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1. 宿 [sù]2. 宿 [xiǔ]3. 宿 [xiù]宿 [sù]住,过夜,夜里睡觉:住~。留~。露~。~舍(shè)。~营。年老的,长久从事某种工作的:~将(经验丰富的老将)。~儒。名~。平素,素有的:~愿。~志。~疾。~敌。~心。隔……
1. 主 [zhǔ]主 [zhǔ]权力或财物的所有者,家庭的首脑:~人。物~。失~(失掉财物的人)。当家作~。旧时臣子称君王,下级称上级,仆人称家主:君~。~上。对事物的意见或认为应当如何处理,决定:~张。~见。~意。~义。对事物有决定权力……
汉语拼音:sù zhǔ
郭沫若 《坐地巡天及其他》:“血吸虫的中间宿主是钉螺,那是没有问题的。”参见“ 寄主 ”。
Gets an interface pointer to an instance of any of the "manager" types the host can use to configure the common language runtime.
获取一个接口指针,该指针指向可由宿主用于配置公共语言运行库的任何“管理器”类型的实例。Today they told me to scout, I met a Medic, The Overmind told me to attack, but I thought she was nice.
今天我去侦察,碰到了一个人族医疗兵,宿主叫我进攻,但我觉得这个医疗兵MM还蛮不错的。If the trapped retrovirus happened to be in sperm or egg cells, its DNA might be passed down to the host's descendants.
如果被整合的病毒发生在精子或卵子,其DNA可能会传递给宿主的后代。Microscopically, graft versus host disease is one of the best examples of a process called "apoptosis" or single cell necrosis.
镜下,移植物抗宿主反应是说明“程序性细胞死亡”或单个细胞坏死(即调亡)过程的最好例子。Just comparing the composition of osmium in one of the planet host stars, we want to understand why there is so much of this element.
只要比较锇的成份,在行星的宿主恒星中。我们想瞭解,为什麽有那麽多的这种元素存在。If you are creating a non- XML format file for a delimited text file , you can specify 0 for the host file data length of every data field .
如果您正在为带分隔符的文本文件创建非XML格式化文件,则可以将每个数据字段的宿主文件数据长度指定为0。In these cases, the host system has a defined API to which the plugin must conform, and a way of injecting that plugin in.
在这种情况下,宿主系统定义了一套plugin必须遵循的API及plugin注入方式。Its choice of the vulnerable host is often arbitrary.
它选择宿主往往是偶然、随机不可测的。Just as parasites do, cancer depends on its host for sustenance, which is why treatments that choke off tumors can be so effective.