


1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……


1. 可 [kě]2. 可 [kè]可 [kě]允许:许~。认~。宁~。能够:~见。~能。~以。不~思议。值得,认为:~怜。~悲。~亲。~观。~贵。~歌~泣。适合:~身。~口。~体。尽,满:~劲儿干。大约:年~二十。“潭中鱼~百许头”。表示……


数量大,与“少”、“寡”相对:人~。~年。~姿。~层次。~角度。~难(nàn )兴(xīng )邦。~~益善。~行不义必自毙。数目在二以上:~年生草。~项式。~义词。~元论。有余,比一定的数目大:~余。一年~。过分,不必要的:~嘴。~心。~……


1. 得 [dé]2. 得 [děi]3. 得 [de]得 [dé]获取,接受:~到。~失。~益。~空(kòng)。~便。~力。~济。心~。适合:~劲。~当(dàng )。~法。~体。满意:~意。扬扬自~。完成,实现:饭~了。~逞。~志(多……



汉语拼音:bù kě duō dé








  • 【解释】:形容非常稀少,很难得到(多指人才或稀有物品)。
  • 【出自】:汉·王充《论衡·超奇篇》:“譬珠玉不可多得,以其珍也。”
  • 【示例】:盖北宋以睢漆擅名,今已~。
  • 【语法】:偏正式;作谓语、定语;用于人才或稀有物品


  1. Knowing that this was the chance, he packed the sandwich and headed acrossed the fields towards the house with the golden windows.


  2. The people around you and in your community can be one of your greatest untapped resources for meeting someone.


  3. Now left the Northern Wei Dynasty Stele , with a very high artistic value and historical value, is a rare art of calligraphy art.


  4. Cutting fees is now touted as a "quick win" , one of precious few easy victories in development.


  5. As a diplomat, I admire you for having such an extraordinary and historical opportunity in your diplomatic career.


  6. With 60 million unique visitors per month, the company is a great platform for those looking to publish their original works.


  7. Buy a book, a great pair of jeans, or try a fancy restaurant - safer perhaps than a box of cookies because the price inhibits the quantity.


  8. Its series of works to have a strong artistic quality, collection and practicality has become a rare high aesthetic value of art treasures.


  9. School archives are the rare . valuable and highly effective information resources of the construction of school culture.


  1. 不可多得的佳作

    a rare specimen of good writing

  2. 这是一本不可多得的珍本。

    It's a rare book.

  3. 大牛是个不可多得的人才。

    Daniel is a rare talent.

  4. 它们都是不可多得的宝贝呀。

    They are all rare treasures.

  5. 一位优秀的技工是不可多得的。

    A good mechanic is worth his weight in gold.

  6. 是一款不可多得的汽车装饰品!

    Is a model of rare automobile ornament!

  7. 他是球队中一个不可多得的队员。

    He is a valuable acquisition to the team.

  8. 我的秘书确实是一个不可多得的人才。

    My secretary's a real treasure.

  9. 他善用奇计,是个不可多得的人才。

    He is adept at adopting unusually clever stratagems, he is a real talent.

  10. 他善用奇计,是个不可多得的人才。

    He is adept at adopting unusually clever stratagems, he is a real talent.

  11. 我深信我将是您的公司不可多得的人才。

    I am confident that I will be a tremendous asset to you company.

  12. 他雄才大略满腹经纶,是个不可多得的人才。

    He has great knowledge and bold vision and is a rare genius .

  13. 她将成为这个俱乐部不可多得的新成员。

    She will be quite an acquisition to the club.

  14. 他才识胆力过人,是个不可多得的人才。

    He is a real treasure who has extraordinary talent and courage.

  15. 在危险中勇于挺身而出的人是不可多得的。

    It is difficult to get a man to bell the cat.

  16. 有幸,认识了你们,实属我不可多得的朋友。

    Fortunate to know you, it is my rare friends.

  17. 乔治年轻有为, 是一个不可多得的人才。

    George is a young and promising catch.

  18. 这些书实在是不可多得的节日和生日礼物。

    They make great holiday and birthday gifts.

  19. 他是不可多得的梁木,你一定要好好重用他。

    He is a person of rare talent. You must put him in a very important position.

  20. 他是不可多得的梁木,你一定要好好重用他。

    He is a person of rare talent. You must put him in a very important position.

  21. 牌坊的石湾瓦脊亦为不可多得的艺术珍品。

    originating from shiwan , the ridge tile of the archway is an exquisite art treasure.

  22. 她无私, 敏感, 机敏, 是一名不可多得的诊断专家。

    She is unselfish, sensitive, astute, and a terrific diagnostician.

  23. 你知道吗,对于探险而言你实在是不可多得的珍宝。

    Dear Lara, you are a valuable asset to the quest.

  24. 这篇文章文理显豁, 主题清楚, 是篇不可多得的佳作。

    This article is clear in its theme, and logical in its structure.

  25. 他是一个不可多得的男人,他把这处理的非常好。

    He's a remarkable man and he dealt with it very well.

  26. 这篇文章文理显豁,主题清楚,是篇不可多得的佳作。

    This article is clear in its theme, and logical in its structure.

  27. 近百年的牡丹, 是不可多得的瑰宝, 在杭州更是绝无仅有。

    Almost a hundred years of peonies, are rare treasures, and in Hangzhou is even more unique.

  28. 罗丹的老娼妓是雕塑史上一件不可多得的杰作。

    Rodin's Old Streetwalker is a rare work in statuary history.

  29. 查理?噢,他是个不可多得的好帮手,非常喜欢孩子。

    Charlie? Oh, he's a treasure, loves children.

  30. 虽然是墓室壁画,实为唐代不可多得的人物画精品。

    Despite a tomb fresco, it is an uncommon portrait work in Tang dynasty.


