




1. 若 [ruò]2. 若 [rě]若 [ruò]如果,假如:~果。倘~。假~。天~有情天亦老。如,像:年相~。安之~素。旁~无人。置~罔闻。门庭~市。你,汝:~辈。“更~役,复~赋,则何如?”约计:~干(gān )。~许。此,如此:“以……



汉语拼音:huò ruò






  1. 假使,倘或。

    《敦煌变文集·前汉刘家太子传》:“汝缘年少,或若治国不得,有人夺其社稷者,汝但避投 南阳郡 。”《敦煌变文集·汉将王陵变》:“ 王陵 只是不知,或若 王陵 知了,星夜倍程入 楚 ,救其慈母。”



  1. or if I can allow the least shadow of a misunderstanding, then I know nothing of Calvary love.


  2. have occurred or, if errors have occurred, that


  1. 经过一年或若干年

    For one or several years

  2. 若或妄念一起。

    If wandering thoughts appear, one should immediately dismiss them.

  3. 体液或飞沫若接触眼睛, 感染风险很高。

    Fluid or spray contact with eyes is a significant exposure risk.

  4. 若少於或等如则转移

    Jump if Less Than or Equal To JLE

  5. 你若拒绝或想欺骗我们。

    You say no or try to burn us.

  6. 若疼痛或出现硬结,可热敷接种处。

    If painful or induration appears, hot compress can be resorted.

  7. 先用一次,若无效或有不良应则立即停用。

    Use first time, if the invalid or bad should immediately stop is.

  8. 若虚报或漏报重要资料,警务处处长可拒绝批准通知。

    Any falsification or omission of information may result in the Commissioner's refusal to give approval.

  9. 若虚报或漏报重要资料,警务处处长可拒绝批准申请。

    Any material falsification or omission of information may result in the Commissioner's refusal to give approval.

  10. 但若商标或品牌是购买来的, 成本可能会相当大。

    If a trademark or brand name is purchased, however, the cost may be substantial.

  11. 若难产或生两个以上孩子,出生后提供70天的假期。

    In the event of a difficult birth or the birth of two or more children,70 calendar days leave are granted after the birth.

  12. 此外,若同意或默许这一行政机关的行为,也发生责任。

    Furthermore, there is responsibility even in the event of consent to, or tacit approval of, the actions of this administration.

  13. 若尿道或尿道口等部位有涂抹药物时,请勿采取检体。

    Do not collect the semen while there is drug applied over the urethra or urethral orifice.

  14. 若您或您的配偶发生事故,另一方可以独力支付楼宇贷款吗?

    If something were to happen to you or your spouse could you still afford to pay your mortgage?

  15. 若有破损或其他不满,敬请告知。

    Please let us know if there is any breakage or other complaints.

  16. 若你被捕或这件事走漏风声。

    If you're captured or if any of this leaks.

  17. 老师若不关切或太过宽松的话。

    If we are uncaring or too lenient.

  18. 若要查看或选择高级选项, 请在

    To view or select the advanced options, click Options

  19. 老师若不关切或太过宽松得话。

    If we are uncaring or too lenient.

  20. 你若窝藏逃犯或间谍, 就会受惩罚。

    You may be punished if you harbor an escaped criminal or a spy.

  21. 若要获取或设置当前系统日期, 请使用

    To get or set the current system date, use the

  22. 若有急事或生病你必须联络讲师或助教。

    In the event of an emergency or illness, you must contact the Instructor or one of the TAs.

  23. 若有残疾人或老年人, 请将此座位让出

    Please give up this seat if a handicapped or elderly person needs it.

  24. 若持续眼乾或眼部感染, 应尽快接受治疗。

    If dry eyes persist or symptoms of eye infection develop, consult your doctor immediately.

  25. 若你背信或相占便宜,我就会找别人。

    If you break faith and try to take advantage, I'll find someone else to work with.

  26. 若存在缺陷或发生损害,业主应就此通知承包商。

    If a defect appears or damage occurs, the employer shall notify the contractor accordingly.

  27. 若赠与方或受赠方停机, 则不可参加兑换活动。

    If the gift recipient or down side, they can not take part in exchange activities.

  28. 若有犯罪或不道德的行为,他们就会被解雇。

    They would be sacked for criminal or scandalous behaviour.

  29. 若需要资料或详细图纸,承包商应书面通知业主。

    The Contractor shall give adequate written notice to the company of any requests for information or detailed drawings.

  30. 若要设置或更改连接信息,请点击以下链接之一。

    To set up or change connection information, tap one of the following links.