







汉语拼音:chéng quán








  1. 圆满无缺。


  2. 谓抚育成人。

    明 李贽 《覆士龙悲二母吟》:“ 翰峰先生 没而后招壻姓 张 者入赘其家,生两儿,长养成全,皆安人 顾氏 与其妹 李氏 鞠育提抱之力。”

  3. 谓帮助别人达到目的。

    《水浒传》第二回:“教头今日既到这里,一发成全了他亦好。”《老残游记》第十六回:“这是你的一片孝心,本县也没有个不成全你的。” 张天翼 《包氏父子》五:“﹝ 老包 ﹞接着谈到送儿子上学不是容易的事,全靠几位知己朋友成全他。”

  4. 制成。

    孙犁 《乡里旧闻(二)》:“附近村庄人家有些零星木活,比如修整梁木,打做门窗,成全棺材,就请他去做。”



  1. MengQingXiang respect and care for her to love ChenLouYun fulfilled the dream, he soon became the focus ChenLouYun life.


  2. Love is nothing but want to be happy, if two people can't be happy, let a person happy, two people are suffering, but as a man happy.


  3. But if he stepped aside, as gentlemanly conduct arguably required, he would lose credit for a theory that he had independently propounded.


  4. A mother does not perfect her baby by teaching him to use the various parts of his body; she perfects him by feeding him.


  5. The right person at the right person, how much chance to fulfil love?


  6. You see that his faith and his actions were working together, and his faith was made complete by what he did.


  7. Count upon it that the intercession of love, rising up to heaven, will be met with the fulfilment of the desire of our heart.


  8. three leahs to get one rachel , he whispered . they are better women than i , she replied , magnanimously sticking to her resolve.


  9. The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me; your love, O Lord , endures forever- do not abandon the works of your hands.


  1. 宝宝, 把我成全

    Let love overflow my life

  2. 好, 革离愿意成全

    Fine, Ge Li will do all he can

  3. 你既然找死, 我成全你。

    You ask to die. I will help you.

  4. 让我来成全你吧。

    Let me help you out.

  5. 主啊!成全我的心愿!

    Oh Lord, fulfill my desire!

  6. 你想怎么死, 我成全你。

    How do you want to die? I satisefy you.

  7. 女王乐于成全你的请求。

    The queen is favourably disposed to your plea.

  8. 我可能成全你, 也可能毁掉你。

    I may make or break you.

  9. 那我就来成全他们吧。

    Well,we might as well give the people what they want.

  10. 少女露笑脸, 婚事半成全。

    A maid that laughs is half taken.

  11. 再将白面包换成全麦的。

    Then change your white bread for wheat bread.

  12. 洗澡间成全了我的小小梦想。

    I made my own little dream world out of that shower.

  13. 是好天气成全了假日之美。

    It was the beautiful weather that really made the holiday.

  14. 成全我的快乐,或给痛苦了结。

    Then crown my joys, or cure my pain.

  15. 我来不是要废掉, 乃是要成全。

    I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.

  16. 加上这一件就凑成全套了。

    This one completes the set.

  17. 于是神照他们的信心给他们成全。

    And according to their faith God did unto them.

  18. 你应该坚持你的计划,成全了我

    You should've stuck with the plan and done me a favor.

  19. 上帝的供应将成全他的所有应许。

    God's providence will fulfill all his promises.

  20. 爱除了成全它自己, 没有别的欲望。

    Love has no other desire but to fulfil itself.

  21. 基督定意要亲自成全这项工作。

    Christ was chosen for this task by God himself.

  22. 爱除了成全自己之外, 别无他求。

    Love has no other desire but to fulfil itself.

  23. 有需要得现正成全, 正常而自然。

    What needs be done is being done, in the normal and natural way.

  24. 有需要的现正成全, 正常而自然。

    What needs be done is being done, in the normal and natural way.

  25. 因为人的忿怒,并不成全天主的正义。

    For the anger of man worketh not the justice of God.

  26. 两个人痛苦, 不如成全一个人的快乐。

    To let one happy is better than suffering on two persons.

  27. 仿佛一切因素都在协力成全她似的。

    Everything seemed to co.operate for her advantage

  28. 他将。坐等时机来成全他的报复行动

    He would... trust to time and opportunity for the gratification of his revenge

  29. 迩成全我的心碎、拼成永世爱迩的碑。

    You help me brokenhearted, spells always loves your tablet.

  30. 如果成功, 上帝的应许起码成全了一半。

    If it worked, at least a part of God's promise would be fulfilled.


  1. 问:成全拼音怎么拼?成全的读音是什么?成全翻译成英文是什么?

    答:成全的读音是chéngquán,成全翻译成英文是 help … get what he/she wants

