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1. 貌 [mào]貌 [mào]面容:面~。容~。~相。以~取人。外表的样子:礼~。~合神离。道~岸然。外观:全~。古书注解里表示状态、样子,如“飞貌”指飞的样子。描绘,画像:“命工~妃于别殿”。……
汉语拼音:zhuàng mào
亦作“ 状皃 ”。相貌,容貌。
《战国策·赵策一》:“ 豫让 又漆身为厉,灭鬚去眉,自刑以变其容,为乞人而往乞,其妻不识,曰:‘状貌不似吾夫,其音何类吾夫之甚也。’”《北齐书·文苑传·荀士逊》:“状貌甚丑,以文辞见用。” 元 无名氏 《飞刀对箭》第四折:“我如今状貌堂堂,威风赳赳,志气凌云。” 叶圣陶 《夜》:“那老妇人的状貌没有什么特点,额上虽已画上好几条皱纹,还不见得怎么衰老。”
《庄子·知北游》:“ 光曜 不得问,而孰视其状貌,窅然空然。” 汉 淮南小山 《招隐士》:“白鹿麏麚兮,或腾或倚。状皃崯崯兮峨峨,凄凄兮漇漇。”《老残游记续集遗稿》第一回:“有几棵两人合抱的大柏树,状貌甚是奇古,旁边有块小小石碣,上刻‘汉柏’两个大字。”
南朝 梁 刘勰 《文心雕龙·练字》:“状貌山川,古今咸用。”
The stones began to grow soft and to assume shape. By degrees they put on a rude resemblance to the human form .
这些石头开始变软,呈现形状,渐渐地带上了略似于人的状貌。Short for his landscape ever, neck have warts, when called gall phase.
因他状貌短小,颈有疣,时人称为瘿相。The result is a new geography and a new climate, worldwide.
这导致了世界范围的新地理状貌和新气候。Every man's condition is a solution in hieglyphic to those inquires he would put.
每个人自身的状貌便是对他提出的疑难所做出的形象的答复。Science fiction is a kind of special literature which depicts the effect to the world by science and it to the human beings' life.
科幻文学是一种特殊的文学体裁,它以描写科技发展对世界的影响为主要内容,表现未来世界的状貌以及科技对人类生活的改变等。The main views and content are as follows: The development of things can not be broken away from its background.
主要观点和内容如下:任何事物的发展状貌都与其所依托的背景息息相关。But door but the width according to plank, hind degree, the appearance depth choose and buy of muscle type or order go to.
可户可依据板材的长度、后度、筋的状貌深浅购买机器型号或者订造。Mine ear is much enamoured of thy note; So is mine eye enthralled to thy shape;
我的耳朵沉醉在你的歌声里,我的眼睛又为你的状貌所迷惑;因他状貌短小, 颈有疣, 时人称为瘿相。
Even little Tessa might have some gall in her when she found herself disappointed in her love.
O shade, so sedate and decorous by day, with calm countenance and regulated pace.
狮子座感外露, 他们喜欢戏剧化和妄诞的状貌表达。
Leo Ascendant is very demonstrative and they like drama and grand gestures.
天空中的状貌经常被描绘为生物, 比如龙, 狮子或蝎子。
Often the appearances from the sky are described as creatures, such as a dragon or lion or scorpion.
Leo Ascendant is very demonstrative and they like drama and grand gestures.
这些石头开始变软, 呈现形状, 渐渐地带上了略似于人的状貌。
The stones began to grow soft and to assume shape. By degrees they put on a rude resemblance to the human form.