




1. 衰 [shuāi]2. 衰 [cuī]衰 [shuāi]事物发展转向微弱:~微。~弱。~老。盛(shèng )~。兴(xīng )~。衰 [cuī]等次,等级,等差:等~(等次)。同“缞”。……



汉语拼音:zǎo shuāi






  1. Strong ultraviolet radiation, easy to make skin flexible Keratosis lost, resulting in premature aging.


  2. Dr Michael Prager, a Botox specialist, said that, of all his clientele, office workers were most likely to show premature signs of aging.


  3. Like Morgan (his patient), many start to see more fat around the belly or at the backs of the arms.


  4. This hormone has been used for a long time to help women who are infertile or to stop premature ovarian failure.


  5. that the little woman, with her vapid talk and faded prettiness, was not fit to BE mistress of a great literary salon.


  6. Here mainly to explain the mechanism of premature senility, decided life of cells as a key material -- chromosome ends of the telomere.


  7. Unlike menopause, it is possible for POF to be temporary.


  8. DePinho's telomerase-less mice tended to be prematurely aged and infertile with small brains, damaged intestines and poor senses of smell.


  9. The oldest sufferer of a similar condition lived to the age of 26.


  1. 早秃,早衰

    premature baldness, senility.

  2. 蓄电池容量早衰

    premature capacity loss

  3. 早衰性痴呆

    presenile dementia.

  4. 玉米早衰原因的探讨

    Discussion on Reason of Maize Premature Decay

  5. 从肾论治卵巢早衰

    Treating premature ovarian failure by reinforcing kidney

  6. 有一种症状叫做早衰。

    There is a condition called progeria.

  7. 钾肥防止棉花早衰的效果

    Effect of potash on the control of early ageing of cotton

  8. 抗虫棉早衰原因与对策

    Reason and countermeasure of zoophobous cotton premature decay

  9. 卵巢早衰的遗传学研究进展

    Advance in genetic study on POF

  10. 这种疾病使大脑过早衰老。

    This disease produces premature aging of the brain.

  11. 棉花抗早衰的转基因研究

    Transgenic Studies on Resisting to Premature Senescence in Cotton

  12. 棉花早衰的诊断与控制技术

    Technique of diagnoses and control to cotton premature decay

  13. 卵巢早衰的免疫学研究进展

    Research progress in the immunology of premature ovarian failure

  14. 早衰症的几率有多大?

    What are the chances it's Progeria?

  15. 早衰症的几率有多大?

    What are the chances it's Progeria?

  16. 论用声失当和声音的早衰

    Improper Using of Voice and The Premature Senility of Voice

  17. 论述了棉花早衰及其预防技术。

    The premature senility of cotton and its preventive technology are discussed.

  18. 抗虫棉早衰原因及控制措施

    Zoophobous cotton premature decay reason and control countermeasure

  19. 不孕患者卵巢功能早衰病因分析

    Etiological analysis of infertility women with premature ovarian failure

  20. 我认为这是超密集的早衰现象。

    I believe it's a hyperintensive form of Progeria.

  21. 卵巢早衰候选基因的突变研究进展

    Advance in Mutation Analysis of the Candidate Genes in Premature Ovarian Failure

  22. 卵巢早衰动物模型建立的研究进展

    Study progress in the establishment of the animal models with premature ovarian failure

  23. 摘要卵巢早衰病因复杂, 多数病例病因不明。

    Premature ovarian failure is a complicated and heterogeneous disease.

  24. 肥料不同施用方式对水稻早衰的影响

    Effects of Different Fertilizing Ways on Rice Premature Senility

  25. 告訴我們他的經歷。身為早衰症的患童。

    and tell us about his experience as a child affected with progeria.

  26. 抑制素在早期诊断卵巢早衰中的意义

    The significance of serum inhibin concentration on diagnosis of premature ovarian failure

  27. 抗虫棉发生早衰的原因及预防措施

    Cause and prevent measures of zoophobous cotton premature decay

  28. 卵巢早衰的性激素水平分析及临床发病率

    POF Sex Hormone Result Analysis and Clinical Outbreak Rates

  29. 卵巢早衰是指妇女在40岁以前绝经者。

    Is premature ovarian failure before the age of 40 women in menopause are.

  30. 活力王延缓小麦早衰的作用机理研究

    Mechanism of The Defering of wheat Premature senescence by Huo Li Wang.


  1. 问:早衰拼音怎么拼?早衰的读音是什么?早衰翻译成英文是什么?

    答:早衰的读音是zǎoshuāi,早衰翻译成英文是 premature senility; early ageing

  2. 问:早衰症拼音怎么拼?早衰症的读音是什么?早衰症翻译成英文是什么?

    答:早衰症的读音是zǎo shuāi zhèng,早衰症翻译成英文是 micromegaly

  3. 问:早衰效应拼音怎么拼?早衰效应的读音是什么?早衰效应翻译成英文是什么?

    答:早衰效应的读音是zǎo shuāi xiào yìng,早衰效应翻译成英文是 devitalizing effect


