


1. 着 [zhuó]2. 着 [zháo]3. 着 [zhāo]4. 着 [zhe]着 [zhuó]穿(衣):穿~。穿红~绿。~装。接触,挨上:~陆。附~。不~边际。使接触别的事物,使附在别的物体上:~眼。~笔。~色。~墨。~力。~想。~……


1. 哩 [li]2. 哩 [lǐ]3. 哩 [lī]哩 [li]助词,义同“呢”。助词,义同“啦”。哩 [lǐ]英语mile的译名,一哩(yīnglǐ ㄧㄥˉㄌㄧˇ)。英美制长度单位,一哩等于5280英尺,合1609米(中国大陆地区已停用……



汉语拼音:zhe li






  1. 犹着呢。如:这种糖好吃着哩。



  1. I usually play games with her. She often listens to me when I tell her a story. I go to bed with her. I think I can't sleep without her.


  2. Clarisonic Refreshing Gel Cleanser is a pH-balanced gentle foaming gel cleanser that relieves and protects oily and congested skin.


  3. And look here, " he pointed to a canteen-keeper's booth, " they gather here, and here they sit.


  4. This cleansing base coming from plants preserves the skin hydrolipidic film.


  5. There are plenty of private people who are glad to invest in these properties.


  6. Christmas is a long way off from now. Graduation is a long way off.


  7. All right, fire away, old chap, I'm listening.


  8. Come on. Comrades are waiting.


  9. Yes, it does snow in winter in Beijing. And now it is snowing.


  1. 赶快,同志们在等着哩。

    Come on. Comrades are waiting.

  2. 离毕业还早着哩。

    Christmas is a long way off from now. Graduation is a long way off.

  3. 再说, 观众耐心听着哩。

    Besides, the people listened very patiently.

  4. 油控衡肌按摩着哩

    Sebum control muscle balance massage jelly

  5. 当心手,小余,烫着哩。

    Mind your hand, Xiao Yu, that's hot.

  6. 当兵的心理可复杂着哩。

    There were angles to being an enlisted man.

  7. 好吧, 伙计, 说吧, 我听着哩。

    All right, fire away, old chap, Im listening.

  8. 喂,快开始吧,要干的事多着哩!

    Come on, stir your stumps, there's lots to do!

  9. 趁活着好好痛快,死后的日子长着哩!

    Be happy while alive. You'll be dead a long time!

  10. 喜欢在这些事业上投资的人多着哩。

    There are plenty of private people who are glad to invest in these properties.

  11. 他们看见艾丽西亚在育儿室内等待着哩。

    They found Alicia in the nursery waiting for them.

  12. 小家伙脑袋瓜可是跟大人一样, 好用着哩!

    But bub head melon follows adult same, good be being used!

  13. 对不起我正忙着哩,有时间再和你聊。

    Excuse ne. I am busy at the monet. Ill take you later.

  14. 别看我门神老了不捉鬼,我耳朵可灵着哩。

    I may be an old codger, but I've sharp ears.

  15. 此款洁面着哩能够有效的保护肌肤表皮的水分子膜。

    This cleansing base coming from plants preserves the skin hydrolipidic film.

  16. 清凉无油的着哩,可用于面部及身体,帮助修复深层滋润皮肤。

    A cooling, oil free gel for the face and body, which helps restore depleted moisture.

  17. 请赶快替我把这些校样看一遍, 我急着要哩。

    Just run over these proofs for me as Im in a hurry.

  18. 它在岩石凹陷处迸溅着唏哩哗啦, 就像是桶里翻腾的酒。

    In cups of rocks it slops flop, slop, slap bounded in barrels.

  19. 孩子们奔跑着, 劈哩啪啦地放玩具枪。

    The children were running about popping off their toy guns.

  20. 儿子正趴在地上津津有味地读着一本圣诞书哩。

    Father sees him reading a Christmas book with great interest.

  21. 火车正以时速七十哩行驶着。

    The train is running at a speed of 70 miles an hour.

  22. 加大滑行速度,有一架进近飞机距着陆点有六哩。

    Expedite taxi speed, I got one traffic6 miles from touchdown.

  23. 它保持着步伐,沿着多少哩密扎扎的人群前进。

    It kept step, and marched alongside down the dense crowds mile after mile.

  24. 马塞洛跪坐在地上,激动地哇哩哇啦地说着。

    Marcello sat on his knee and gabbled excitedly.

  25. 叽哩咕噜地说着。

    speaking in an inarticulate mumble

  26. 随后用哩格记载着它得广袤。

    Then follows the length and breadth in leagues.

  27. 随后用哩格记载着它的广袤。

    Then follows the length and breadth in leagues.

  28. 别试着把它装瓶,它或许还在发酵哩。

    Don't try bottling it as it may still be fermenting.

  29. 他在叽哩咕噜地说着他母亲的什么事。

    He was babbling something about his mother.

  30. 他们不再绕着橡果走,甚至还能跳过松球哩。

    They no longer had to go around an acorn.