





破,透:~透。揭~。~窬(钻洞和爬墙,指盗贼)。~凿。通过,连通:~过。~行(xíng )。着(zhuó)衣服鞋袜:~衣。~鞋。……



汉语拼音:tiān chuān






  1. 南方民间节日。

    宋 李觏 《正月二十日俗号天穿日以煎饼置屋上谓之补天感而为诗》:“只有人间閒妇女,一枚煎饼补天穿。” 清 高士奇 《天禄识馀·天穿》:“ 江东 俗号正月二十日为天穿日,以煎饼置屋上,谓之补天穿。”



  1. If the tight time, the recommendations go to bed before selecting clothes to wear the next day.


  2. First of all, what are want to want to wear the next day too excited, nervous short-circuit and finally thought of.


  3. The next day, Puss-in-Boots caught two pheasants and once again went to the palace to present them to the King.


  4. They dress beautifully and wear elegant pieces of jewelry on this special day.


  5. The first day he wore them, he was caught in a very heavy shower of rain.


  6. The woman talked into the class one day, donning a hijab after she reverted to Islam.


  7. For days that aren't cold enough for booties, wear toe covers.


  8. We wear our rain boots on a rainy day.


  9. if a woman goes ona seven-day trip she'll pack 21 out fits because she doesn't know what she'll feel like wearing each day.


  1. 这么冷的天穿着单衣就出门, 能不染疾吗?

    How can you protect yourself from diseases, if you go out wearing an unlined garment on such a cold day?

  2. 这么冷的天穿着单衣就出门,能不染疾吗?

    How can you protect yourself from diseases, if you go out wearing an unlined garment on such a cold day?

  3. 你还记得在大雪天穿着雪裤带着手套的感觉吗?

    Do you remember what it felt like to wear snowpants and mittens on a bright snowy day

  4. 在这么热的天穿着厚厚的西装去谈判,我们怎么受得了!

    How can we bear wearing the suits to negotiate in so hot a day!

  5. 进手术室第一天,我没料到有天穿刺套针会用在我身上。

    That first day in the operating room I never expected to find myself, on the other end of a trocar.

  6. 如果时间太紧,建议睡觉前就选好第二天穿的衣服。

    If the tight time, the recommendations go to bed before selecting clothes to wear the next day.

  7. 这么冷的天不穿一件外套真荒唐。

    It is absurd not to wear a coat in such cold weather.

  8. 这么冷的天不穿外套真是太荒唐了。

    It's absurd not to a coat in such cold weather.

  9. 不会在连续两天内穿同一条裤子。

    Never wears the same pair of blue jeans two days in a row.

  10. 天,穿的少的发抖的女孩儿们,大冬天的你们你冷吗?

    Oh shivering girls in skimpy clothes: aren’t you girls cold during winter?

  11. 同时,也让他们准备好第二天要穿的衣服,早餐和餐具。

    Also, have them set out the next morning's clothes and breakfast cereals and utensils.

  12. 天热时穿得很合时宜。

    sensibly dressed for hot weather

  13. 天冷时人们穿暖和的衣服。

    People wear warm clothing in cold weather.

  14. 这么冷的天你不穿外套出去,会得肺炎的。

    You'll catch pneumonia if you go out in this cold weather without a coat!

  15. 这是一个暖和天。我穿上我的毛衣然后去玩。

    It's a warm day. I put on my sweater and play.

  16. 建议两三天内每天穿上它在地毯上走1小时以便更快适应。

    Walk on carpet for an hour or so for two or three days to help you get used to wearing them.

  17. 天冷了,穿上这条棉毛裤吧。

    It is getting cold. Put on a pair of cotton drawers.

  18. 天冷了,穿上这条棉毛裤吧。

    It is getting cold. Put on a pair of cotton drawers.

  19. 天冷了要穿得暖一点儿,这是常识。

    It's common sense to dress more warmly when it gets cold.

  20. 我这几天也不适合穿这么重口的

    It's a little high octane for me these days anyway.

  21. 噢,天啊,我穿上一定像个玛式麦耧。

    Oh, god, I'm gonna look like a big marshmallow peep.

  22. 你最好还是别穿外套了, 天这么暖和, 穿这种衣服太厚了。

    You had better leave your coat off. It's too heavy for such warm weather.

  23. 第二天上午,她穿着一件皮毛大衣,又来到了这家商店。

    She returned to the shop the following morning dressed in a fur coat.

  24. 第二天,马德兰先生穿了一身全黑的衣服,帽子上戴了黑纱。

    On the following day, M. Madeleine appeared clad wholly in black, and with crape on his hat.

  25. 天冷,你要穿暖些。

    It's cold and you should cover up warmly.

  26. 她已经把这身衣服穿了好几天了

    She's been in this costume for days.

  27. 天热了,毛衣穿不住了。

    It's too warm to wear woollen sweaters now.

  28. 天冷了我就穿皮大衣。

    I wear a fur coat when it gets cold.

  29. 天太冷,她穿得又少,一整天都哆哆嗦嗦的。

    Wearing too little in such cold weather, she was shivering all day.

  30. 天太冷,她穿得又少,一整天都哆哆嗦嗦的。

    Wearing too little in such cold weather, she was shivering all day.