


1. 差 [chà]2. 差 [chā]3. 差 [chāi]4. 差 [cī]差 [chà]错误:话说~了。不相当,不相合:~不多。缺欠:还~十元钱。不好,不够标准:~等。成绩~。差 [chā]不同,不同之点:~别。~距。~额。~价。大致……


1. 强 [qiáng]2. 强 [qiǎng]3. 强 [jiàng]强 [qiáng]健壮,有力,与“弱”相对:~壮。~健。~人。~力。~大。~劲。刚~。富~。列~。~弩之末。年富力~。程度高:~手。~烈。~酸。能力~。胜过,优越,好:……







汉语拼音:chā qiáng rén yì







  1. Perhaps be in doleful when, can accept a goodish man, but the other side wants to be able to give you warmth and companionship at least.


  2. Even then, employers say that many graduates emerge inarticulate, unable to think critically and barely able to read or write.


  3. It was a bubble, I would respond with a sheepish shrug, as if that were an adequate explanation.


  4. However, all of the bikes have one thing in common, said the magazine - they offer middling performance at a premium price tag.


  5. The content of sustainable development reports being barely meaningful is not just a Chinese problem.


  6. If they return to it at all it is usually much later, and then mostly to badly paid and unchallenging part-time jobs.


  7. I mean the nagging sense that the company will never be anything more than OK, just another ho-hum player in its field.


  8. In the first week of events, India may have avoided humiliation but it has not provided a convincing answer to that question.


  9. These culture problems are presumably behind some of the company's sub-par product releases.


  1. 这顿晚饭差强人意。

    The dinner was fair to middling.

  2. 你的答案差强人意。

    Your answer is hardly satisfying.

  3. 你的答案差强人意。

    Your answer is hardly satisfying.

  4. 他们的表演尚差强人意。

    Their performance is barely satisfactory.

  5. 公司去年的效益差强人意。

    Last year the company's results were only just passable.

  6. 但至今他们的表现差强人意。

    But so far their performance has been unimpressive.

  7. 剩下的表演顶多算是差强人意。

    The rest of the acting is patchy at best.

  8. 演出从出类拔萃到差强人意不等。

    Performances varied from excellent to acceptable.

  9. 那家旅馆只能说是差强人意。

    That hotel is merely adequate.

  10. 你是个差强人意的吉他手吗?

    Are you a passable guitar player?

  11. 这种解决方法充其量不过是差强人意。

    This is an unsatisfactory solution at best.

  12. 依我看, 这个住处还算差强人意。

    The accommodation is rather rough and ready, I'm afraid.

  13. 你们公司的福利真的是差强人意啊!

    The welfare in your business is passable.

  14. 我们得假日过得只能说是差强人意。

    Our holiday was only a partial success.

  15. 我们的假日过得只能说是差强人意。

    Our holiday was only a partial success.

  16. 不过, 学生所受教育的质量似乎差强人意。

    Yet, the quality of their education seems to be wanting.

  17. 一, 研究对象的能源认知程度表现差强人意

    The Energy Cognition of the participants were acceptable passably.

  18. 您的小孩还在幻想她自己是差强人意。

    Your child has delusions of adequacy.

  19. 然而, 毕业生失业登记的实际状况却差强人意。

    However, the actual registration of the unemployment of graduates is just passable.

  20. 遗憾的是,过于简单的情节使得这部电影差强人意。

    Sadly, the film is let down by an excessively simple plot.

  21. 报纸的政治气氛用今天的标准来衡量也差强人意。

    The political atmosphere was also dissatisfying in today's standard.

  22. 但是从上赛季来看, 湖人的板凳表现差强人意。

    However, from last season, the Lakers bench of passable performance.

  23. 但我国利用现代化农业设施改善技术推广差强人意。

    But our country uses modern agriculture establishment to improve a technology promotion is goodish.

  24. 这篇论文写得不好, 只有第二部分还差强人意。

    The paper generally is poorly written, only the second part is passable.

  25. 而另一些学生逃课则是因为教学实在是过于差强人意。

    Others play truant because the teaching is truly dissatisfactory.

  26. 它的设计者说, 它会教你打高尔夫球的差强人意一轮。

    Its designers say it will teach you to play a passable round of golf.

  27. 第二个原因是我发现公司的人才管理能力差强人意。

    The secondary reason was I saw really poor talent management.

  28. 如果孩子们的表现差强人意,父母常会有一种负疚感。

    Parents often experience deep feelings of guilt if their children fail.

  29. 由于结果差强人意, 他得那两撇八字须垂得更低了。

    His moustache seemed to droop further from the lack of good results.

  30. 总体而言,奥巴马在第一个任期的表现还是差强人意的。

    For the most part, Mr Obama has played a reasonable hand during his first term.


  1. 问:差强人意拼音怎么拼?差强人意的读音是什么?差强人意翻译成英文是什么?

    答:差强人意的读音是chāqiángrényì,差强人意翻译成英文是 just passable

  2. 问:差强人意的拼音怎么拼?差强人意的的读音是什么?差强人意的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:差强人意的的读音是,差强人意的翻译成英文是 goodish



差强人意,原指能振奋人的意志,表示大体上还能使人满意。 差:程度副词,勉强,尚,略,稍微,大致,比较;强:振奋。 例句如 1.《幻灭》茅盾他自己对于这第三次工作也找出了差强人意的两点:第一是该会职员的生活费一律平等,第二是该会有事在办,并不是点缀品。 2.那几幅画都不怎么样,只有这一幅梅花还差强人意。 3.小为的作文总写不好。在他写的文章中,只有这篇还算是差强人意。