


1. 渎 [dú]2. 渎 [dòu]渎 [dú]水沟,小渠,亦泛指河川:沟~。四~(古代对中国“长江”、“黄河”、“淮河”、“济水”的合称)。轻慢,对人不恭敬:亵~。~职。烦~。渎 [dòu]古同“窦”,洞。……


职务,分(fèn )内应做的事:~业。~务。~守。~权。天~。尽~。职位,执行事务所处的一定地位:~工。~位。~员。~称。以身殉~。旧时公文用语,下属对上司的自称:卑~。~当奉命。掌管:~掌。由于:~此而已。……



汉语拼音:dú zhí








  1. 不尽职,在执行任务时犯严重过失。

    张洁 《沉重的翅膀》十五:“我必须提醒你,这是严重的渎职行为。”如:这场森林火灾是由于守林人的渎职而造成的。



  1. The Employment Relations Authority found that the dismissal was flawed procedurally , and that there was no serious misconduct.


  2. It even executed the head of the food and drug administration after he had been found guilty of dereliction of duty.


  3. Used to work as a public servant and received confirmed sentence for corruption or is involved in on-going case.


  4. Preventing forestry crime of malfeasance is an important duty of forestry administrative departments at all levels.


  5. Hunan-based Web news portal said the officials were guilty of "negligence and handling work in a simplistic way. "


  6. Golkar, Suharto's own party, had been haranguing Ms Mulyani for months, accusing her of malfeasance in bailing out a private bank in 2008.


  7. The anti-graft push comes as the party is engaged in a wider ideological-education effort to ensure the military's continued loyalty.


  8. Some of his former colleagues face questions about corruption, negligence and abuse of power.


  9. This follows years of war and neglect by the Sudanese government in Khartoum.


  1. 怠忽职责, 渎职

    pretermission of duty

  2. 受贿型渎职犯罪

    crime of malfeasance in taking a bribe

  3. 他们指责她渎职。

    They denounced her for neglect of duty.

  4. 罢免渎职者

    to shelve someone who was derelict in his duty.

  5. 渎职侵权检察厅

    Procuratorate Room for Encroachment of Right and Malfeasance

  6. 其他失职、渎职行为。

    Other relevant acts of malpractice or dereliction of duty.

  7. 渎职犯罪主体的界定

    On the Determination of the Subject of the Crime of Malfeasance

  8. 他因渎职而遭解雇。

    He was dismissed on the grounds of negligence.

  9. 论渎职罪的罪过形式

    On Forms of Crime of Dereliction of Duty

  10. 咱们约了渎职案律师

    we get to meet with that malpractice attorney.

  11. 你可以控告渎职和失职?

    Can you sue for malpractice and negligence?

  12. 为渎职辩解的小说译本

    a version of the story that is an apologia for malfeasance

  13. 完善渎职罪罪刑处断。

    Fourth, the perfect crime and malfeasance at the break.

  14. 这个医生因渎职罪被拘留。

    The doctor was detained because of malpractice.

  15. 他的行为简直就是严重渎职。

    His behavior amounted to serious professional misconduct.

  16. 国内外渎职罪犯罪主体比较

    A Comparative Study of the Offending of Dereliction of Duty in China and the Rest of the World

  17. 他因渎职罪而受到惩处。

    He has been sentenced for the abuse of power.

  18. 渎职罪立案标准修订研究

    Research on the Amendment of Standard of Placing a Case on File about SubjectCrime of Malfeasance

  19. 要求我上报任何可疑的渎职行为。

    They asked me to report on any suspected malfeasance.

  20. 监督也可以震慑欺诈和渎职行为。

    This also acts as deterrence to fraud and malpractice.

  21. 犯了渎职罪,他试图毁掉证据。

    Accused of malfeasance, he tried to destroy evidence.

  22. 这个寡妇以渎职罪起诉她的医生。

    the widow sued his surgeon for malpractice.

  23. 因渎职而受到控告的律师、医生等。

    Lawyers, doctors, etc sued for malpractice.

  24. 这些警察被判犯有严重渎职罪。

    The police officers were found guilty of serious dereliction of duty.

  25. 李医生严重渎职的罪名被撤销了。

    Dr. Lee was cleared of serious professional misconduct.

  26. 他控告她渎职或许有可疑的动机。

    He might have suspect motives in accusing her of malpractice.

  27. 可归因于被保险人的故意渎职

    Attributable to wilful misconduct of the Assured

  28. 汉律中的司法官吏渎职罪考评

    Study and Review on Crime of Malfeasance by Judicial Officer in Han Dynasty's Law

  29. 查处渎职犯罪案件的难点及解决对策

    Problems and countermeasures to investigate crime of malfeasance

  30. 徇私舞弊型渎职犯罪中的徇私问题研究

    Research about Acting Unfairly from Selfish Motives in the Doing Wrong to Serve One's Friends or Relatives Type Malfeasance Crime


  1. 问:渎职拼音怎么拼?渎职的读音是什么?渎职翻译成英文是什么?

    答:渎职的读音是dúzhí,渎职翻译成英文是 neglect one’s duty

  2. 问:渎职罪拼音怎么拼?渎职罪的读音是什么?渎职罪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:渎职罪的读音是dúzhízuì,渎职罪翻译成英文是 misconduct offense

  3. 问:渎职行为拼音怎么拼?渎职行为的读音是什么?渎职行为翻译成英文是什么?

    答:渎职行为的读音是dúzhíxíngwéi,渎职行为翻译成英文是 misprision

  4. 问:渎职责任拼音怎么拼?渎职责任的读音是什么?渎职责任翻译成英文是什么?

    答:渎职责任的读音是dúzhízérèn,渎职责任翻译成英文是 malpractice liability



是指专业服务者(例如医药人员)或国家机关工作人员在履行职责或者行使职权过程中,玩忽职守(Negligence)、滥用职权或者徇私舞弊,导致伤害或损失,致使国家财产、国家和人民利益遭受重大损失的行为。 通常原告必须提示被告在专业领域接受的标准下出现失误,在二十世纪晚期,愈来愈多的医师、律师、会计师及其他专门技师,在渎职诉讼案中成为被告。(法律词语)