


1. 有 [yǒu]2. 有 [yòu]有 [yǒu]存在:~关。~方(得法)。~案可稽。~备无患。~目共睹。表示所属:他~一本书。表示发生、出现:~病。情况~变化。表示估量或比较:水~一丈多深。表示大、多:~学问。用在某些动词前面表示客气……





汉语拼音:yǒu sī







  1. 有私心。

    《后汉书·第五伦传》:“或问 伦 曰:‘公有私乎?’对曰:‘……吾兄子常病,一夜十往,退而安寝;吾子有疾,虽不省视而竟夕不眠。若是者,岂可谓无私乎?’”

  2. 谓男女私通。

    清 程麟 《此中人语·果报》:“某甲者,作小本经纪。妻某氏,徐娘半老,丰韵犹存,与某少年有私。”



  1. The selected certificate has no private key.


  2. Do you think famous people have the right to have a private life?


  3. To generate a file with both a public and private key, as shown in the following command.


  4. psychological factors , e . g . using bedpan or commode chair without privacy , a dirty toilet , depression , etc.


  5. There is no personal life in Russia. History has killed it.


  6. " It has said: " There are no illegitimate children-only illegitimate parents.


  7. You also have to be sexy, stylish, beautiful. . . and it doesn't hurt to have a crazy past or a scandalous personal life, too.


  8. It was difficult. There were no toilets for people with disabilities and no privacy for women when we bathed.


  9. Sex workers have a private life and a love life outside of their professional life.


  1. 你是否和你的上司有私底下的交往?

    Do you informally socialize with your boss

  2. 狮子座有私密的恋情引诱着你。

    A secret affair will entice you.

  3. 生成既有公钥又有私钥得文件,如以下命令所示

    To generate a file with both a public and private key, as shown in the following command.

  4. 农村私有房屋

    private house in countryside.

  5. 指定用于对私有消息的消息体进行加密的加密算法。

    Specifies the encryption algorithm used to encrypt the message body of a private message.

  6. 袋子里还有一罐私酿酒

    Uh,there's a jug of shine in his bag.

  7. 这可以在有过于私密关系存在的办公室里看到。

    This can be seen in offices where too close relationships develop.

  8. 如果你对你的经理心存不满, 或者有疑问, 私底下说就行了。

    If you disagree with your manager, or have a concern, bring it up privately with your manager.

  9. 官有正条民有私约

    Officials have certain codes, others have private contracts

  10. 我也有私教课,我猜你也有

    I give private lessons too. I bet you do!

  11. 不,我过去8个月有被人侵犯私隐权。

    No, I have not been invaded over the last eight months.

  12. 请问您有两小我私西餐英语词汇家的桌子吗?

    Have you got a table for two, please?

  13. 额定工作还没完成呢,谁还有时间干“私活儿”啊!

    I haven't even finished my designated work. How can I spare time for the extra work?

  14. 生成既有公钥又有私钥的文件,如以下命令所示

    To generate a file with both a public and private key, as shown in the following command.

  15. 此外,现实中妇女们还常蓄有私财,寡妇携产改嫁亦较为常见。

    In addition, in reality, women also often store private money, remarriage of widows carrying capacity is also more common.

  16. 公和私的关系有差异、对立、统一、合一等多种形态。

    There are many types of relationships between publicness and privateness, such as difference, opposition, unity, and so on.

  17. 你的信件是你的私有物。

    Your letters are your private property.

  18. 到处兜售私酿酒,这里有存货吗?

    Selling their liquor around town. You got any here?

  19. 再来看看半公有半私有制。

    Look in again half public half private ownership.

  20. 混合云是公共云和私有云的混合。

    Hybrid clouds are a combination of public and private clouds.

  21. 第四步是实际部署到私有云。

    The fourth step is the actual deployment into the private cloud.

  22. 混合云同时结合了公共云和私有云模型。

    Hybrid clouds combine both public and private cloud models.

  23. 回到要讲的半公有半私有制方面来。

    Return to say half public half to private ownership.

  24. 而且,每个私房屋主只有一次延期纳税的机会。

    Furthermore, this deferral was only available once per homeowner.

  25. 私有云会向公共云解决方案提供安全与备份

    Private clouds provide security and backup to public cloud solutions

  26. 我们的企业客户对私有云表示了浓厚的兴趣。

    Our enterprise customers have shown significant interest in the private cloud.

  27. 第五,科索沃私有化进程完全忽略了非国有化问题。

    Fifth, in the Kosovo privatization process the issue of denationalization has been completely ignored.

  28. 在例如私有云等多租户环境下更有效地管理性能。

    More effectively govern performance in multitenancy environments like private cloud.

  29. 究竟是什么奇怪得权利使她被当成了一件私有物?

    By what strange right was it that she was treated as a possession ?

  30. 究竟是什么奇怪的权利使她被当成了一件私有物?

    By what strange right was it that she was treated as a possession ?