







汉语拼音:kǎo yān






  1. 在特设的烤房中烤干的烟叶。颜色黄,弹性较大,是香烟的主要原料。亦指制造烤烟的烟草。

    徐迟 《哥德巴赫猜想·生命之树常绿》:“全国的香烟工业, 云南省 的首屈一指,而 云南 最著名的烤烟品种,是云烟一号。”



  1. The surface material for the cured tobacco leaf is simple in preparation, low in production cost, having wide market prospect.


  2. Investigation of the changes of the traits of tobacco varieties in repeated multiplication to understand their degeneration.


  3. Cigarettes, cigars, cut tobacco and re dried leaf tobacco are generally referred to as tobacco products.


  4. Longyan city is one of the bases for good quality flue-cured tobacco. The tobacco industry has close relations with weather.


  5. Adding soybean milk was the foundation of improving yield and quality of flue-cured tobacco and its flavor quality.


  6. Burley tobacco is a lower - grade variety of the leaf used to fill cigarettes flavored with higher - grade flue-cured tobacco.


  7. It boasts the ultimate in hi-tech Virginia type tobacco due to its pure and rich fragrance, low tar, and decreased harm to health.


  8. Nowadays in Da'an, cured tobacco stretches across almost all the places where the lacquer trees used to grow.


  9. Irrigation in fast-growing anaphase and maturing stages was the main measure to promote leaves-enlarging in the area.


  1. 烤烟品种资源

    tobacco germplasm resource.

  2. 雪尔克烤烟

    Silk leaf

  3. 土壤熏蒸剂烤烟

    Soil fumigant

  4. 烤烟漂浮育苗

    Floating system for tobacco seeding.

  5. 经济作物有甜菜,亚麻,烤烟等。

    The industrial crops are beet , flax , tobacco , and so on.

  6. 弗吉尼亚奥林纳哥烤烟

    Virginia Orinoco

  7. 烤烟适量施用氯化钾的研究

    Application of Moderate KCI on Tobacco

  8. 烤烟棒孢霉属叶斑病

    tobacco leaf spot

  9. 烤烟优质适产理想株型探讨

    Study on Tobacco Ideotype for High Quality And Adequate Production

  10. 烤烟燃煤密集烤房的改进探讨

    Improvement of Bulk Curing Barn

  11. 生物钾在烤烟生产上的应用研究

    Effect of Biotic Potassium Application on Tobacco Production.

  12. 云南玉溪烤烟土壤真菌的初步研究

    Initial study on soil fungi of Yunnan Yuxi cured tobacco

  13. 当前的烤烟生产中,化肥被大量使用。

    Chemic fertilizer is slathered in the tobacco production nowadays.

  14. 优质抗病烤烟种质资源的筛选

    Screen of the High Quality and Disease Resisted Tobacco Germplasm Resources

  15. 不同漂浮育苗基质对烤烟育苗的影响

    Effect of Different Floating System Substrates on Tobacco Seedling

  16. 地下滴灌及其在烤烟灌溉中的应用分析

    Subsurface Drip Irrigation and Its Application in Tobacco Production.

  17. 降低烤烟漂浮育苗成本的技术试验

    Raising Tobacco Seedlings by the Floating Method with Lower Cost

  18. 烤烟漂浮育苗草炭替代基质研究

    The Primary Report of New Type peat Substituted Medium in Floating System of Tobacco

  19. 烤烟双棚育苗大田覆膜效应的研究

    Effect of Tobacco Filming in Field and Seedling in Double Shed

  20. 烤烟成熟采收标准与质量关系的研究

    A study on the relationship between harvesting standard of tobacco leaves and their quality

  21. 烤烟常用亲本农艺性状的配合力分析

    Analysis of Combination Ability on Agronomic Traits of Commonly Used Flue Cured Tobacco Parents

  22. 而打顶可增加烤烟烟碱的含量。

    The topping increased the nicotine content of tobacco.

  23. 烤烟烘烤过程中淀粉酶及淀粉含量的变化

    Variations of Activity of Amylase and Starch Content in Tobacco Leaves During Fluecuring Process

  24. 烟叶、复烤烟叶的调拨必须签订合同。

    A contract must be concluded for any allocation of leaf tobacco or redried leaf tobacco.

  25. 云南烤烟和津巴布韦烤烟的质量差异分析

    Study on the Quality Difference Between Yunnan Tobacco and Zimbabwe Tobacco

  26. 南非国家生产的烤烟质量可以与美国的媲美。

    The southern African nation produces fluecured tobacco that rivals the U. S. for quality.

  27. 不同施肥条件下烤烟的养分吸收特点

    Study on the nutrient absorption characters of tobacco under different fertilization conditions

  28. 影响六盘水优质烤烟生产的气候资源分析

    A analysis on climatic resource of effect to good tobacco product

  29. 烤烟立式火炉烤房改建与应用初报

    Preliminary Report on the Improvement and Application of Baking Room for Tobacco Leaf Bake

  30. 烤烟自动控温强制排湿装置的烘烤效应

    Curing Effects of Automatic Controlled Temperature and Forced Humidified Air Exhausting Apparatus


  1. 问:烤烟拼音怎么拼?烤烟的读音是什么?烤烟翻译成英文是什么?

    答:烤烟的读音是kǎoyān,烤烟翻译成英文是 flue-cured tobacco


