







汉语拼音:kòu jī







  1. 《礼记·学记》:“善待问者如撞鐘,叩之以小者则小鸣,叩之以大者则大鸣。”后以“叩击”比喻向有学识者发问。

    宋 范仲淹 《举许渤签署陕府判官事状》:“﹝ 许渤 ﹞復通经术,长於论议,苟非叩击,似不能言。”

  2. 敲击。多指敲门。

    清 东轩主人 《述异记·医生遇鬼》:“医復冒雨而走,遥认一亲戚之宅,极力叩击。” 秦牧 《漫记端木蕻良》:“年青的时候他告诉我的一句话,就又来叩击我的心扉。”



  1. Every one of us, in all his life down the door of happiness, looking for that belongs to own happiness.


  2. Knock, indeed, he did at the door, but not with one of those gentle raps.


  3. The sisters, in a sort of crude seance, would ask questions of the spirit, who would answer back with mysterious knocks or raps .


  4. Satisfied with the excellent touch, Kanda stuck out his tongue and knocked at Allen's soft lips tenderly.


  5. The sound of his footfall knocks at my breast; it pains me!


  6. The rapid switching on-and-off of these pulses can cause waves in the fluid which sound like a high-pitch tapping.


  7. Daily before meals to relax the body, lips close, then the upper and lower teeth have quietly tapping rhythm.


  8. A rap-style bone stress stimulator had been developed based on this principle by our group, and had obtained the national invention patent.


  9. It tracks my taps and swipes without any noticeable lag, lending to the feeling that you're actually manipulating an object.


  1. 叩击类手法

    tapping technique.

  2. 胆囊叩击痛

    percussion tenderness of gallbladder.

  3. 硬币叩击征

    coin sign.

  4. 眉间叩击征

    glabellar tap sign.

  5. 脊椎叩击痛

    percussion pain of spine.

  6. 胸部叩击法

    chest percussion.

  7. 电子叩击仪

    electronic flicker.

  8. 携带式叩击仪

    portable flicker

  9. 叩击性肌强直

    percussion myotonia.

  10. 她的诉说叩击着我的心弦。

    Her narration tugged at my heartstrings.

  11. 叩击肩胛部和两侧上背部。

    Percuss shoulders and upper back on both sides.

  12. 用指关节压, 摩擦或叩击。

    Knuckles Brass knuckles. To press, rub, or hit with the knuckles.

  13. 回忆的浪花在她的心头叩击。

    Sprays of recollections were lapping her mind.

  14. 他同时轻轻地叩击着几根指尖。

    He tapped the ends of his fingers together.

  15. 仿佛有人在轻轻叩击,轻轻叩击我的房门。

    As of someone gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.

  16. 他拉开抽屉,金属与金属不断叩击发出声响。

    Metal pinked against metal as he opened out the drawer.

  17. 他拉开抽屉,金属与金属不断叩击发出声响。

    Metal pinked against metal as he opened out the drawer.

  18. 你来敲门又那么轻, 轻轻叩击我的房门。

    And so faintly you came tapping, tapping at my chamber door.

  19. 主要手法以挤压为主,亦用按摩,和叩击手法。

    The main tactics to squeeze the main, but also with massage, and tapping techniques.

  20. 门他的确是敲了,但并不是轻轻地叩击。

    Knock, indeed, he did at the door, but not with one of those gentle raps.

  21. 每日清晨,喇嘛叩击108响,僧人开始上殿念经。

    Early each morning, 108 lamas tapping sound of chanting monks began Shangdian.

  22. 门他得确是敲了,但并不是轻轻地叩击。

    Knock, indeed, he did at the door, but not with one of those gentle raps.

  23. 他的话叩击着她的同情的心弦, 使她想到她自己的处境。

    He was striking a chord now which found sympathetic response in her own situation.

  24. 在他人面前不要独自哼唱,也不要用手指或脚叩击。

    In the presence of others sing not to yourself with a humming voice, nor drum with your fingers or feet.

  25. 轻轻叩击屏幕上的一张图片,就会看到一些事情发生。

    Tap a picture on the screen and something happens.

  26. 叩击式骨应力刺激仪促进闭合性胫骨干骨折愈合

    Development of the rap system of stress stimulation and clinical study of on the promoting effect on the healing of closed tibia shaft fracture

  27. 一个声称通过在桌子上叩击能从死者那里得到信息的人。

    Someone who claims to receive messages from the dead in the form of raps on a table.

  28. 既然目的是要产生一个尖的声音, 则这种叩击必须短而有力。

    Since the objective is to produce a sharp sound the tap should be short and forcible.


  1. 问:叩击拼音怎么拼?叩击的读音是什么?叩击翻译成英文是什么?

    答:叩击的读音是kòujī,叩击翻译成英文是 knock; tap

  2. 问:叩击法拼音怎么拼?叩击法的读音是什么?叩击法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:叩击法的读音是kòu jī fǎ,叩击法翻译成英文是 thumping

  3. 问:叩击音拼音怎么拼?叩击音的读音是什么?叩击音翻译成英文是什么?

    答:叩击音的读音是kòu jī yīn,叩击音翻译成英文是 percussion sound




拼音:kòu jī