




1. 大 [dà]2. 大 [dài]3. 大 [tài]大 [dà]指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量超过一般或超过所比较的对象,与“小”相对:~厅。~政。~气候。夜郎自~。~腹便便。指大小的对比:这间房有那间两个~。规模广,程度深,性……



汉语拼音:kuò dà








  1. He was a giant of a man with a long square face, a wide mouth and a complexion suffused with the colour of red sandalwood.


  2. To enter the Elephant Sanctuary, you have to pass through a massive gate, part of the thick, cabled fencing that surrounds the perimeter.


  3. A: If this year to a deficit, then we will be one of the width of the floor.


  4. Then he bowed himself before her feet, and bending back his neck, he gazed on Europa, and showed her his broad back.


  5. Wing liberal, the color is beautiful, when static, the wing stands erect is carrying on the back.


  6. dining-room part, delimit former balcony space into dining-room, the space of dining-room broadness is immediately big a lot of.


  7. Her novel quantity quite a lot, image rich, the sight is liberal.


  8. Hide the Error Console Toolbar, have more viewing space!


  9. The mizzenmast came up through the floor and a large 4 x 6 chart table sat in the middle of the room.


  1. 她的小说数量颇多, 意象丰富, 视域阔大。

    Her novel quantity quite a lot, image rich, the sight is liberal.

  2. 他有一张粗线条的脸庞, 皮肤微黑, 阔大, 坚毅的方下巴。

    He possessed the broadbrush lineament, the dusky complexion and the broad square jaws with inflexible will.

  3. 怀特一家定居下来,买了房子,大摆其阔。

    The Whites settled down, bought a house, and put on the dog.

  4. 阔大货物限界

    Clearance limit for freight with exceptional dimension, clearance limit for oversize commodities

  5. 而阔大得无花果树之外, 是超出于这一切之上得天空。

    But above all, through the wide fig trees there was the sky.

  6. 而阔大的无花果树之外,是超出于这一切之上的天空。

    But above all, through the wide fig trees there was the sky.

  7. 苏格兰高地人最初使用的双刃大阔刀。

    A large, doubleedged broadsword formerly used by Scottish Highlanders.

  8. 双刃大阔刀苏格兰高地人最初使用的双刃大阔刀

    A large, double edged broadsword formerly used by Scottish Highlanders.

  9. 威廉戴了一顶大阔边帽作为伪装,来到一家肮脏的酒吧。

    William wore a big bush hat as a 6 disguise and we went into dingy pub.

  10. 阔叶十大功劳

    Mahonia bealei Carr.

  11. 二, 气度阔然, 大宅之美

    Magnanimous Bearings Revealing the Beauty of the Grand House

  12. 星垂平野阔,月涌大江流。

    Tonight my lone tallmasted boat here moors.

  13. 阔恩素肉在大容器里培养然后加工。

    Quorn is grown in large containers and then processed.

  14. 在欧洲, 阔恩素肉大受素食主义者欢迎。

    In Europe, Quorn already is a popular food with people who do not eat meat.

  15. 他们整天都待在大峡谷欣赏其壮阔的景观。

    They spentthe whole day admiring the spectacular scenery in Great Canyon.

  16. 爸爸不必又高又大, 不必膀阔腰圆他不必漂亮, 不必聪明。

    Dads dont need to be tall and broadshouldered and handsome and clever. Love makes them so. PAM BROWN, b.

  17. 幼虫取食嫩叶,对阔叶十大功劳造成严重损害。

    The larvae feed on the tender leaves and cause injury to Mahonia leveileana shrubs.

  18. 大多数的瓶坯模具呈长形,就是长度比阔度大。

    Most preform moulds are rectangular and are longer than they are wide.

  19. 说明礁湖星云中心上演着波澜壮阔的恒星形成大篇章。

    Explanation The center of the Lagoon Nebula is a whirlwind of spectacular star formation.

  20. 他的上衣是薄呢的,大而阔的翻领,长燕尾,大钢钮。

    His coat was of light weight cloth with voluminous revers, a long swallow tail and large steel buttons.

  21. 一旦你有了博大的胸怀,你的人生将会像大海一样壮阔。

    Once you have largeness of mind, your life will become as vast as the sea.

  22. 斯拉特是个矮矮胖胖,身强力壮的人,肩膀阔厚,胳膊粗大。

    Slatter was a shortish, broad, powerful man, with heavy shoulders and thick arms.

  23. 目的观察背阔肌皮瓣移植治疗小腿大块组织缺损的疗效。

    Objective to observable the curative effect of treating the large tissues of the lower legs defects of latissimus dorsi flap.

  24. 父亲看上去是个典型的马手,仪表堂堂,带阔边帽子,留大胡子。

    The father was an imposing horseback type with a wide hat and moustache.

  25. 其中一个儿子名叫窝阔台,继承了父位成为蒙古帝国的大汗。

    One of them, called Ogadai, succeeded him as Great Khan of the Mongol Empire.

  26. 大鼠胸背神经和背阔肌在脊髓节段及脊神经节的定位研究

    Spinal cord and dorsal root ganglia location of the thoracodorsal nerve and latissimus dorsi muscle in rats


1.形容知识、气度、性格等方面宽阔博大。《吕氏春秋·论人》:“故知一,则应物变化,阔大渊深,不可测也。” 宋 罗大经 《鹤林玉露》卷九:“二公( 李白 、 杜甫 )所以为诗人冠冕者,胸襟阔大故也。” 明 王守仁 《传习录》卷中:“若得朋友讲习,则此志纔精健阔大,纔有生意。” 沙汀 《记贺龙》二:“我似乎更加认识了他那种性格上的阔大不羁的特点。”