




1. 冠 [guān]2. 冠 [guàn]冠 [guān]帽子:衣~。~戴。~盖(古代官吏的帽子和车盖,借指官吏)。衣~楚楚。形状像帽子或在顶上的东西:~子。鸡~。树~。~状动脉。冠 [guàn]把帽子戴在头上:沐猴而~。超出众人,居第一……



汉语拼音:shù guān






  1. The wind, or fire meet tree-trunk enwinds climbing plants and have lowered down the branches of the tree and fire up to become crown fire.


  2. In the tree crown, the basal area growth of trunk sapwood is approximately equivalent to that of the upper branch sapwood.


  3. Now there is nothing to see beneath the crystalline sky but the uneven tops of second-growth trees.


  4. You do not know ah, I can grow to a maximum 15 meters high, 400 square meters crown cover it!


  5. Temperate-forest fires burn hot and fast, and sometimes all the way up to the crown of a tree.


  6. Flying buttresses, just as in a cathedral, help strengthen the crown of the tree and help the tree exist longer through time.


  7. The saving irrigation about water storage in single pit is dug on the surface of the fruit tree canopy projection outer diameter .


  8. Maric could barely make out the great oak behind him, thrusting up into the overhead canopy like a gravestone.


  9. Rough-shaped trunk, dense crown, fire red, like the leaves . . . on as a quiet, unique side valley.


  1. 树冠表面积

    crown surface area.

  2. 树冠可燃物

    crown fuel.

  3. 树冠生物量

    crown biomass.

  4. 分层型树冠

    stratified crown.

  5. 下层树冠高

    lower crown height.

  6. 树冠喷灌机

    overtree sprinkler.

  7. 树冠投影图

    crown projection diagram.

  8. 树冠长势过重

    top heaviness.

  9. 树冠覆盖密度

    density of canopy.

  10. 树冠采光面积

    Crown lighting area.

  11. 树冠平均直径

    crown mean diameter.

  12. 梯形树冠截面

    Trapezoid crown section

  13. 树冠复合指标

    Crown composite indexes.

  14. 树冠竞争指数

    crown competition factor.

  15. 树冠摇摆起伏

    And the trees sway to dancing.

  16. 果树树冠喷雾器

    top fruit sprayer

  17. 树冠穿透水

    tree water.

  18. 树冠矮化层

    dwarfed crown.

  19. 无层式树冠

    nonstratified crown.

  20. 连地树冠火

    running crowning fire

  21. 离地树冠火

    independent crowning fire.

  22. 不同树冠层下

    under individual tree canopies.

  23. 圆锥形树冠

    conical crown.

  24. 森林树冠层

    forest canopy.

  25. 树冠郁闭度

    crown density.

  26. 南非灌木, 圆形树冠。

    South African tree or shrub having a rounded crown.

  27. 南非灌木,圆形树冠。

    South African tree or shrub having a rounded crown.

  28. 树冠节肢动物群落

    Canopy Arthropod Community structure

  29. 树冠与屋顶一样高。

    The tree tops are level with the roof.

  30. 树冠与屋顶一样高。

    The tree tops are level with the roof.


  1. 问:树冠拼音怎么拼?树冠的读音是什么?树冠翻译成英文是什么?

    答:树冠的读音是shùguān,树冠翻译成英文是 crown

  2. 问:树冠层拼音怎么拼?树冠层的读音是什么?树冠层翻译成英文是什么?

    答:树冠层的读音是shù guān céng,树冠层翻译成英文是 crown canopy, crown cover, crown layer

  3. 问:树冠火拼音怎么拼?树冠火的读音是什么?树冠火翻译成英文是什么?

    答:树冠火的读音是shù guān huǒ,树冠火翻译成英文是 crown fire

  4. 问:树冠率拼音怎么拼?树冠率的读音是什么?树冠率翻译成英文是什么?

    答:树冠率的读音是shù guān lǜ,树冠率翻译成英文是 crown ratio

  5. 问:树冠级拼音怎么拼?树冠级的读音是什么?树冠级翻译成英文是什么?

    答:树冠级的读音是shù guān jí,树冠级翻译成英文是 crown class

  6. 问:树冠线拼音怎么拼?树冠线的读音是什么?树冠线翻译成英文是什么?

    答:树冠线的读音是shù guàn xiàn,树冠线翻译成英文是 skyline

  7. 问:树冠面拼音怎么拼?树冠面的读音是什么?树冠面翻译成英文是什么?

    答:树冠面的读音是shù guān miàn,树冠面翻译成英文是 crown surface

  8. 问:树冠厚度拼音怎么拼?树冠厚度的读音是什么?树冠厚度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:树冠厚度的读音是shù guān hòu dù,树冠厚度翻译成英文是 crown depth

  9. 问:树冠截留拼音怎么拼?树冠截留的读音是什么?树冠截留翻译成英文是什么?

    答:树冠截留的读音是shù guàn jié liú,树冠截留翻译成英文是 crown interception

  10. 问:树冠火灾拼音怎么拼?树冠火灾的读音是什么?树冠火灾翻译成英文是什么?

    答:树冠火灾的读音是shù guān huǒ zāi,树冠火灾翻译成英文是 crowning fire

  11. 问:树冠烤焦拼音怎么拼?树冠烤焦的读音是什么?树冠烤焦翻译成英文是什么?

    答:树冠烤焦的读音是shù guān kǎo jiāo,树冠烤焦翻译成英文是 crown scorch

  12. 问:树冠盖度拼音怎么拼?树冠盖度的读音是什么?树冠盖度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:树冠盖度的读音是shù guān gài dù,树冠盖度翻译成英文是 crown cover degree

  13. 问:树冠直径拼音怎么拼?树冠直径的读音是什么?树冠直径翻译成英文是什么?

    答:树冠直径的读音是shù guān zhí jìng,树冠直径翻译成英文是 crown diameter

  14. 问:树冠郁闭拼音怎么拼?树冠郁闭的读音是什么?树冠郁闭翻译成英文是什么?

    答:树冠郁闭的读音是shùguānyùbì,树冠郁闭翻译成英文是 closing of leaf canopy

  15. 问:树冠可燃物拼音怎么拼?树冠可燃物的读音是什么?树冠可燃物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:树冠可燃物的读音是shù guān kě rán wù,树冠可燃物翻译成英文是 crown fuel

  16. 问:树冠投影图拼音怎么拼?树冠投影图的读音是什么?树冠投影图翻译成英文是什么?

    答:树冠投影图的读音是shù guān tóu yǐng tú,树冠投影图翻译成英文是 crown projection diagram, crown projection pla...

  17. 问:树冠覆盖面拼音怎么拼?树冠覆盖面的读音是什么?树冠覆盖面翻译成英文是什么?

    答:树冠覆盖面的读音是shù guàn fù gài miàn,树冠覆盖面翻译成英文是 tree canopy


