







汉语拼音:qí jiàn








  1. 亦称“ 旗船 ”。舰队指挥舰。多指海军舰队司令所在的军舰。因通常挂有司令旗,故称。

    林纾 《不如归序》:“ 镇 定 二舰,当敌如铁山, 松岛 旗船,死者如积。” 徐凤晨 赵矢元 《中国近代史》第六章四:“ 福建 海军旗舰‘扬武’号,用尾炮击中 法 旗舰‘伏尔他’号。”



  1. Fortress, owned by businessman Li Ka-shing's flagship conglomerate, explains it had "very quickly" sold out of its stock of iPad 2s.


  2. Danger seems to lie around the corner of every luxury flagship.


  3. Soon after that the company announced plans to grow its brand overseas while also opening its first European flagship store in London.


  4. There was a Jewish mariner on board Columbus' flagship who had been hired on account of his reputation as a linguist.


  5. As the flagship of the Soviet navy, the Dreadnaught is a powerhouse, able to inflict a massive amount of damage on its own.


  6. The company is keeping to make hard to become a flagship one of agent and service expert for the area of Zhongnan. mid-southern China.


  7. The Rainbow Warrior is an old North Sea trawler which has found a new life as the flagship campaign vehicle for Greenpeace.


  8. It was one thing when their flagship newspaper, the Wall Street Journal, was sold to Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. in late 2007.


  9. The laptop computer Luo Guangli carried out of the Apple flagship store in Beijing was no different from models sold in the United States.


  1. 旗舰专卖店

    flagship franchise store.

  2. 大型旗舰店!

    Major flagship!

  3. 谢谢,祝旗舰好运。

    Thanks and good luck with Flagship.

  4. 我们的旗舰沉没了,

    Our gallant ship sprang a leak and sank

  5. 我们得旗舰沉没了,

    Our gallant ship sprang a leak and sank

  6. 打造民族健康直销旗舰

    Direct Market Flagship For Peoples healthy

  7. 皇室旗舰波尔多红

    Berrys Good Ordinary Claret, AC Bordeaux

  8. 上海广场如新旗舰店

    Shang Hai Plaza Nu Skin Flagship Store

  9. 联邦威盾旗舰队

    Flagship Fleet of shield Federation

  10. 旗舰级克隆舱蓝图

    Capital Clone Vat Bay Blueprint

  11. 帝国大舰队的皇家旗舰。

    royal flagship of the great imperial fleet.

  12. 宣布旗舰公司盈利大跌

    Announced a big drop in profits of his flagship companies

  13. 我说的是大型旗舰店。

    I'm talking major flagship.

  14. 我说的是大型旗舰店。

    I'm talking major flagship.

  15. 中天旗舰拒绝就此置评。

    Culmination admiral refuses at this point buy is judged.

  16. 旗舰向舰队发出闪光信号。

    The flagship flashed a signal to the fleet.

  17. 强力打造信息产业传媒旗舰

    Forceful Buildup of Information Industry Media Flag Fleet

  18. 与是旗舰性能的空间中。

    And is the flagship performance space in China.

  19. 五家新的旗舰店开业了

    Five new flagship stores opened.

  20. 旗舰级战舰维护舱蓝图

    Capital Ship Maintenance Bay Blueprint

  21. 毒牙号是邦联海军的旗舰。

    The Malevolence was the flagship of the Confederate Navy.

  22. 旗舰海军将官专用的大型艇。

    A powerboat reserved for the use of an admiral.

  23. 旗舰海军将官专用得大型艇。

    A powerboat reserved for the use of an admiral.

  24. 有一个在上海的旗舰店。

    There is a flagship store in Shanghai.

  25. 耐克北京旗舰店盛大开幕

    Nike Opens Flagship Store in Beijing

  26. 那是艘。时间舰队的旗舰船

    She's the, Flagship of the Time Fleet.

  27. 旗舰级联合机库舱蓝图

    Capital Corporate Hangar Bay Blueprint

  28. 我们的旗舰游戏宝石是一炮打响。

    Our flagship game Bejeweled was an instant hit.

  29. 旗舰教育品牌,十年成功办学!

    Flagship brand in the educational community, boasting 10 years of successful lecture!

  30. 那艘舰艇答复了旗舰得信号。

    The ship replied to the flagship's signal.


  1. 问:旗舰拼音怎么拼?旗舰的读音是什么?旗舰翻译成英文是什么?

    答:旗舰的读音是qíjiàn,旗舰翻译成英文是 flagship: originally it referred to the warship...

  2. 问:旗舰店拼音怎么拼?旗舰店的读音是什么?旗舰店翻译成英文是什么?

    答:旗舰店的读音是qíjiàndiàn,旗舰店翻译成英文是 Flagship store: the most important or leading st...

  3. 问:旗舰种拼音怎么拼?旗舰种的读音是什么?旗舰种翻译成英文是什么?

    答:旗舰种的读音是,旗舰种翻译成英文是 Flagship species

  4. 问:旗舰指挥拼音怎么拼?旗舰指挥的读音是什么?旗舰指挥翻译成英文是什么?

    答:旗舰指挥的读音是qí jiàn zhǐ huī,旗舰指挥翻译成英文是 Admiral Commanding

  5. 问:旗舰舰长拼音怎么拼?旗舰舰长的读音是什么?旗舰舰长翻译成英文是什么?

    答:旗舰舰长的读音是qí jiàn jiàn zhǎng,旗舰舰长翻译成英文是 Flag Captain

  6. 问:旗舰指挥艇拼音怎么拼?旗舰指挥艇的读音是什么?旗舰指挥艇翻译成英文是什么?

    答:旗舰指挥艇的读音是qí jiàn zhǐ huī tǐ ng,旗舰指挥艇翻译成英文是 Flag Motorboat

  7. 问:旗舰枪炮长拼音怎么拼?旗舰枪炮长的读音是什么?旗舰枪炮长翻译成英文是什么?

    答:旗舰枪炮长的读音是qí jiàn qiāng pào zhǎng,旗舰枪炮长翻译成英文是 Flag Gunnery Officer

  8. 问:旗舰轮机军官拼音怎么拼?旗舰轮机军官的读音是什么?旗舰轮机军官翻译成英文是什么?

    答:旗舰轮机军官的读音是qí jiàn lún jī jūn guān,旗舰轮机军官翻译成英文是 Flag Engineer Officer

  9. 问:旗舰枪炮部门长拼音怎么拼?旗舰枪炮部门长的读音是什么?旗舰枪炮部门长翻译成英文是什么?

    答:旗舰枪炮部门长的读音是qí jiàn qiāng pào bù mén zhǎng,旗舰枪炮部门长翻译成英文是 Flag Gunnery Officer

  10. 问:旗舰数据显示系统拼音怎么拼?旗舰数据显示系统的读音是什么?旗舰数据显示系统翻译成英文是什么?

    答:旗舰数据显示系统的读音是qí jiàn shù jù xiǎn shì xì tǒng,旗舰数据显示系统翻译成英文是 Flag Data Display System

  11. 问:旗舰综合显示系统拼音怎么拼?旗舰综合显示系统的读音是什么?旗舰综合显示系统翻译成英文是什么?

    答:旗舰综合显示系统的读音是qí jiàn zōng hé xiǎn shì xì tǒng,旗舰综合显示系统翻译成英文是 Integrated Flag Display System

  12. 问:旗舰总务委员会讨论会拼音怎么拼?旗舰总务委员会讨论会的读音是什么?旗舰总务委员会讨论会翻译成英文是什么?

    答:旗舰总务委员会讨论会的读音是qí jiàn zǒng wù wěi yuán huì tǎo lùn huì,旗舰总务委员会讨论会翻译成英文是 Flag and General Officers Seminar



“旗舰”是个多义词,它可以指旗舰(段连民所著小说), 旗舰(汉语词语), 旗舰(具备指挥作用的海军舰艇), 旗舰(2008年贾一平主演电视剧)。