻足翻译成英文是 halt; stop


