




1. 弹 [dàn]2. 弹 [tán]弹 [dàn]可以用力发射出去的小丸;装有爆炸物可以击毁人、物的武器:~丸。子~。~雨。枪~。氢~。导~。手榴~。原子~。古代指以竹为弦的弓:“左挟~,右摄丸”。弹 [tán]用手或工具拨动而发射出去……



汉语拼音:xiàn dàn






  1. 炮弹的一种。弹壁薄,内装黑色炸药和小铅球或钢球,弹头装有定时的引信,能在预定的目标上空及其附近爆炸,杀伤敌军的密集人马。也叫榴霰弹、子母弹、群子弹。



  1. She also holed up in her bedroom with a 12-gauge shotgun and a pistol, while she put a bottle in her three-month-old son's mouth.


  2. The complaint said the two planned to take guns from a store in Jackson, Tenn. , and one of the men had a sawed-off 12-gauge shotgun.


  3. The cannon vomited forth its package of buck -shot with a roar. But there was no rebound.


  4. Some one whom we know heard a combatant say to him in the midst of the grape-shot: "We are here as at a bachelor breakfast. "


  5. Colbert's humor is very much like grapeshot : it goes everywhere and a piece of it is bound to hit everybody that comes across its path.


  6. He had five lands in play. I reasoned that, if I take out the Rift Bolt, I'm increasing his chances to draw Spell plus Grapeshot .


  7. Mr Cheney, who had shot one of his friends in the face while quail-hunting, agreed to the interview on the spot.


  8. Other scientists have since run with that comparison to canister-style vacuum cleaners and have set out to prove or disprove it.


  9. Reid took a few shots with his personal shotgun during the ceremonies.


  1. 霰弹枪比赛

    shotgun event

  2. 霰弹钻钻头

    pellet impact bit

  3. 霰弹钻井法

    pellet drillin method

  4. 霰弹击钻井

    pellet impact drilling

  5. 霰弹钻头钻机

    pellet bit jetting drill

  6. 几发小霰弹

    whiff of grapeshot.

  7. 液力霰弹系统

    fluid pellet system.

  8. 飞碟多向霰弹枪

    trap shotgun

  9. 霰弹伤治疗体会

    Treatment of canister shots injury

  10. 霰弹干扰。霰弹碰撞。弹丸干扰

    pellet interference

  11. 飞蝶多向霰弹枪

    skeet shotgun

  12. 霰弹通常用铅制造。

    Shot is usually made of lead.

  13. 榴霰弹正在四散开来。

    The shrapnel was searching every cranny.

  14. 霰弹枪壳牌小网格。

    Shotgun Shell meshes are smaller.

  15. 警察们武装着步枪和霰弹。

    That the police riddled with rifle and shotgun fire.

  16. 坐骨神经霰弹枪伤的手术治疗

    Surgical treatment of shotgun injuries of the sciatic nerve.

  17. 不过我用霰弹枪打中了他。

    But I hit him with the shotgun.

  18. 五把手枪,三支全新的霰弹枪。

    So we got five pistols, three new shotguns.

  19. 五把手枪,三支全新的霰弹枪。

    So we got five pistols, three new shotguns.

  20. 五把手枪,三支全新的霰弹枪。

    So we got five pistols, three new shotguns.

  21. 工程师霰弹枪及能量反应炉图标

    Engineer Shotgun and Energy Generator Icons

  22. 霰弹飞行速度的测量方法与结果分析

    The Measuring Methods for Shot Flying Velocity and the Analysis of the Measured Results

  23. 霰弹的二次发射原理与建模分析

    The principle and modeling analysis of canister fired by twice firing technique

  24. 除非你有12发霰弹枪和一大把导弹。

    Not unless you got A12 gauge and a bunch of hams.

  25. 四肢霰弹枪伤的致伤特点和外科处理

    The characteristics and management of shotgun wounds of the extremities

  26. 第二次射击,象霰弹似的,打在街垒上。

    A second discharge, similar to the first, rained down upon the barricade.

  27. 照片中里德正在用自己得霰弹枪射击。

    Reid took a few shots with his personal shotgun during the ceremonies.

  28. 照片中里德正在用自己的霰弹枪射击。

    Reid took a few shots with his personal shotgun during the ceremonies.

  29. 霰弹策略在蛋白质组学研究中的应用与发展

    Evolution and Application of Shotgun Strategy for Proteome Study

  30. 不过霰弹打鸟、投资太过分散也不是高明的策略。

    Spreading your bets further is not a good strategy.


  1. 问:霰弹拼音怎么拼?霰弹的读音是什么?霰弹翻译成英文是什么?

    答:霰弹的读音是xiàndàn,霰弹翻译成英文是 Grape

  2. 问:霰弹枪拼音怎么拼?霰弹枪的读音是什么?霰弹枪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:霰弹枪的读音是,霰弹枪翻译成英文是 Shotgun

  3. 问:霰弹效力拼音怎么拼?霰弹效力的读音是什么?霰弹效力翻译成英文是什么?

    答:霰弹效力的读音是xiàn dàn xiào lì,霰弹效力翻译成英文是 Canister Effect

  4. 问:霰弹枪定序法拼音怎么拼?霰弹枪定序法的读音是什么?霰弹枪定序法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:霰弹枪定序法的读音是,霰弹枪定序法翻译成英文是 Shotgun sequencing

  5. 问:霰弹枪式实验拼音怎么拼?霰弹枪式实验的读音是什么?霰弹枪式实验翻译成英文是什么?

    答:霰弹枪式实验的读音是xiàn dàn qiāng shì shí yàn,霰弹枪式实验翻译成英文是 shotgun experiment



霰弹源于民用猎枪弹。最早由欧美国家的军警由实战中引用到警方防爆作战中。 泛指一发霰弹内包含多发弹丸的子弹。也有独头霰弹、飞镖散弹、布袋弹、特种弹、催泪弹、非杀伤弹等等。