


1. 强 [qiáng]2. 强 [qiǎng]3. 强 [jiàng]强 [qiáng]健壮,有力,与“弱”相对:~壮。~健。~人。~力。~大。~劲。刚~。富~。列~。~弩之末。年富力~。程度高:~手。~烈。~酸。能力~。胜过,优越,好:……





汉语拼音:qiáng dí








  1. 亦作“彊敌”。强有力的敌人。

    《战国策·楚策一》:“ 郑 魏 者, 楚 之耎国;而 秦 , 楚 之强敌也。”《管子·禁藏》:“内无烦扰之政,外无彊敌之患也。” 唐 杜甫 《雨》诗之二:“羣盗下辟山,总戎备强敌。” 范文澜 蔡美彪 等《中国通史》第三编第四章第一节:“ 吐蕃 在西域要用大兵力抵御东西两个强敌。”

  2. 指强有力的对手。

    宋 陈师道 《渔家傲·从叔父乞苏州湿红笺》词:“轻落笔, 黄 秦 去后无强敌。”



  1. We shall face a strong team and I believe that it will be a good benchmark for Milan: we want to put ourselves at test again.


  2. Be brave and upright that God may thee. Speak the truth even if it leads to your death. Rise a knight!


  3. All this proved to be a magic weapon in countering a stronger enemy.


  4. you are not afraid of a strong enemy, showing his own, is the most the most vigorous and brave!


  5. It is the strong and crisis cheer us, arousal, and issued their own potential, to excellence, at least not in the comfort of the dead.


  6. Thursday: finally went to the information classes, Jinshan typing, or my best, but found a powerful enemy-Sun Da, I'll run him.


  7. the pair battled side by side. Ironhand acted as Zhuang's hands and Zhuang acted as his feet as they fought the strong opponents together.


  8. An emotional Saakashvili said he will "never, ever surrender" in the showdown with much-larger Russia.


  9. Her husband arranged on the nickname of "killing machine" of a powerful enemy wolf gold string, and request power stone forgotten husband.


  1. 队员们力拼强敌。

    The team played hard against the strong opponents.

  2. 制怒等于制强敌。

    He overcomes a stout enemy who overcome his own anger.

  3. 他们在抗击强敌。

    They were fighting against heavy odds, ie a much stronger enemy.

  4. 我将勇敢地面对强敌!

    I will be brave against the strong.

  5. 他面对强敌不改色。

    He did not change colour in the face of his opponent.

  6. 她在强敌面前畏缩了。

    She ducked before the strong opponent.

  7. 克制火气就是克制强敌。

    He who overcomes his anger subdues his greatest enemy.

  8. 他策划使他的强敌覆灭。

    He had powerful enemies who engineered his ruin.

  9. 他们在强敌面前不得不退却。

    They had to give way to superior forces.

  10. 每当面对强敌, 他们总是退却。

    When faced with a strong enemy they had always retreated.

  11. 女王年轻,不宜树此强敌。

    A young Queen cannot afford such powerful enemies.

  12. 你们自己懦弱, 不敢面对强敌。

    So you cowards won't face the enemy.

  13. 我们真的不想杀死任何强敌

    We really dont have any foes to slay

  14. 你可以在强敌环伺下生存。

    You can fight a lot of enemies and survive.

  15. 军事是用来战胜强敌,保卫国家的。

    The military is the means to contravene a strong enemy, to forcefully attack and defend.

  16. 强敌,强国,强有力的统治者,有势力的工会。

    A powerful enemy,nation,ruler,trade union

  17. 我知道你很强大, 而他是个强敌。

    I knew you were strong, he was a powerful enemy.

  18. 第四, 深化内部分工, 标树外部强敌。

    Fourth, deepen the internal division of labor, standard tree outside powerful enemy.

  19. 这一举动将使得他们成为西部冠军的强敌。

    This move makes them an instant title contender in the West.

  20. 先生,他们说我们力量弱小,不是这强敌的对。

    They tell me, sir, that we are weakunable to cope with so formidable an adversary.

  21. 先生,他们说我们力量小,不是这强敌的对手。

    They tell us, Sir, that we are weak unable to cope with so formidable and adversary.

  22. 死在对强敌的手里是英雄, 不敢接招是懦夫。

    Die at the hands of powerful enemies are heroes, dare not Take That are a coward.

  23. 飞行专家即使在与强敌作战时也有能力逆转战局。

    A piloting expert can reverse the course of action even when fighting against heavy odds.

  24. 你们不畏强敌,展示了自己,就是最勇敢最有魄力的!

    you are not afraid of a strong enemy, showing his own, is the most the most vigorous and brave!

  25. 轻微提高了心理素质不好的球员面对强敌时的心态影响。

    Slight increase on mental effect on weaker willed players of playing top opposition.

  26. 拿破仑征服了许多对手,但威灵顿最后成为他的强敌。

    Napoleon crushed many opponents, but Wellington proved to be his nemesis.

  27. 要进攻强敌, 必先助长它的恃强蛮横, 使他更加猖狂自大。

    Now in order to attack the strong, you must nurture their arrogance, and increase them to make them even more extended.

  28. 拿破仑征服了许多对手,但威灵顿最后成为他得强敌。

    Napoleon crushed many opponents, but Wellington proved to be his nemesis.


  1. 问:强敌拼音怎么拼?强敌的读音是什么?强敌翻译成英文是什么?

    答:强敌的读音是qiángdí,强敌翻译成英文是 formidable opponent; powerful enemy


