














  1. 春天;温暖的春天。

    《管子·地数》:“君伐菹薪,煮 泲水 为盐,正而积之三万钟,至阳春,请籍於时。” 唐 酒肆布衣 《醉吟》:“阳春时节天气和,万物芳盛人如何。” 清 孔尚任 《桃花扇·媚座》:“朝罢袖香微,换了轻裘朱履;阳春十月,梅花早破红蕊。” 徐迟 《我们工地的农场》:“秋天的阳光,胜似阳春。”

  2. 比喻德政。

    南朝 梁 沉约 《梁鼓吹曲·昏主恣淫慝》:“悠悠亿万姓,於此覩阳春。”

  3. 比喻恩泽。

    唐 欧阳詹 《上郑相公书》:“上天至仁之膏泽,厚地无私之阳春。”

  4. 比喻温柔淫靡。

    《警世通言·王娇鸾百年长恨》:“叮嚀此去 姑苏城 ,花街莫听阳春声。”

  5. 古歌曲名。是一种比较高雅难学的曲子。

    汉 李固 《致黄琼书》:“嶢嶢者易缺,皦皦者易污。《阳春》之曲,和者必寡。”后用以泛指高雅的曲调。 南朝 宋 鲍照 《翫月城西门廨中》诗:“ 蜀 琴抽《白雪》, 郢 曲发《阳春》。” 唐 白居易 《张十八员外以新诗二十五首见寄因题卷后》诗:“《阳春》曲调高难和,淡水交情老始知。” 明 许潮 《写风情》:“我安排彩袖,慇懃捧玉髓。轻盈舞羽衣,务教他锦囊倾出阳春句。”参见“ 阳春白雪 ”。



  1. It was one of those rare December days when the sun was almost as warm as Indian summer.


  2. Well, all right. I agree with you about that . But I still prefer Yangchun as a small town.


  3. In these rainy days, it is a challenge for you to maintain and use your vehicles, otherwise your cherished car may be damaged.


  4. Businesses using a low-cost strategy attempt to be efficient and offer a standard, no- frills product.


  5. Nuances abound in the Harrison solo work, especially as he matured. Paul is a wonder, to be sure.


  6. Yangchun in March, a few patches of light rain, the mulberry busy to take care of their children, give birth to a small fruit.


  7. From March to September as an invigorating autumn climate, as time passed between the first half of the year.


  8. This was really a perfect Indians summer afternoon to remind one of the beauty of nature before winter set in.


  9. Like the other day also Yangchun warmest March on more than 2: 00, cold weather, the air is filled with lead-colored clouds.


  1. 阳春三月, 朝霞红艳。

    Spring March, alpenglow Gong Yan.

  2. 阳春三月,朝霞红艳。

    Spring March, alpenglow Gong Yan.

  3. 纽约人正在享受小阳春。

    New Yorkers were enjoying the Indian summer.

  4. 阳春,相约赶赴华美的盛宴

    Tasting Flowers and Herbs in Springtime

  5. 我觉得阳江比阳春漂亮。

    I think Yangjiang is a nicer town than Yangchun.

  6. 又是锦绣阳春的唯一的前锋。

    And only herald to the gaudy spring.

  7. 两天前, 他们一直在享受小阳春。

    Two days ago, they'd been enjoying an Indian summer.

  8. 两天前,他们一直在享受小阳春。

    Two days ago, they'd been enjoying an Indian summer.

  9. 人们习惯把农历十月称为小阳春。

    People usually call the lunar month of October the little spring.

  10. 人们习惯把农历十月称为小阳春。

    People usually call the lunar month of October"the little spring".

  11. 拼一个阳春生夏,换一个青春无悔!

    Spell a summer home life, change a regretless youth.

  12. 阳春大酒店平移工程的设计与实践

    Design and Practice of the Translation Project of Yangchun Grand Hotel

  13. 阳春3月,校赛的报名正在火热进行中。

    March, register for the competition was going on.

  14. 不同播种期阳春砂种子的发芽实验研究

    Experimental Study on Seed Germination of Amomum villosum Lour. Sowed at Different Time

  15. 中华人民共和国出入境检验检疫局阳春办事处

    Yangchun office, Exit and Entry Inspection and Quarantine Bureau of the Peoples Republic of China

  16. 云南阳春砂仁的质量与生态环境关系的探讨

    Relationship between Quality of Fructus Amomi from Yunnan and its Ecological Environment

  17. 阳春三月桃花开了,我的博客也开通了。

    March, a peach blossom in full bloom, I registered a blog.

  18. 生物农药对阳春砂结果率及产量的影响。

    Influence of Biological Pesticide on Fruting Rate and Yield of Amomum villosum Lour.

  19. 云南引种阳春砂与阳春砂药理活性对比研究

    Comparative studies on bioactivities of yunnan introduced amomum villosum and amomum villosum

  20. 目的调查阳春砂病虫害并研究其防治方法。

    Objective To investigate the disease and insect pest of Amomum villosum and research how making prevention and therapeutical.

  21. 新的一学期来临了,阳春三月,草长莺飞。

    With the coming of the new semester, spring March, the grass sprout out of the earth.

  22. 阳春春湾柴草自燃现象与地震活动关系探讨

    A Study on the Relation between the Spontaneous Firewood Combustion Events and Seismicity

  23. 去年十月, 我们度过了一个十分美妙的小阳春。

    We had a splendid Indian summer last October.

  24. 云南阳春砂仁叶黄化的原因及防治研究

    Studies on the Cause of Leaf Yellowing of Amomum villosum Lout. from Yunnan and Its Prevention

  25. 小阳春是回光返照,把今年的需求已经消化掉了。

    Indian Summer is thelightning before death. It has digested this year's demand.

  26. 泌阳春蚕生长的气象条件及春茧产量预报

    Meteorological Conditions of Spring Silkworm Growth and Its Yield Prediction in Biyang

  27. 客观审视洛阳春都集团多元化战略的成败得失

    Objectively examining luoyang chundu group multi strategy's success and lost

  28. 阳春三月,莺飞草长,苏白两堤,桃柳夹岸。

    Yang Chun March, the fly long grass and the Soviet Union two white embankment, Taoliugaan.

  29. 微肥对阳春砂仁质量和化学成分影响的研究

    Effect of Fertilizer of Trace Element on Quality and Chemical composition of Fructus Amomi

  30. 每年阳春三月,十里桃花,嫣红一片,分外妖娆。

    In March every year, the peach trees will be in full bloom, presenting a colourful scene of great charm.


  1. 问:阳春拼音怎么拼?阳春的读音是什么?阳春翻译成英文是什么?

    答:阳春的读音是yángchūn,阳春翻译成英文是 springtime

  2. 问:阳春面拼音怎么拼?阳春面的读音是什么?阳春面翻译成英文是什么?

    答:阳春面的读音是yángchūnmiàn,阳春面翻译成英文是 Plain Noodles

  3. 问:阳春白雪拼音怎么拼?阳春白雪的读音是什么?阳春白雪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:阳春白雪的读音是yángchūnbáixuě,阳春白雪翻译成英文是 it was broadly referred to as an elegant but unpo...

  4. 问:阳春冬青拼音怎么拼?阳春冬青的读音是什么?阳春冬青翻译成英文是什么?

    答:阳春冬青的读音是Yángchūndōngqīng,阳春冬青翻译成英文是 Ilex yangchunensis

  5. 问:阳春省藤拼音怎么拼?阳春省藤的读音是什么?阳春省藤翻译成英文是什么?

    答:阳春省藤的读音是Yángchūnxǐngténg,阳春省藤翻译成英文是 Calamus yangchunensis

  6. 问:阳春耳草拼音怎么拼?阳春耳草的读音是什么?阳春耳草翻译成英文是什么?

    答:阳春耳草的读音是Yángchūn'ěrcǎo,阳春耳草翻译成英文是 Hedyotis yangchunensis

  7. 问:阳春鼠剌拼音怎么拼?阳春鼠剌的读音是什么?阳春鼠剌翻译成英文是什么?

    答:阳春鼠剌的读音是Yángchūnshǔlà,阳春鼠剌翻译成英文是 Itea yangchunensis

  8. 问:阳春台南蝇拼音怎么拼?阳春台南蝇的读音是什么?阳春台南蝇翻译成英文是什么?

    答:阳春台南蝇的读音是YángchūnTáinányíng,阳春台南蝇翻译成英文是 Tainanina yangchunensis

  9. 问:阳春红淡比拼音怎么拼?阳春红淡比的读音是什么?阳春红淡比翻译成英文是什么?

    答:阳春红淡比的读音是Yángchūnhóngdànbǐ,阳春红淡比翻译成英文是 Cleyera yangchunensis