


两个以上的人在一起计划、讨论:~量。~讨。~议。~定。~榷。~酌(商量斟酌)。相~。磋~。洽~。协~。买卖,生意:~业。~店。~界。~品。~标。古指行商(坐商为“贾”,后泛指做买卖的人,亦用以指从事私营工商业的人):~人。~贩。~贾(gǔ ……


1. 铺 [pū]2. 铺 [pù]铺 [pū]把东西散开放置,平摆:~开摊平。~床。~垫(a.卧具;b.衬托,陪衬,写作技巧之一)。~张。平~直叙。铺 [pù]商店:饭~。肉~。~面。床:床~。搭~。卧~。旧时的驿站:三十里~。……



汉语拼音:shāng pù







  1. 商店。

    茅盾 《微波》:“把内地几家商铺里他搭的股子陆续都拆了出来,一共也有三四千罢。”



  1. However, in many cases it depends on what kind of products the company or store is going to offer.


  2. He said Giordano is now looking at secondary, 'off-the-beaten-track' streets in Causeway Bay.


  3. Suddenly I saw a man riding on my bike and trying to get away with it. I quickly ran to him.


  4. But a programme to refurbish shabby malls, and marketing campaigns, should help tenants increase revenue, he said.


  5. Since then it's been used as shops and a warehouse but is now empty.


  6. One day, the intercom rang out in the back of the warehouse, "Scott Weiss, to the front for a carry out. "


  7. If your car is due for plug replacement and you're not up to the task, a competent shop should be able to do the work for a reasonable fee.


  8. The main road, where horse-riding locals stop to chat, is to be turned into a busy high street, with shops and business facilities.


  9. Mexican business began re opening Wednesday after official said the flu appeared to be spreading more slowly.


  1. 收购投资用商铺

    Buying Retail Shop for Investment

  2. 南京地铁沿线商铺受热捧

    Shop Space Keenly Sought After Along Nanjing Metro

  3. 欢迎光临永旺脚轮商铺。

    Welcome to AEON castor shops.

  4. 街内商铺林立,商品琳琅满目。

    Shops with various commodities stand along the street.

  5. 第六句把握商铺投资脉搏。

    Grasp the pulse of investment shops.

  6. 这里沿街都是商铺, 很繁华。

    There are shops along the street, which make it look very prosperous.

  7. 这里沿街都是商铺,很繁华。

    There are shops along the street, which make it look very prosperous.

  8. 从房地产开发谈沿街商铺设计

    On design of shop along street from development of real estate

  9. 买卖商铺跟商品房一样的手续?

    Does business business spread the formalities as commodity house ?

  10. 只有先交订金才能接手这个商铺。

    You can not take over the store unless you deposit in advance.

  11. 只有先交订金才能接手这个商铺。

    You can not take over the store unless you deposit in advance.

  12. 商铺和商务公寓还设有线电视系统。

    Shops and business apartments also set up cable TV systems.

  13. 伦敦的商铺与那些北京的商铺装饰的是一样的。

    The shops of London are as well furnished as thoese of Pekin.

  14. 中兆花园对外商铺里有换拉链的。

    Im an interpreter and English teacher.

  15. 城里,商铺、客栈、酒楼和饭馆随处可见。

    Everywhere in the city were seen shops and markets, hotels and inns, and restaurants and wineshops.

  16. 我们抢劫了拐角那家卖酒的商铺。

    We knocked off the liquor store on the corner.

  17. 我们抢劫了拐角那家卖酒的商铺。

    We knocked off the liquor store on the corner.

  18. 一天早上, 他突然没有去商铺工作了。

    One morning, he failed to go to work.

  19. 物业代理展示该商铺平面图予客户参考。

    Agent is showing the shop's floor plan to the clients.

  20. 在广州,只要有街巷的地方就会有商铺。

    In Guangzhou, where streets and alleys of the local shops will be.

  21. 商楼和商铺均向全社会公开出售, 出租。

    Traders floor and retail shop sell, hire out publicly to the whole society.

  22. 所以说,商铺公摊面积并非越小越合算。

    Say so, business shop equallies shared the area is not Yue Xiaoyue economical.

  23. 套现能力是评估商铺价值的重要指标。

    Cash is the ability to assess the value of retail outlet and an important indicator.

  24. 你知道我公司真的对这些商铺很感兴趣。

    We are really interested in these shops.

  25. 房屋委员会辖下商铺租赁名单及中标公告

    Leasing Notices Tender Awards of the Housing Authority Commercial Premises

  26. 在这里,人们聚集于戏院、饭馆、商铺及青楼。

    Here, people flocked to the theaters, the restaurants, the shops and the brothels.

  27. 商铺及办公室会从中午至下午二时关闭。

    Shops and offices close from midday to two in the afternoon.

  28. 出租人出租该商铺时, 必须优先考虑现有承租人。

    The Lessor must give preference to the existing Lessee over other possible Lessees of the premises.

  29. 共六层, 首层为临街商铺, 二至六层为居民住宅。

    A total of six, the first floor to street shops, two to six storeys for residential.

  30. 二楼的商铺几乎都没开, 没有什么人光顾。

    Almost no shops open on the second floor, no one patronize.


