


1. 衰 [shuāi]2. 衰 [cuī]衰 [shuāi]事物发展转向微弱:~微。~弱。~老。盛(shèng )~。兴(xīng )~。衰 [cuī]等次,等级,等差:等~(等次)。同“缞”。……





汉语拼音:shuāi biàn






  1. 衰落变化。

    唐 玄奘 《大唐西域记·吠舍厘国》:“有七宝应,王四天下,覩衰变之相,体无常之理。” 宋 苏轼 《无题》诗:“年光与时景,顷刻互衰变。”

  2. 放射性元素放射出粒子后变成另一种元素的现象。也叫蜕变。



  1. "There was active-enough chemistry in the sediments that the decay process didn't occur as quickly as the mineralization process, " he said.


  2. It had been used for practical ends, to identify elements and to unravel radioactive decay chains.


  3. Let us calculate first how much energy is released when a free neutron decays.


  4. Exactly what has scientists so on edge is the fact that the natural rate of decay of atomic particles has always been predictable.


  5. Others call it a shout-out to the man who studied microbial decay, brought you spoilage-resistant milk and found a vaccine for rabies.


  6. Some of these particles are stable and form the normal matter, the others live for fractions of a second and then decay to the stable ones.


  7. The Higgs should occasionally decay into a pair of photons, which would produce a bump in the photon-pair energy distribution.


  8. She also said that the experiment had another part, involving _two_ universes around the choice point of the time of decay of the atom.


  9. Transport of a two-member decay chain of radionuclides through a discrete fracture in a porous rock matrix in the presence of colloids.


  1. 粲偶素衰变

    charmonium decays.

  2. 人工核衰变

    artificial nuclear disintegration.

  3. 电子俘获衰变

    electron capture decay

  4. 不等衰变常数

    unequal disintegration constant.

  5. 非轻子衰变

    nonleptonic decay

  6. 半轻子衰变

    semileptonic decay.

  7. 放射性衰变类型

    radioactive disintegration types

  8. 费米衰变理论

    fermi beta decay theory.

  9. 不变衰变常数

    invariant decay constant.

  10. 不规则介子衰变

    irregular meson decay

  11. 氡来自镭的衰变。

    Radon comes from radium decay.

  12. 氡来自镭得衰变。

    Radon comes from radium decay.

  13. 指数衰变律

    exponential decay law.

  14. 可能衰变或者不衰变

    in which it is radiated and a state in which it is not.

  15. 贝它衰变的困惑

    The puzzle of beta decay

  16. 同量异位素衰变

    isobar decay

  17. 双等离激元衰变

    two plasmon decay

  18. 强子衰变的八重律

    octet rule in hadronic decay

  19. 论古今山水诗的衰变

    On the Eclipse of Landscape Poetry from Ancient Time to Present

  20. 由放射性衰变产生的辐射。

    radiation resulting from radioactive decay.

  21. 铀母体与其衰变产物分离。

    The parent uranium has been partitioned from its decay products.

  22. 基本性与衰变之间没有联系。

    No connection between simplicity and decay appears.

  23. 衰变由于放射性衰变而解体或缩小。

    To disintegrate or diminish by radioactive decay.

  24. 研究了微腔中原子衰变问题。

    The problem of atomic decay in the microcavity is discussed.

  25. 质子衰变衰变寿命重子数守恒探测器。

    Proton decay, Decay lifetime, Baryonnumber Conservation, Detector.

  26. 一个细胞的衰变正是机体的活力。

    The weariness of the cell is the vigour of the organism.

  27. 在衰变时由原子核释放出能量。

    During the disintegration energy is released from the nucleus.

  28. 这种过程终止在稳定核衰变。

    Such processes terminate at the stable nucleus 208 Pb.

  29. 蜕变衰变分解, 衰变或经历原子核的突变

    To decompose, decay, or undergo a nuclear transformation.

  30. 火球的随机衰变与极限碎裂假设

    The stochastic decay of fire balls and the hypothesis of limiting fragmentation.


  1. 问:衰变拼音怎么拼?衰变的读音是什么?衰变翻译成英文是什么?

    答:衰变的读音是shuāibiàn,衰变翻译成英文是 decay

  2. 问:衰变期拼音怎么拼?衰变期的读音是什么?衰变期翻译成英文是什么?

    答:衰变期的读音是shuāi biàn qī,衰变期翻译成英文是 decay period

  3. 问:衰变热拼音怎么拼?衰变热的读音是什么?衰变热翻译成英文是什么?

    答:衰变热的读音是shuāi biàn rè,衰变热翻译成英文是 decay heat

  4. 问:衰变率拼音怎么拼?衰变率的读音是什么?衰变率翻译成英文是什么?

    答:衰变率的读音是shuāi biàn lǜ,衰变率翻译成英文是 rate of decay

  5. 问:衰变链拼音怎么拼?衰变链的读音是什么?衰变链翻译成英文是什么?

    答:衰变链的读音是shuāi biàn liàn,衰变链翻译成英文是 decay chain

  6. 问:衰变产物拼音怎么拼?衰变产物的读音是什么?衰变产物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:衰变产物的读音是shuāi biàn chǎn wù,衰变产物翻译成英文是 decay product

  7. 问:衰变因子拼音怎么拼?衰变因子的读音是什么?衰变因子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:衰变因子的读音是shuāi biàn yīn zǐ,衰变因子翻译成英文是 decay factor

  8. 问:衰变因数拼音怎么拼?衰变因数的读音是什么?衰变因数翻译成英文是什么?

    答:衰变因数的读音是shuāi biàn yīn shù,衰变因数翻译成英文是 decay factor

  9. 问:衰变常数拼音怎么拼?衰变常数的读音是什么?衰变常数翻译成英文是什么?

    答:衰变常数的读音是shuāi biàn cháng shù,衰变常数翻译成英文是 decay constant; discontinuous constant

  10. 问:衰变损耗拼音怎么拼?衰变损耗的读音是什么?衰变损耗翻译成英文是什么?

    答:衰变损耗的读音是shuāi biàn sǔn hào,衰变损耗翻译成英文是 degradation loss

  11. 问:衰变方式拼音怎么拼?衰变方式的读音是什么?衰变方式翻译成英文是什么?

    答:衰变方式的读音是shuāi biàn fāng shì,衰变方式翻译成英文是 decay scheme

  12. 问:衰变时间拼音怎么拼?衰变时间的读音是什么?衰变时间翻译成英文是什么?

    答:衰变时间的读音是shuāi biàn shí jiān,衰变时间翻译成英文是 fall time

  13. 问:衰变曲线拼音怎么拼?衰变曲线的读音是什么?衰变曲线翻译成英文是什么?

    答:衰变曲线的读音是shuāi biàn qū xiàn,衰变曲线翻译成英文是 decay curve

  14. 问:衰变特性拼音怎么拼?衰变特性的读音是什么?衰变特性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:衰变特性的读音是shuāi biàn tè xìng,衰变特性翻译成英文是 decay characteristic

  15. 问:衰变系列拼音怎么拼?衰变系列的读音是什么?衰变系列翻译成英文是什么?

    答:衰变系列的读音是shuāi biàn xì liè,衰变系列翻译成英文是 decay series

  16. 问:衰变系数拼音怎么拼?衰变系数的读音是什么?衰变系数翻译成英文是什么?

    答:衰变系数的读音是shuāi biàn xì shù,衰变系数翻译成英文是 decay coefficient

  17. 问:衰变能量拼音怎么拼?衰变能量的读音是什么?衰变能量翻译成英文是什么?

    答:衰变能量的读音是shuāi biàn néng liàng,衰变能量翻译成英文是 decay energy

  18. 问:衰变砾石层拼音怎么拼?衰变砾石层的读音是什么?衰变砾石层翻译成英文是什么?

    答:衰变砾石层的读音是,衰变砾石层翻译成英文是 decayed gravel bed

  19. 问:衰变加速因子拼音怎么拼?衰变加速因子的读音是什么?衰变加速因子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:衰变加速因子的读音是shuāi biàn jiā sù yīn zǐ,衰变加速因子翻译成英文是 decay accelerating factor

  20. 问:衰变加速蛋白拼音怎么拼?衰变加速蛋白的读音是什么?衰变加速蛋白翻译成英文是什么?

    答:衰变加速蛋白的读音是shuāi biàn jiā sù dàn bái,衰变加速蛋白翻译成英文是 decay-accelerating protein


