





用草或苇子编成的成片的东西,古人用以坐、卧,现通常用来铺床或炕等:~子。草~。苇~。竹~。凉~。~地而坐。~卷(juǎn )。座位:~位。~次。出~。列~。酒筵,成桌的饭菜:筵~。宴~。酒~。特指议会中当选的人数:四~。职位:主~。西~(塾……



汉语拼音:tuì xí








  1. 谓退就侧席。

    《礼记·玉藻》:“侍坐则必退席。不退,则必引而去君之党。” 孔颖达 疏:“侍坐则必退席者,若侧旁有别席,则退就侧席。”

  2. 佛教祖师、首座等居席之端,位于众僧之上,故称其退位曰“退席”。

    金 王若虚 《太一三代度师萧公墓表》:“二代师将退席,密语 道宗 曰:‘吾门徒数万……不如 王某 纯粹廉洁,为可属。’乃以为法嗣而改名姓。”

  3. 减退;消失。

    宋 黄庭坚 《和刘景文》:“追随城西园,残暑欲退席。”

  4. 指中途退出宴席、会场或影剧场等。在某些场合退席是一种表示抗议的方式或拆台行为。

    毛泽东 《评国民党十一中全会和三届二次国民参政会》:“﹝国民参政会﹞变成了制造反共舆论准备国内战争的国民党御用机关,以至共产党参政员 董必武 不得不声明退席,以示抗议。” 老舍 《四世同堂》六三:“ 若霞 的朋友们看她在 招弟 前面出台,心中不平,打算在 招弟 一出来便都退席,给她个难看。” 巴金 《秋》八:“他知道自己有些醉了,但是他不能够退席去休息。” 赵树理 《三里湾·拆不开》:“以下两个问题,和行政的关系不大……我可以先退席了。”



  1. He remained defiant throughout, refusing to recognise the legitimacy of the court and walking out after only a brief attendance.


  2. Don't leave during the dinner. If it's necessary, you should tell your table neighbors in a low voice.


  3. In the middle of the program they had to leave.


  4. Party in the White House, he withdrew early in the private theater affair with female artists.


  5. At that meeting one of the delegates walked out (in protest).


  6. On March 23rd they got it, after the BJP stormed out of a session on financial reforms.


  7. It's the wisest thing to expect, and the likeliest. But I think their withdrawing is in your favour.


  8. Excuse us for a moment. We'd like to discuss it among ourselves.


  9. The representatives of the offended country walked out when the opposing speaker took the floor.


  1. 离会,退席

    withdraw from a meeting.

  2. 法官叫证人退席。

    The judge asked the witness to stand down.

  3. 宴会后,妇女们退席。

    After dinner the ladies withdrew.

  4. 他们退席以示抗议。

    They walked out in protest.

  5. 法官命令旁听者退席。

    The judge ordered to clear the court.

  6. 动议议员退席的议案

    Moving of motion for the withdrawal of Member

  7. 校长退席,史雷德先生!

    Schoolmaster Stand down, Mr. Slade!

  8. 加拿大代表退席以示抗议。

    At the meeting the Canadian delegate walked out in protest.

  9. 他们不得不在演出中退席。

    In the middle of the program they had to leave.

  10. 我差点中途退席,我太生气了。

    I would have walked out, I was that angry.

  11. 在和谈中, 有时这方退席, 有时那方退席。

    At various times, both teams of negotiators had walked out of the peace talks.

  12. 她退席以表示不赞成这些做法。

    She underlined her disapproval of the proceedings by walking out.

  13. 证人在证明拘留犯无罪后退席。

    The witness stood down after testifying to the prisoner's innocence.

  14. 许多观众完全是因为厌倦而退席。

    Many of the audience walked out through sheer boredom.

  15. 他讲完看一看手表,就退席了。

    When he was through speaking, he glanced at his watch and left.

  16. 你退席抗议,很可能真做对了呢。

    You may actually be doing the right thing by walking out.

  17. 好了,我的问题问完了,先生退席吧。

    Ok, my questions are over, stand down, sir.

  18. 主任对他们说别在主席讲话时退席。

    The director told them not to walk out on the chairman.

  19. 大家都坐好, 否则旁听的人一律退席。

    Unless everybody is seated, all spectators will be dismissed!

  20. 在那个会上一个代表退席以示抗议。

    At that meeting one of the delegates walked out in protest.

  21. 在那次会议上一个代表退席以示抗议。

    At that meeting one of the delegates walked out in protest.

  22. 他们被救国阵线以多数票否决后,退席以示抗议。

    They walked out in protest after being outvoted by the National Salvation Front majority.

  23. 又有两个目击者被传唤,提供证言后获准退席。

    Two more witnesses were called, heard and dismissed.

  24. 几十名政务会委员愤然从会场退席以示抗议。

    Several dozen councillors walked out of the meeting in protest.

  25. 他们威胁说,如果该党不改变方针,他们就将集体退席。

    They threatened to walk out if the party did not change direction.

  26. 如果你没什么问题了,我认为可以让这位证人退席了。

    Unless you have any further questions for him, I think this witness may stand down.

  27. 麦考梅克退席。雷保维兹一下便消灭了两个证人。

    Mecormack stepped down. Leibowitz had demolished the two witnesses.

  28. 以议员有直接金钱利益为理由著其退席或将其表决作废

    Withdrawal of Member or Disallowance of Vote on Grounds of Direct Pecuniary Interest


  1. 问:退席拼音怎么拼?退席的读音是什么?退席翻译成英文是什么?

    答:退席的读音是tuìxí,退席翻译成英文是 to leave a banquet or a meeting; walk out

  2. 问:退席抗议拼音怎么拼?退席抗议的读音是什么?退席抗议翻译成英文是什么?

    答:退席抗议的读音是tuì xí kàng yì,退席抗议翻译成英文是 walk out in protest

