如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
查:~查。~测。~讨。~举。~校(jiào )。~修。~索。~察。注意约束(言行):~点(a.注意约束言行,如“参加宴会时连吃带拿,太不~~了”;b.查看是否符合,如“把行李~~一遍”)。失~。古代官名,掌修国史,位次编修。姓。……
看:~觉。~力。~野。鄙~。注~。近~。~而不见。熟~无睹。亲临某事:~事。~察。看待:藐~。重~。等闲~之。看望:探~。省(xǐng )~。比照:“天子之卿受地~侯”。古同“示”,表明。……
汉语拼音:jiǎn shì
《后汉书·杜根传》:“太后使人检视, 根 遂诈死,三日,目中生蛆,因得逃窜。” 宋 陆游 《老学庵笔记》卷一:“ 西湖 小昭庆 僧 了文 ,相别时未三十,意其尚存,因被命与奉常诸公同检视郊庙坛壝,过而访之,亦已下世。”《明史·林应骢传》:“部疏,臣司检视,即有误,当罪臣。” 郭沫若 《游西安》:“﹝ 蒋介石 ﹞逃跑过的路,我们约略检视了一下。”
You begin to look at things having to do with your tensions. Your brother, who's fallen in trouble , do you take care of him ?
当你开始应用它你开始检视那些令你紧张的事情当你的兄弟遇上了麻烦,你该帮助他吗?。You can create XML View of your existing relational data and work with it as if it was an XML file .
您可以建立现有关联式资料XML检视,并将它当成XML档案使用。To pin down SOD's relevance, the team has been spiking different types of neurons with the antioxidant to see how the various cells react.
为确定SOD扮演的角色,菲力普斯的研究团队让各种不同类型的神经元表现这种抗氧化剂,然后检视这些细胞的反应。The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open.
你尝试检视的页面无法显示,因为其中含有不安全的档案类型。Without a transparent public inspection, CTG cannot fairly cite "fiscal difficulties" as justification for mass retrenchment, said the ATJ.
在没有公开透明的财务检视之前,中时集团不能片面以「财务困难」为理由,作为大量解雇的藉口。This button allows you to see existing profiles, to load a new profile and to save your current settings in a new profile.
这个按钮让您可以检视现有的设定档,载入设定档或将现有的设定储存在新的设定档中。Through a special large-sized view of the door as a mirror, the right equipment can be carried out very carefully cleaning and observation.
通过特殊的大规格检视门的视镜,可以的对设备内进行很仔细的清洗和观察。Rather than looking at a predefined set of genes, he mapped thousands of genetic markers sprinkled across the chromosomes of his subjects.
他舍弃检视预先选定的基因,反而定位出数千个散布于染色体的遗传标记。The stewards will inspect the course to see if racing is possible.