


1. 有 [yǒu]2. 有 [yòu]有 [yǒu]存在:~关。~方(得法)。~案可稽。~备无患。~目共睹。表示所属:他~一本书。表示发生、出现:~病。情况~变化。表示估量或比较:水~一丈多深。表示大、多:~学问。用在某些动词前面表示客气……





汉语拼音:yǒu xióng







  1. 黄帝 的国号。

    《史记·五帝本纪》:“自 黄帝 至 舜 禹 ,皆同姓而异其国号,以章明德。故 黄帝 为 有熊 ……帝 禹 为 夏后 而别氏,姓 姒氏 。” 汉 班固 《白虎通·号》:“ 黄帝 有天下,号 有熊 。 有熊 者,独宏大道德也。” 清 张逸少 《北征凯旋》诗:“战伐夷 头曼 ,威名儷 有熊 。”

  2. 古地名。传说 黄帝 所建之都。故址在今 河南省 新郑县 。

    《通典·州郡七》:“有 溱 洧 二水, 祝融 之墟, 黄帝 都於 有熊 ,亦在此也。”



  1. Ursus arctos So, Ursus arctos lives on the Tibetan Plateau! Seeing that picture, I suddenly wanted to ask: Do they feel lonely?


  2. But her voice heard in the fear and pain, plus behind the bears and chewing sound is called, she knew the most horrible thing happened.


  3. There would be a Keynesian school, a Keynesian economics, but no Schumpeterian school, and really no Schumpeterian economists.


  4. Tour guide told us not to run into the forest, because there were bears, snakes and savages.


  5. One last bit of advice if you plan to camp in bear country.


  6. They've found the numbers to be high. . . bears, cougars, moose, elk etc.


  7. We haven't seen a baer or a deer yet , but there are bears and deer in the forests around the lake where we're staying .


  8. The woods is no place for a bear.


  9. Any of the following situations can occur when in bear country.


  1. 小心有熊出没

    There is the bear that haunts carefully.

  2. 金, 动物园里有熊吗?

    Kim, are there bears at the zoo

  3. 我哪都不去,有熊啊。

    I am which to not go, have bear.

  4. 室内园林是不会有熊的。

    There aren't any bears in an indoor garden.

  5. 在投资领域里,有熊,也有牛。

    In the world of investments, there are bears, and there are bulls.

  6. 我们这里有点麻烦,这周围有熊。

    We got a problem with bears around here.

  7. 皮埃尔不知道窝里有熊。

    Pierre was not aware of the bear lair.

  8. 落基山脉中有熊和美洲狮生存。

    The Rockies are home to bears and mountain lions.

  9. 如果过了罗马尼亚边境,那就有熊了。

    If we've crossed the border into romania, then there are bears.

  10. 我有一个里面有熊的大雪花玻璃球。

    I have a big snow globe with bear in it.

  11. 如果那个兽穴里有熊的话,咱们最好要小心!

    If there's a bear in that lair we d better take care!

  12. 入口处的指示牌标明山中有熊,所以游客需要当心。

    The sign at the entrance indicates that there are bears in the mountains, so visitors should be careful.

  13. 猫熊和熊有关系吗?

    Is the panda related to the bear?

  14. 熊有强壮的四肢, 可以站立。

    Bears have four strong limbs.

  15. 熊有强壮得四肢, 可以站立。

    Bears have four strong limbs.

  16. 她们跟熊有一拼,你应该绑在树上。

    They're like bears. You gotta tie it up in a tree.

  17. 哈哈,你以为一头熊有活力快乐我就想见吗?

    Aha, do you think I want to see a bear and happy

  18. 数数看, 这里有几头熊?

    Count please, how many bears here?

  19. 有只熊一直以跳舞为生。

    A bear who had for a long time gained his living by dancing.

  20. 这座森林里有很多熊。

    There are a lot of bears in the forest.

  21. 不可能 爸爸不会有泰迪熊的。

    No way. dad did not have a teddy bear.

  22. 不可能 爸爸不会有泰迪熊的。

    No way. dad did not have a teddy bear.

  23. 不可能 爸爸不会有泰迪熊的。

    No way. Dad did not have a teddy bear.

  24. 但是森林里有好多熊。矮男人说。

    I know that's a bear, said the short man.

  25. 我有泰迪熊,小狗,积木和娃娃。

    I have teddy bears, puppies, blocks and dolls.

  26. 她穿着她最喜欢的身上有玩具熊的蓝色衬衣。

    She wore her favorite blue teddy bear shirt.

  27. 一只环斑海豹在浮出水面前扫视周围是否有北极熊。

    A ringed seal scans for polar bears before snatching a breath.

  28. 我有一只熊娃娃。

    I have a bear doll.

  29. 洞穴的最深处有只狗熊。

    There is a bear in the inmost recesses of the cave.

  30. 从前有一只熊叫做柏妮丝。

    There once was a bear named Bernice.